Name:Renée CrumleyUWG ID #: 917346374/1

Advisor: E. BennettPermanent Email:


1. For each standard, identify a project (s) that demonstrates your achievement of that standard.

2. Identify the COE Conceptual Framework descriptors that are demonstrated by that project(s) and indicate the descriptor(s) in the second column in the table below. A chart indicating the COE Conceptual Framework descriptors is included at the end of the table.

3. Link the project artifact(s), and your written reflection in the third column (separate links). The reflection should explain how the project related to and demonstrated your achievement of the NBPTS standard and COE Conceptual Framework descriptor(s). The link to the artifact(s) should reference the course and project name, e.g. MEDT7470 Archived Video Project.

NBPTSSchoolLibrary Media
Standards / COE Conceptual
Framework Descriptors / Links to Artifacts and Reflections
What Library Media Specialists Know:
1. Knowledge of Learners -Accomplished library mediaspecialists have knowledge oflearning styles and of human growth and development. / 3: Inquisitive
7: Empathetic
9: Proactive / Artifact:Child Study,
Career Development Over a Life Span
Course:CEPD 8102
Semester: Summer 2010
NBPTS Reflection:The child study project involved a case study through observations of one child. I relied heavily on the text for standard behaviors because I used a relative. Using the text allowed me to separate emotional from clinical observations.
The career development over a life span project was an important part of the learning process. The job of the media specialist is constantly evolving and it is necessary to adapt to the rapid changes in the field of education. From the research done on this project, I learned that most people will need to change and adapt multiple times throughout their lives. It is important to understand why and how people view careers at different periods in their lives.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: Being inquisitive opens your mind to new ideas and skills. The research on these two projects provided new information that shows how important life-long learning is. As a media specialist helping others facilitate their own learning is one of the best parts of my job.
As I am asked to help others facilitate their learning, there are opportunities for anecdotal examples that can provide the patron a feeling of belonging. Drawing on the experience of others and sharing that knowledge provides a feeling of community among learners.
These projects have helped me to develop programs that will help teachers adapt to the new technologies which they are expected to use. I am able to show how my teaching practice has changed to better engage the 21st century learner.
2. Knowledge of Teaching andLearning - Accomplished
Library-media specialists knowthe principles of teaching andlearning that contribute to anactive learning environment. / 5: Collaborative
8: Knowledgeable / Artifact:Destiny Book Reviews,
Visual Learning Presentation
Course: MEDT 8464, MEDT 7469
Semester: Fall 2009
NBPTS Reflection:This project took some traditional skills that have been taught and put them into a 21st century framework. The students read a book of their own choosing and then posted a book “review” electronically. They used the library catalog system that is used at my school.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
This project required me to work with the sixth grade language arts teachers and students. Students worked with each other to proof reviews and share what they had learned.
This project allowed me to share with the students and teachers knowledge about “card” catalog systems which can be used for multiple courses and libraries. Students were encouraged to demonstrate their knowledge to peers and parents about using an Internet catalog in order to find needed materials for pleasure or work.
3. Knowledge of Library andInformation Studies -
Accomplished library mediaspecialists know the principles
of library and informationstudies needed to create
effective, integrated librarymedia programs. / 6: Culturally Sensitive
8: Knowledgeable / Artifact:Fantasy/Science Fiction Website
Course: MEDT 7467
Semester: Summer 2009
NBPTS Reflection: For this project, I had to learn a nearly brand new skill. It was made easier by the Expressions Web software which is used at my school. I am not the web master for my school and I have had little opportunity to increase my skill level. At the end of the Ed.S. program, I am planning to find another host site and link this through my school sponsored blog.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
Most of the students at my school have a general understanding of how to find materials in a library. However, the sixth graders in particular have had difficulty transferring the knowledge of locating materials from one library to another. This website provides a step by step process to accessing material at my school. It provides multiple points of access for both teachers and students. Language Arts teachers have placed this link on their blogs for easy student use.
What Library Media Specialists Do:
4. Integrating Instruction -Accomplished library media
specialists integrate informationliteracy through collaboration,planning, implementation, and
assessment of learning. / 1: Decisive
2: Leading
5: Collaboration
8: Knowledgeable / Artifact:Bring Em Back
Course: MEDT 7485
Semester: Summer 2009
NBPTS Reflection: This power point was used to reacquaint and encourage teachers in my building to use what is available through and with the media center. Using this power point as a beginning point for collaboration, teachers and students in 6th grade Language Arts classes demonstrated more use of available technology resources and incorporated more technology integration in their lessons.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
Because of this project and MEDT7485, I realized that waiting for teachers to come to me was not the optimum method of delivery. I became a full collaborative partner with the 6th grade Language Arts teachers in order to demonstrate my commitment to helping them integrate language arts into the curriculum. Some of the teachers were afraid of the new methods and the time it would take to complete projects. By going to the classroom, teaching and evaluating student products, teachers became more comfortable with many of the processes. (Among the teachers, there continues to be varying levels of technology integration.)
