September 19 2017
Allan Drive Middle School Council Meeting Minutes
Meeting called by: / Felicia Hiscock, Principal
Type of meeting: / School Council
Council Chair: / TBD
Council Secretaries: / TBD
Minutes recorded by: / Jackie Fraser
Attendees: Jackie Fraser, Felicia Hiscock, Tessie Iafano, Sue Corlett, Barb Reynolds, Carrie Anderson, Marci Wilson, Gen O’Brien, Tammy Aiello, Heather Munich, Jayne Muise-Brown, Ryoko Barnes, Tracy Greco
  • Welcome and Introductions: Everyone was welcomed, and introductions were made.
  • Principals report (Felicia Hiscock):
  • ADMS is working on a new schedule, in 1 hour blocks. This means there is less transitions which has shown to be better for the students (teachers are teaching more core subjects to their class). There is a 1 hour lunch period, which includes 20 minutes to eat, and 40 minutes of outdoor time.
  • Our numbers are about 13 under projection, mostly due to delayed construction of the new subdivision. There will be an internal reorganization, which means we do not lose a teacher but classes could be shuffled.
  • Start up went very well. Allan Drive Athletic Council (ADAC) team went on a 4 day 4 night camp. They ran the kick off to the Terry Fox run today, that went well. There was also a representative from 310 running on hand for part of the presentation. The run will be Sept 29.
  • BBQ/Meet the teacher will be on October 12. The Kinsman will run the BBQ again, and then there will be a short meet the teacher in the classrooms. Community agencies will also be invited to attend and set up displays.
  • Staff changes: Ms Stefanov is the new teacher librarian/guidance counsellor. She is looking at revamping the library into a Learning Commons.
  • Munch a Lunch is starting up soon, registrations are open now.
  • Teachers have been focusing on getting to know the students
  • Breakfast club is in need of volunteers. It can be weekly, monthly, irregular schedules, whatever works for the volunteer.
  • Instrumental music is in separate classes this year instead of mixed between instrumental/general music. This is better for students since they will be doing music all year instead of ½ of the year.
  • A parent asked about try-outs for sports. Some do have try-outs, since they are competitive teams, but there are also intramurals for students who want to play recreationally. They are open to everyone on a drop in basis. The intramurals will be up and running soon. It was suggested that the ADAC create a newsletter/info page containing general information about what sports are offered and approximately when, so new students have a general idea of what’s available, and when things happen
  • Me to We will run again this year
  • ADMS is totally cashless this year. If you do not have a credit card and need to make alternate arrangements, please contact the office.
  • Treasurer report (Barb Reynolds):
  • Profit from last years Munch a Lunch was approximately $25, 000
  • Approximately $11 000 left over from last year
  • All money earmarked for different things from last year was spent, with the exception of the musical Hairspray (no invoices were received) and the school programming. It is hoped that we will be getting Jungle Sports in to be covered by the programming money not spent.
  • Request for funds for this year, so far:

Forest of Reading program ($2769)

Breakfast Club

Toronto Symphony Orchestra trip for the whole school. Cost is $4680 + bussing

DPA baskets/bags. There are 23 homerooms this year, each one will cost @$100

Replacement of some hand drums and keyboards (music program)

Library transformation to a Learning Commons

Leadership T-shirts @$1000

Band T-shirts @$500-$800

  • It was suggested to look into Humberview’s printing program to keep costs down for t-shirts.

Grade 8 graduation

Spirit squad would like to introduce monthly character pins


Stem projects

  • DPA Baskets were deemed a priority. Mr. Mcauslan will be consulted as to what he suggest putting into the baskets.
  • It was also unanimously decided to give $3000 to the breakfast club immediately to help get that program underway
  • Council Elections
  • All positions were acclaimed:

Chair: Tessie Iafano

Co-secretaries: Jackie Fraser and Heather Munich

Treasurer: Carrie Anderson

Munch a Lunch representative (bank co-signer): Jayne Muise-Brown

  • Other:
  • Newsletters will be online when completed. They are student produced, so it will take some time until the first one is uploaded.
  • Question about student letters given at end of grade 8. The school is working on getting info out to students earlier as to what they need to do to qualify for a letter.
  • Meeting Schedule: Meetings will generally be held the first Tuesday of the month, with the next one October 3rd at 6:30 in the library.