Meeting Minutes : Stennack Surgery Patient Participation Group

6:30pm Monday 18 May 2015

Attendees Linda Petzing, Fiona Vinnicombe, Chris Gendall, Will Webb, Rupert Manley, Anita Howard, Jenna Oliver, Laura Kinsey, Marion Mundy, Anne Oxley, Chris Parker, Jill Sharpless, Pam Stevens, Oonagh Wooton

Apologies for absence Sarah Murthwaite, Jane Parker, Jeremy Preedy, Marilyn & Fred Richards, Jim Thomson

Approval and adoption of pre-circulated minutes of 23 February 2015


New members Dr Will Webb, Laura Kinsey (Nursing Student), Marion Mundy

Linda introduced Laura Kinsey- who is a 2nd year nursing student at Plymouth University. Laura will be attached to the PPG under aUniversity pilot scheme to help gain experience of working with patients and groups outside the clinical setting. The pilot will run for a 6 week period. Long term, the university will assess the mutual benefits of placing a student nurse to a PPG for throughout years 2&3 of their studies.

Brief discussion took place on possible areas Laura could support the PPG include increasing younger members, improving social media presence and reach, reducing nursing DNAs and health promotion. The Meeting Group agreed the Working Group should work directly with Laura and Anita Howard the Nurse Manager of the Practice to explore this further, taking into account Laura's involvement will need to take place on a voluntary basis whilst in the pilot phase, and is in addition to her study workload.

Matters Arising Update

Newsletter -LP advised - next edition nearly complete

Research - list of projects to be provided by CG; maintains spreadsheet. Dr Webb keen to promote practice actively engaged with research. Proud of accreditation, which is a challenging process. Suggests a stand/area in waiting room to display and to put on website and in the newsletter. Members keen to participate/support. Group asked if patients should be actively asked to participate. DrWebb explained that there is very specific criteria. Suitable patients are usually identified by GP/search. Pat asked if a flag could be put on record for any research-willing patient. The possibility of adding a question for new patients registering with the Practice was considered.

Action: CG to supply up to date list/FV to add to website. LP/FV Organise display area

Practice leaflet- Fiona Vinnicombe (FV) circulated a revised booklet following Dr Philip's retirement and informed the Group that this is under constant review. FVkeeps a copy by her desk to note amendments on an ongoing basis. This is now in a PDF format and Jenna Oliver (JO) will arrange for this to be placed on the Practice website. Please send any feedbackor amendments to FV.

Volunteer Agreement- Chris Parker raised whether the issue of whistleblowing should be included in the Agreement in light of the Mid Staffs Report. The report statedthe staff had a duty to raise any issue or concern irrespective of confidentiality agreements. The Volunteer Agreement recognises safeguarding responsibilities, although Ann Oxley (AO) suggests this should list at least three named senior level roles for members to refer to for safeguarding or whistleblowing concerns and an appropriate external contact (Cornwall Council and CQC/NHS England) if a member feelsunable to take up direct with the Practice. Chris Gendall (CG) confirmed the Practice had a whistle blowing policy. FV & LP will liaise with CG to make the necessary amendments to the document. LP obtained the agreement of all members present to treat the tour around the building at the conclusion of today's meeting as part of their induction process under this Agreement. Action: Draft of amended Agreement to be sent for consideration of members.

Increasing membership /Chair

LP emphasised the need to increase membership to help spread tasks and effectiveness of the group. No expressions of interest in the position Chair since last meeting. LP offered to mentor a prospective acting Chair, and would be willing to minute meetings and produce the newsletter. CG suggested an advert in the local press. WW suggested it should also be added to the website. LP will prepare a "job description" and look into placing an ad in the free voluntary sector page of the Cornishman. Members asked to continue to help with expanding membership and a prospective chair. Action: LP – Ad/FV to add to the website. FV to approach the Virtual Group members to enquire if a different meeting time would encourage them to attend the Consultation Group.

Hearing loop

Trial of the hearing loop has been carried forward to the next meeting. Sarah Murthwaite (SM) arranged to borrow this from her employers but was unable to attend tonight due to work commitments.

