Trader (non food) Pitch Application

Glas-Denbury Music & Arts Festival

6th & 7th July 2018


Trading Name;

Product/stall type:Contact name:






Describe What Your Company Sells/Offers incl price points;

Glas-Denbury Branded Merchandise must NOT be sold without prior arrangement.


The pitch feeis £170 for a 3m frontage – each additional metre is £50. We need full details of your pitchfootprint(including activity areas/gazebos/marquees, signage, dooropenings,towbarsetc). Please enclose plan of layout of pitch if possible


Staff passes; 2 passes are supplied – please note these are weekend passes therefore cannot be passed between staff. Additional passes on application. Please indicate here if you require further passes;


We can supply power at a cost of £75 for the weekend. Please enter the exact power draw you will need. If youdonotknow,pleaselistyourequipment:


Will you require camping on site behind your pitch?


We are passionate about recycling - Please let us know what steps you take to ensure waste is reduced from your pitch?

Trading hours; Friday 6th July 5pm–12.30amSaturday 7th July 9am – 12.30am.

We expect our traders to operate these hours unless prior agreement has been made on this application to shut down early. Please indicate your minimum trading hours;

(Please note we do not have official trading on the Sunday although you are welcome to open as rew are still on site – this is totally at your discretion.)

Footfall in 2017 was 6000+ over the 2 days

Please note we do not take responsibility for trading levels.

DOCUMENTATION - All traders must submit to GD in advance of the festival for review, appropriate paperwork which will include but is not limited to the following. Please confirm you can provide these;

Employers & Public liability insurance Yes/No

Risk Assessment Yes/No

Fire Risk Assessment Yes/No

Local Authority Registration Yes/No

Footprint of pitch HACCP Yes/No

Gas Safety Inspection Certification Yes/No

PAT Certs Yes/No (appliances to be certified within the last year)

Suitable and sufficient training records & identification of competent persons to carry out

safety critical operations Yes/No

Please include the following images as part of your application;

Company logoImage of pitch/standImages of products

Any other images you think will help support your application


1) Paymentfor pitches by banktransfermustbe receivedby the datestatedon the invoice. If paymentis not receivedby stipulateddatesthe stall offerwill be automaticallywithdrawnand the pitch will be reallocatedto an alternativetrader.No refunds will be givenoncepaymentis made.

2) Allocation and positioning of pitch is at the discretion of Glas-Denbury. No rebates will be given to exhibitors as a result of bad weather, a change of performance in the programme or necessary re-siting of stalls. The festival will not be held responsible for trading levels. No traderwill be ableto move vehicles off site beforetradingisover.Exhibitors must only sell goods specified in their trade contract.We reserve the right to delay the movement of traders off site at any time due to H&S regulations or advice from council or police. Exhibitorsmustconducttheirbusinessin a mannerthatdoesnot interferewiththe interestsof otherexhibitors and not canvasfor customersbeyondthe boundariesof theirstand.Although organiserswill supplyperimeterfencingand 24- hoursecurity,exhibitorsare responsiblefor their owngoodsand propertyat the festival,and the organiserswill takeno responsibilityfor any loss or damageincurred.No use of a public address system or PA is allowed from any pitch without prior authorisation.Traders have access to a dedicated mains water point and waste water disposal point. The public use of glass containers for drinks and food is not permitted therefore please ensure any food/drink is decanted into alternative containers. Any glass found will be confiscated. Alcohol - Glas-Denbury runs the sale of all alcohol on site and we do not allow the sale of alcohol from any trading pitch.Please note that Glas-Denbury reserves the right to close the concession at any time if they consider that there is a need to do so – acting of course with discretion.The Trader will meet all costs incurred for the installation of the catering unit and any supplies or facilities/services needed. The Trader is responsible for ensuring that their pitch is kept clean and free from litter.

3) The trader shall fully indemnify Glas-Denbury against all proceedings, costs, claims, demands and liability howsoever arising, whether directly or indirectly, in connection with the company’s occupation at the festival and in particular (but without limitation to the generality of the foregoing) shall indemnify Glas-Denbury against any liability for injury to or death of any person and loss of or damage to any property, howsoever caused. In the event of the festival being postponed or abandoned, or in the event of supplies, services or facilities being curtailed due to a strike, lock out or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of -, we shall not be liable for an expenditure, loss, damage or liability sustained or incurred by the Tenderer.

4) Suitable firefighting equipment should be provided on the pitch and be available for use at all times. Glas-Denbury reserves the right to inspect all units and equipment with or without the Fire Officer, for the purpose of ensuring that adequate fire precautions have been taken.

5) The trader shall not be permitted to sub-let or share the whole or any portion of the pitch area allotted and any article or exhibition on such a pitch contrary to this rule will be removed. Any exhibitor infringing this rule will be expelled from the site. Glas-Denbury reserves the right to inspect all stands and equipment without prior notice.

The Trader will meet all costs incurred for the installation of the catering unit and any supplies or facilities/services needed. The Trader is responsible for ensuring that their pitch is kept clean and free from litter.

6) Exhibitorsare responsiblefor ensuringtheirstaffhavethe relevantwristbands, issued on arrival. No animalsare allowedon site.

7) Thereis a 5mphspeedlimiton site throughout the festival and a strictonsite vehicle movement curfewbeginning30 minutesbefore gates open,lastinguntilhalf an hourafterthe eventcloses.

Vehicleswill onlybe allowedon site at the discretionof our securitystafftoavoidcongestionin the breakdownperiod.


Please ensure you have hand washing facilities within your pitch - An inspection of pitches is made by Environmental Health each year at the start of the festival. Exhibitorsare whollyresponsiblefor dischargingtheirdutiesunderthe Healthand Safetyat WorkAct and all otherrelevantlegislation. Exhibitorsmustcomplywiththe newfoodallergenregulations,as of 14/12/14.


I agree to the above Terms& Conditions: YES/NO

Print Name;Date;

Sign Name:

Company Name;

Pleasesubmityour applicationelectronicallyto: or post to The Lower House, West street, Denbury, TQ12 6DP