Florida State College at Jacksonville

Academy for Professional Development (AFPD)

“Improving Learning Through Technology”

Microsoft Word 2010©

“Man has conquered the highest mountains, but has only explored the slopes of his own soul.” (Pindar, B.C.)

Renée Rawe, in coordination with Florida State College at Jacksonville

Microsoft Word 2010

Starting Microsoft Word 4

Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft Views 4

Getting Help 5

Setting Options 5

Setting AutoCorrect Options 6

Entering Text 6

Undo and Redo 6

Moving Around 6

Selecting Text 7

Selecting the Font, Font Styles, and Font Size 7

Format Painter 8

Setting Margins 9

Setting Tabs 10

Using the Ruler 12

Line Spacing 11

Indent 12

Aligning Text 12

Underlining 12

Bolding 13

Show/Hide Paragraph Marks 13

Spelling and Grammar Checking 13

Thesaurus 14

Cut and Paste 14

Cut and Paste Multiple Items 14

Copy 15

Copy and Paste Multiple Items 15

Delete Text or Graphic 16

Creating a Numbered List 16

Creating a Bulleted List 16

Headers and Footers 17

Page Numbering 17

Uppercase and Lowercase Switching 17

Inserting the Date and Time 18

Inserting Page Breaks 18

Find and Replace 18

Inserting Symbols and Special Characters 19

Inserting a File 19

Creating Columns 19

Creating Tables 21

Adding WordArt 22

Adding Clip Art Images 22

Inserting a Graphic 23

Mail Merging 23

Paper Size and Type 25

Previewing a Document before Printing 25

Printing a Document 26

Setting Save Options 26

Save and Save As 27

Save as Web Page 27

Open an Existing File 27

Closing a File 27

Exiting Microsoft Word 28

Starting Microsoft Word 2010

1.  Open Microsoft Word 2010.

2.  Microsoft Word will open in the Print Layout view that will include the Title Bar, the File Menu, the Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon tabs, the Home Ribbon, the Status Bar (across bottom), and the Vertical and Horizontal Scroll Bars. The cursor will be flashing at the insertion point.

3.  Clicking on the File Menu will display Save, Save As, Open, Close, Info, Recent, New, Print, Save & Send, Help, Options, and Exit.

4.  By clicking on a different Ribbon tab, the groups below the Ribbon will change.

5.  By pointing the mouse at each item in the groups, you will get a ToolTip.

6.  To hide the Ribbon, double click on the active tab. Click on any tab to show the Ribbon.

Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline, and Draft Views

Print Layout View:

  1. Click on the View tab, Print Layout in the Document Views group or click on the Print Layout button located on the right end of the horizontal scrollbar. This view shows how your document will look when it is printed. You will be able to see headers and footers, and page numbers in this view.

Full Screen Reading View:

1.  Choose View, Full Screen Reading in the Document Views group or click on the Full Screen Reading button located on the right end of the horizontal scrollbar. If you are opening a document primarily to read it, reading layout view optimizes the reading experience. The Full Screen Reading view hides all toolbars except for the Quick Access toolbar.

Web Layout View:

1.  Choose View, Web Layout in the Document Views group or click on the Web Layout button located on the right end of the horizontal scrollbar. In Web Layout view you will see how your page will look when you publish it to the Web. You can see backgrounds, AutoShapes, and other effects that are used in Web documents or documents that you view on the screen.

Outline View:

1.  Choose View, Outline in the Document Views group or click on the Master Document Tools button located on the right end of the horizontal scrollbar. This view shows you how a document is organized and makes it easy to quickly restructure a document. To make it easier to view and reorganize a document's structure, you can collapse the document to show just the headings you want.

Draft View:

  1. Choose View, Draft in the Document Views group or click on the Draft button located on the right end of the horizontal scrollbar. This view shows a simplified version of your document for speedier typing and editing. Dotted lines indicate page breaks, and multiple columns appear as a single column. You will not be able to see the top and bottom margins or headers and footers in this view.

Getting Help

1.  Click on the Microsoft Office Access Help (F1) button on the upper right of the screen.

2.  Enter a topic in the Search textbox and press Enter or click on the Search button.

Setting Options

1.  Click on the File Menu.

2.  Click on Options.

3.  You can set options for General, Display, Proofing, Save, Language, Advanced, Customize Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, Add-Ins, Trust Center.

Setting AutoCorrect Options

1.  Click on the File Menu.

2.  Click on Options.

3.  Click on Proofing.

4.  Click on the Autocorrect Options button.

5.  You can set the options for AutoCorrect, Math AutoCorrect, AutoFormat As You Type, AutoFormat, and Actions.

Entering Text

1.  You will begin to type at the blinking insertion point. Microsoft Word automatically starts up in the Insert mode.

2.  Microsoft Word also wraps the text at the end of the line so you don't have to press the Enter key to get to the next line.

3.  Press Enter only if you want to start a new line/paragraph or create a blank line.

4.  After text is entered, you can scroll down through the text by clicking on the down-arrow in the vertical scrollbar located to the right of the screen. Click on the up-arrow to scroll up through text.

5.  You can also scroll through text by dragging the scroll box button located in the vertical scrollbar or by using the up and down directional arrows on the keyboard.

6.  To move to specific text, click the mouse on the text, or you can use the directional arrows.

7.  If you make a mistake while typing, press the Backspace key to erase the character(s) to the left of the insertion point.