Appel calling system

This is now installed thanks to the very generous donation of funds to purchase by Friends of the Stennack Surgery (FOSS). The screens are significantly larger and better.Early days, but positive feedback received from patients so far. LP mentioned letter from Disability Cornwall received expressing concern from visually impaired patients unable see the screen and respond to being "called". LP has written to explain feedback based on the trial system, and now that better located larger screens have been installed, we are looking at changing ways the information is presented. CEO was also assured clinicians will come out into the waiting room to call patients if aware of disability or the patient hasn't responded to the visual prompt. FV also mentioned new signage for the doors is being signed off, again generously funded by FOSS. This will enable patients to clearly establish the door number and clinician name. JS commented that the screen flow moved on too fastto read it all. Action: FV to alter

“The Waiting Room” update (online booking/medication ordering)

JO explained that there is no change to the current registration process as yet.The updated version, yet to be installed, will necessitate 25 minutes per (new to the system) patient to complete formalities around ID. This has been stipulated by the Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) ahead of patient online access to medical records. CG stressed a solution must be found as this was a core part of the current GP contract. The Group agreed to invite Chris Netherton, the MD of Microtest, the computer system provider, to our next meeting. Action: CG/FV to invite

Ambassadors/NHS health promotion

Members who supported this weekly rota were thanked for their ongoing and loyal support. Currently there are an insufficient number of participating members to sustain this on a weekly basis. It was suggested we now focus on specific key weeks or dates. National PPG week 1-6 June, flu clinics and certain health themed weeks were suggested. Action: AH will liaise with FV to identify some key dates and FV will circulate this and invite to support.

Action Plan Areas-

  • Reducing DNAs for nurse appointments – Article for Newsletter, continuation of DNA letters each month. Discussion around phoning serial offenders. There is the problem of resourcing this. The text alert system is being launched on 21 May, which will help.
  • Engaging with care home/housebound patients – agreed to distribute the newsletters to the Care Homes, Edward Hain Hospital and Community Matron, inviting those patients and staff to feedback to the PPG.
  • GPs running late/queues at reception - Article in newsletter, increasing usage of the Arrivee check in screen.
  • Sensory Impairment -This has already included the Appel system, research into a hearing loop and new signage.

Action: The Working Group will continue to monitor and progress the above action plan

Surgery Update Chris GendallCG

Kernow Health CIC and Out of Hours Provision from June 2015 – Chris explained about where the new Kernow Health CIC fits into the NHS structure, both nationally and locally. He is on the board of West Cornwall as one of the Directors. In conjunction with Devon Docs, they were awarded the contract to provide the new Out of Hours (OOH) service in Cornwall. This will go live from 1 June 2015. The service will primarily be staffed by Cornish GPs.

Carbis Bay update –CG confirmed that we now have Area Team approval and also agreement from FOSS to fund the furniture. The Practice looks forward to offering this service as soon as the consultation rooms are equipped. As previously discussed with the PPG there will be a phased introduction of this service with doctors and nurses, allowing for any initial teething problems.

Mjog – New text service. All patients with a mobile number on their clinical records will receive an initial text to give them the opportunity to opt out of the service. After that they will be sent a text 48 hours before their appointment as a reminder. They will be able to cancel their appointment by text. After their appointment they will be sent a “Friends & Family Test” text.

GP Update Will Webb/Rupert Manley

Dr Manley mentioned that Dr Sam Freegard retires at the end of June. He is also involved in looking at the benefits of nature in healthy living. He gave out some leaflets about a “Dose of Nature” and suggested that he could meet with members of the PPG to discuss this initiative further. Action: FV to contact all members to arrange a meeting with Dr Manley.

Dr Webb discussed the research work being undertaken by the Practice and the benefits to the NHS and population in years to come. It was suggested that there could be a PPG Champion for Research. Action: FV to invite members to express an interest

Nursing update Anita Howard

Anita informed the Group that Liz Rapson, the diabetic nurse has recently left after eighteen years with the Practice. She has been replaced by Suzy Phillipps.

She mentioned about the new annual revalidation process now being undertaken by all nurses using a 360 degree format.

Flu vaccines for this year’s campaign will be ordered soon and she looks forward to the PPG’s help in the promotion and support of these clinics in the Autumn.

