Insert your Health Centers Name Here

Asthma Flow Sheet



Vital Signs and Lung Function Tests

Height: ______Weight: ______
Resp.Rate: ______Pulse: ______Temp: ______
BP: _____/_____ Pulse Ox: ______%
Spirometry/FEV1: ______% Post-tx: ______%
 Unable to perform
Peak Flow: Pers. Best ______Est. for Ht ______
Peak Flow Rate: ______# ______%
Post-txPeak Flow Rate: ______# ______%

Is the patient having an exacerbation? ___ yes ___ no

Has the pt had a recent trigger exposure? ___ yes ___ no

Current Symptoms


Recent Daytime Sx’s


Recent Nighttime Sx’s


B2-Agonist Use

___ No Symptoms
___ Wheeze
___ Cough ___ Sputum
___ Chest tight/dyspnea
___ SOB
Other: / ___ 0 days/week
___ 1-2 days/week
___ 3-6 days/week
___ Every day
___ Continual
(multiple symptoms/day) / ___ 0 x/month
___ 1-2 x/month
___ 3-4 x/month
___ 5-11 x/month(1-2 x/wk)
___ 12 x/month (>3/wk) / ___ None
___ 1-2 days/week
___ 3-6 days/week
___ 7 days/week
___ > 2x every day
___ Avg. # puffs/day

ER Visits


Missed School


HomePeak Flow Rates



(in the last month)
___ 0 ___ 1 ___ 2
___ 3 ___ 4 ___ >4
Hospitalizations in last year: ______/ (d/t asthma, last 2 weeks)
___ None ___ 5-6 days
___ 1-2 days ___ 7-8 days
___ 3-4 days ___ 9-10days / Range: ______
___ Green Zone
___ Yellow Zone
___ Red Zone
___ No PFM / ___ No known
___ Cigarette smoke ___ Exercise
___ URI
___ Dust ___ Carpet
___ Mold
___ Pollen
___ Cat ___ Dog
___ Cockroaches

___ Season: ______

___ Other: ______
Co-Morbidities /

Impact on Activity

/ Environmental

___ Allergic Rhinitis

___ Allergic Conjunctivitis
___ Eczema ___ Sinusitis
___ Obesity ___ GERD
___ Other: ______/ __ No effect on any activity
__ May affect phys. activity
__ Activity often affected
__ Limited physical activity
Describe:______/ Problems/Concerns:______

Physical Exam


Current Medications

Chest/Respiratory: ___ Lungs clear to auscultation
___ Shallow breath sounds: ______
___ Wheeze: Describe ______
___ Retractions: Describe ______
___ Prolonged Expiration ___ Nasal Flaring
___ Other sounds: Describe ______
EENT: ______
Skin: ______
Other signs:______
______/ ______
Pt has spacer? ___ yes ___ no. Uses? ___ yes ___no
Med Adherence: ___ Poor ___ Fair ___ Adequate

Treatment at Visit

Xopenex/levalbuterol neb:__ 0.63mg __ 1.25mg/3ml

Albuterol neb: ___ 2.5 mg/3ml ___ Other: ______

___ # of treatments ___ Prelone given; dose:______

___ Pt. Referred to ER: ___ Yale ___ St. Raphael’s

___ Flu shot ___ Other: ______

Other diagnosis:

PRINT Provider Name:


Other treatment plan:




___ 2 weeks ___ 4 weeks ___ 2 months

___ 3 months ___ 6 months ___ other: /

___ Allergist ___ Pulmonologist (Yale/St.Raph’s)

___ Visiting Nurse ___ Other: ______

Asthma Action Plan: ___Given ___ Pt already has

/ ___ Dust mite covers ordered ___ Pt already has

Continued on Back (Severity Assessment, Treatment Plan, and Teaching)

Name: / HHC #:
Drug Allergies: / DOB:
Today’s Date: / Study Visit #:
Page Two, Asthma Flow Sheet
UNDERLYING SEVERITY RATING(asthma untreated, uncontrolled, worst season)
 Mild Intermittent  Mild Persistent  Moderate Persistent  Severe Persistent
TODAY’s CONTROL RATINg (use corresponding rating for highest mark in any column)
Daytime cough, wheeze, SOB, or chest tightness / Nighttime cough, wheeze, SOB, or
chest tightness / B2-Agonist Use /

Impact on activity



/ Control Rating
Continual  / 12 nts/month  / >2x every day  / Limited physical activity  / 60%  /

Very Poor 

Every day  / 5-11 nts/month  / 7 days/wk  / Activity often affected  / >60<80% /

Poor 

3-6 days/week  / 3-4 nights/month / 3-6 days/wk  / May affect physical activity  / 80%  /

Fair 

1-2 days/week  / 1-2 nights/month / 1-2 days/wk  / None  / 80%  /

Good 

None  / None  / None  / None  / 80%  /

Excellent 

TODAy’s visit MedicationS (based on Today’s Control)


Inhaled Corticosteroids / Mast Cell Stabilizers / Short-acting
Fluticasone / Cromolyn neb. soln.
20 mg/amp / Albuterol MDI 90 mcg
FloventMDI 44 mcg / Proventil MDI 90 mcg
Flovent MDI 110 mcg / IntalMDI 800 mcg / Ventolin MDI 90 mcg
Flovent MDI 220 mcg / Albuterol neb soln. 2.5 mg/3ml prediluted
FloventDPI 50 mcg
/ Anti-Leukotrienes
Flovent DPI 100 mcg
/ Montelukast /
Albuterol 0.5% soln. Dilute for neb with:
FloventDPI 250 mcg / Singulair 4 mg chew.
/ Singulair 5 mg chew. / Levalbuterol
Pulmicort Respules
0.25 mg/2ml / Singulair 10 mg tab / Xopenex 0.63mg/3ml neb. soln.
Pulmicort Respules
0.50 mg/2ml
/ Long-acting Bronchodilators /
Xopenex1.25mg/3ml neb. soln.
PulmicortTurbuhaler 200 mcg
/ Salmeterol
Serevent MDI 21mcg / Oral Steroids
Beclomethasone / Serevent DPI 50 mcg /
Vanceril 42 mcg / 5 mg
Beclovent42 mcg / Combination Drugs /
10 mg
QVAR MDI 40 mcg
/ Advair DiskusFluti-casone + Salmeterol / 20 mg
QVAR MDI 80 mcg /
Triamcinolone / 100mcg Flut/50 Sal /
Pediapred 5 mg/5ml
Azmacort100 mcg / 250mcg Flut/50 Sal /
Prelone 15 mg/5ml
500mcg Flut/50 Sal /
Orapred 15 mg/5 ml
Spacer (write-in)

Provider Signature: ______

Asthma Education

Teaching provided by: ______, ______(Title)
Inhaler/spacer technique: __ Explanation __ Demo __ Pt Re-demo __ Sample Technique? __ satisfactory __ unsatis.
Peak Flow Meter: ___ Explanation ___ Demo ___ Pt Re-demo ___ Sample
___ Explanation of asthma ___ Action Plan/Self Management ___Trigger avoidance ___ Environmental control
Referral to Asthma Education Group: ______Patient Goal: ______
Notes: ______

Patient Name