8.  Press the Delete key to erase the character(s) to the right of the insertion point.

Undo and Redo

1.  If you delete or change text and want to undo the deletion, click on the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl + Z on the keyboard.

2.  To undo multiple editing actions, click on the down arrow to the right of the Undo button and make your selection. The item on top of the list is your most current editing action.

3.  If you want to redo, click on the Redo button on the Quick Access Toolbar or press Ctrl + Y on the keyboard.

Moving Around

1.  Control/Ctrl + Home (hold down the Ctrl key and press the Home key) takes you to the very beginning of the document.

2.  Control/Ctrl + End takes you to the very end of the document. There will be a black underscore (End Marker) where the true end of the document is while in the Draft view. You can delete the extra hard returns by pressing the Delete key on the blank lines above the End Marker.

3.  Home takes you to the beginning of the line the cursor is on.

4.  End takes you to the end of the line the cursor is on.

5.  Page Down takes you down one screen at a time.

6.  Page Up takes you up one screen at a time.

7.  Control/Ctrl + à (right arrow) moves one word at a time to the right.

8.  Control/Ctrl + ß (left arrow) moves one word at a time to the left.

9.  Backspace key will move the cursor to the left while deleting characters.

10. You can move anywhere in the document by using the directional arrows:


11. Clicking the mouse will also move you to that location.

12. Click on the double down arrow on the vertical scroll bar to move down one page at a time.

13. Click on the double up arrow on the vertical scroll bar to move up one page at a time.

14. Click and hold down the mouse on the scroll box button inside the vertical scroll bar and the page you are on will be displayed in a ToolTip.

Selecting Text

1.  Click and hold down the left mouse button as close as possible to the left of the first letter of the word, sentence, paragraph, etc. that you want to select. Drag the I-beam (pointer) across the text you want to select. Release the mouse button.

2.  You can select text by using the Selection Bar located to the left of the left margin. The mouse will be pointing "northeast" not "northwest." Click the mouse to select an entire line or click, hold, and drag to select multiple lines.

3.  You can also double-click the mouse to select a word, or triple-click to select a paragraph.

4.  The text will now be "highlighted" and ready for your next command.

Selecting the Font, Font Styles, and Font Size

Before entering text:

1.  Click on the Home tab.

2.  Click on the Font dialog box launcher in the Font group, and then click on the Font tab in the Font dialog box.

3.  Click on the up arrow and down arrow for Font selections, and click on your choice. (Watch the Preview box below for a sample of the font.)

4.  Click on a Font style (Regular, Italic, Bold, and Bold Italic).

5.  Click on the up arrow and down arrow in the Size box for sizes and click on your choice.

6.  Click on the down arrow in the Font color box if you want to choose a color for text. (Remember, you must have a color printer to print the colored text.)

7.  Click on the down arrow in the Underline style box, and make your selection, or keep it set to (none).

8.  You can make selections in the Effects section.

9.  Click on Default and select Yes if you want these choices for all future documents.

10. You can also click make selections for Font, Font Size, and Font Color in the Font group.

11. The text you type will be with the font, size, and appearance you selected until you change it by repeating the above steps.

After entering text:

1.  Click on the Home tab.

2.  Select the text that you to changes (see Selecting Text).

3.  Make your selections by following the above steps.

4.  To use the Mini toolbar, select the text and then move the mouse pointer over the selected text. You can also click the right mouse button on the selected text to access the Mini toolbar and the Font dialog box.

5.  Be sure to click off the selected text (anywhere in a "white space") because your next keystroke will replace the highlighted text.

6.  If you accidentally erase your text, click on the Undo button or press Ctrl + Z.

Format Painter

1.  Click on the Home tab.

2.  Select the text that has the formatting that you want to copy.

3.  Click on the Format Painter button in the Clipboard group. The pointer changes to a paintbrush icon.

4.  Select the text where you want to copy the format.

5.  Double-click the Format Painter button if you want to change the format of multiple selections in your document.

6.  Select the text where you want to copy the format.

7.  To stop formatting, press the Escape key on the keyboard (ESC).

Setting Margins

1.  Click on the Page Layout tab.

2.  Click on Margins in the Page Setup group.

3.  You can select one of the predefined margin settings or click on Custom Margins to open the Page Setup dialog box. You can also access the Page Setup dialog box by clicking on the Page Setup dialog box launcher in the Page Setup group.

4.  In the Page Setup dialog box, click on the Margins tab if it isn’t already active.

5.  In the measurement boxes, type in the size of the margin (such as 1.5) or click the up or down arrow to raise or lower the margin. Watch the preview box on the bottom.

6.  Setting a Gutter is useful if you are going to bind a document and need extra space on the left or on the top.

7.  To apply the change to the entire document, make sure Whole document is selected in the Apply to: box. To apply the change from the insertion point forward, select This point forward. You can also select a portion of text (see Selecting Text) and change the margins. To apply the change to the selected text only, choose Selected text in the Apply to: box.

8.  Click on OK.

9.  You can click on Default while in the Page Setup and select Yes to apply the settings to all future documents.

Setting Tabs

You can set the Tabs using either the Tabs dialog box or the Ruler. Whether you use the Tabs dialog box or the Ruler, you can select the text and then set the tabs, or set the tabs and then enter the text.

Using the Tabs dialog box:

1.  Click on the Page Layout tab.

2.  Click on the Paragraph dialog box launcher.

3.  Click on the Tabs button (bottom left).