PPG Surgery lead update Fiona Vinnicombe

Membership figures – Consultation Group 27 (20 patients & 7 Practice Staff/Clinicians). Virtual Group 56.

It was agreed to invite the Virtual Group to drop in during the National PPG Week. Action: FV to invite

Reception update Jenna Oliver

No recent changes to the Reception team.

Jenna stressed the difficulty of getting patients to use the “Arrivee” screen for booking in to alleviate the queues for the Reception desk. The staff & PPG Ambassadors have also helped patients use the screen. There will be a software update soon which will also alert the patient to any delays in their appointment when they check in.

NHS Kernow Patient Reference Group LP

This is a countywide group that has reformed from the remnants of a single issue elective care group to consider NHS Kernow operational/strategic issues and challenges from a patient perspective. It is still at the evolving stage, but will be actively looking to increase membership to broaden the depth and range of patient experience. LP and Jeremy Preedy are currently members.

Penwith Umbrella Group

Minutes of exploratory meeting 13 May 2015 below.

A tour of the surgery followed.

Date of next meeting

Monday 7th September

Communicating with Your PPG

  • Website link to Facebook
  • Email: (Note New Email Address)
  • Face to Face via Reception

PPG Information Point in waiting room

MEETING Marazion Community Centre 13 May 2015




Jill Clephane MARAZION



Liz Woodsworth ROSEMELLYN

Graham Woodsworth ROSEMELLYN


MalcolmLawrence ROSEMELLYN (email address unknown- to be copied in)



David Rayner BODRIGGY

NHS Kernow

Rachel Murray Penwith Locality Manager

Neil Chambers Patient Engagement

Ben Mitchell Patient Engagement

Patients Association

Chris Iremonger

Linda Petzing STENNACK PPG


Linda P and Chris I outlined the current Patients Association PPG Projectand progress to date. The purpose of the meeting today aimedto discuss the possibility of the formation a Penwith Umbrella Group.

Discussion by all present on the potential format and spread.County wide or locality.Also the variances acknowledged; scope and range of practice PPGs, number of registered patients, some grass roots, others strategic. Some groups practice led, others virtual. Urban or rural settings.

Helpful overview from Nigel May on the development of an East Cornwall locality précised. Full summary to be sent to all present. Important to realise this is specific to that area, and has evolved overpast 2 years.Countywide group could followwhen locality networks established.

Group debated presence of GP/practice manager. Important to avoid talking shop.Want to act as a sounding board.Ability toresolve questions and concerns raised immediately and conduit into/out of the practice. It was acknowledged general practice work pressures may impact on attendance at a further group. Attendance could be via a rota, although this may negatively impact on continuity.

CONSENUS: Group should be formed around practices in Penwith locality. Natural link with Penwith Locality Support Manager with pre-existing links and lines of communication into practices. One important

premise of group is minimising duplication. Other broad aims; share challenges/problems/solutions/best practice. Communicate andshare newsletters. Maybe, with group agreement, invite member of another PPG to attend meetings at a different practice.


Rachel Murrayattended a meeting of the Single Issue Poltair Stakeholder Group earlier today. This meets every 3 months and has now essentially fulfilledits objectives.It was feltmembers of this bodycould formthe nucleus of aPatient Engagement Stakeholder Group for Penwith.There appears to bea synergy and overlap in the common aims and objective of both groups.Potential too, for a much greater reach into the wider community and with other stakeholders across the public and third sectors.

After discussionit was agreed that a sub-group of both bodies shouldmeet to explorethis furtherwith a view to reviewingrespectiveTerms of References.

RM will arrange time/venue in early June andinvite the following members present today:-

Barry Webb

Graham Woodworth

Marna Blundy

(Jim Harris also requested invitation)

(David Rayner -apologies today-may potentially be interested-copied in)

Rachel M will approach practices not representedand briefGPs on events todayat theGPlocality meeting next Wednesday.She also confirmed NHS Kernowwill commit to co-ordinate/provide admin support. RM will update attendees on developmentsat themeeting in early June.

CI &LP thanked everyone for attending and theircommitment, enthusiasm and energy.