Tweaked by Katherine Holubitsky Study guide

Chapter 5

Vocabulary: Define each of the following words before reading Chapter 5:

1.  impressed (50)

2.  interrogated (50)

3.  goaded (51)

4.  thugs (51)

5.  gripes (51)

6.  mutilated (52)

7.  naive (52)

8.  perseverance (53)

9.  binge (54)

10.  manipulator (54)

11.  cadaver (55)

12.  noxious (57)

13.  spastic (61)

Literary Terms: Find an example of each in the chapter:

1.  imagery- (especially look at the descriptions of Chase)

2.  metaphor-(55)

3.  flashback-

Characters: Describe each of the following characters:






Reading Comprehension: Answer the following questions:

1. How do Gordie’s friends react to his speeding ticket and who do they blame?

2. What does Chase want Gordie to do for him and why?

3. Why does Gordie think Chase has been clean for two weeks? Does Gordie expect Chase to remain clean?

4. Did Chase clean up his act after rehab the first time?

5. What was Chase’s excuse to leave the house the first time after rehab? How many days was he gone?

6. Next Chase asked his mom for fifty dollars. What did he say the money was for? What did he actually do with the money?

7. Why does Gordie call Chase an ass?

8. Why was Chase sent back to rehab? What else has he stolen from Gordie’s house and parents?

9. Why could Chase not work at the grocery store?

10. Why was life a nightmare for the family at that time? (56)

11. What does being a meth do to a person’s body?

12. What happened at Grandma’s house?

13. Why did dad eventually kick out Chase? What was the final thing he did?

14. What does Chase’s mom pay for? Why does she continue to support Chase?

15. What did Chase do with a credit card? Why was this a betrayal?

Reading Analysis/Personal response: Answer the following questions:

1.  Why is there a space on page 53?

2.  Why does the narrator give all of the history of why and how Chase ended up hitting Richard Cross?

3.  If you were Chase’s parent, would you have kicked him out? Would you have continued to give him money?

4.  Do you have any sympathy/feel sorry for Chase after reading this chapter?

5.  On page 62, why is Gordie angry?

6.  What is Gordie worried about?

7. Do you think Gordie will fall for his brother’s manipulations and pay off his drup dealers?

8. What issues (themes) are explored in chapter 5?