Commitment to collaboration was key to success for this ongoing project. Teachers in other grade levels and subject areas are now willing to collaborate.
Students began blogging, podcasting, posting book reviews online, and demonstrating their learning with group projects which included play writing and performances.
5. Leading Innovation through the Library Media Program -Accomplished library mediaspecialists lead in providingequitable access to and effectiveuse of technologies andinnovations. / 3: Inquisitive
5: Collaboration
7: Empathetic
8: Knowledgeable
9: Proactive / Artifact:MEDT 8484: Review of Literature, Introduction video for MEDT 7472
Course: MEDT 8484, MEDT 7472
Semester: Spring 2010
NBPTS Reflection: Completing this project took a great deal of time and reflection. Much of the literature discussed a need for on-going training, collaboration, and support if technology will be truly integrated into the learning process of students in the 21st century. The need for teachers to become comfortable with the pedagogy of student centered learning is also essential to the process.
The introduction video increased my knowledge of how to use PhotoStory3. This technology is a useful presentation tool for but teachers and students. These videos can be easily uploaded to the Internet and teacher blogs.
Conceptual Framework Reflection: Collaborating with teachers will help support their efforts to integrate effective technologies into lessons. As the media specialist, being a collaborative partner, provides a means of exposing and teaching teachers to new technologies is becoming an important part of the job I do. This project also gave me an insight into how teachers are required to meet standards while exploring new ideas. I had never considered the “fear factor” of teaching before doing this research. All teachers want their students to succeed. With new teacher evaluations that may depend on a standardized test of student performance, the support and understanding will become more critical.
I enjoyed reading the research that had been done on technology integration and the barriers that exist. Through continued professional reading, I will seek better methods of implementation.
I am now comfortable using and teaching PhotoStory3 to teachers and students.
6. Administering the LibraryMedia Program -
Accomplished library mediaspecialists plan, develop,
implement, manage, andevaluate library media programs to ensure that students and staff use ideas and information effectively. / 1: Decisive
9: Proactive / Artifact:Principal Report
Course: MEDT 8464
Semester: Fall 2009
NPBTS Reflection: This project allowed me to provide my administration with clear concise data about the media center. As part of the evaluation process this was a valuable tool. It will be updated and used annually. It provided an easy tool for communicating the “business” part of what takes place in the media center.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
By providing this type of information, it demonstrates what can take place in a media program. It provides a means of advocacy for the media program and how it supports the school improvement plan (SLP) and the mission of the media center, school, and school district.
It provides a means for demonstrating the support for the level of staffing and budget. Additionally, it provides a meansof demonstrating how technology integration can be supported across all grade levels and curriculum.
How Library Media Specialists Grow as Professionals
7. Reflective Practice -Accomplished library media
specialists engage in reflectivepractice to increase their
effectiveness. / 10: Reflective / Artifact:Supervision Refection
Course: MEDT 7469
Semester: Spring 2010
NNBTS Reflection: The requirement of a reflection paper for this course forced me to put my thought into words. I believe that the projects of this course and the Ed.S. Program have changed how I approach my job and how well the media center program meets the needs of the teachers and students of my school. Putting it “on paper” provides a framework that will guide future practices.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
This particular standard has been difficult for me to meet. I feel strongly about the value of what I do, but I struggle with putting it on paper. These reflections need to be detailed and meaningful. They need to show professional growth. These reflections can provide a benchmark of strengths to be shared and weaknesses that can be improved.
8. Professional Growth -Accomplished library media
specialists model a strong commitment to lifelong learning and to their profession. / 4: Adaptive
10: Reflective / Artifact:Career Development Over a Life Span
Course: CEPD 8102
Semester: Summer 2010
NBPTS Reflection: This power point will be used during a professional development seminar. Teachers will be required to adapt to new 21st century standards. This gives a framework for understanding how people learn at different stages over their life span.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
The research done for this project shows how important it is to adapt over time to accommodate personal interest and abilities as well as the changing conditions in which we live and teach.
Applying the knowledge gained through this project forced me to reflect on my own practices and where I will take my career practice in the future. It has made me more sensitive to the resistance that accompanies change and how to ease that resistance when providing professional learning for staff or at seminars.
9. Ethics, Equity, andDiversity – Accomplishedlibrary media specialists upholdprofessional ethics and promote
equity and diversity. / 4: Adaptive
5: Collaborative
6; Culturally Sensitive
8: Knowledgeable / Artifact:Plagiarism Lesson/Presentation
Course: MEDT 8464
Semester: Fall 2009
NBPTS Reflection: When I was working on ethics projects for MEDT 8464, a 6th grade social studies teacher approached me to do a lesson on plagiarism before a research project would begin. Originally, I had planned to produce a pamphlet for distribution but that did not translate well for a 6th grade lesson. This power point was presented instead.
I used the power point as a starter for conversations with the students about what they knew and believed. What could have been a truly boring lesson was well received by the students and the teacher. To my surprise and satisfaction,one class had so much fun that they applauded at the end of the lesson. The teacher was so pleased that he suggested that I collaborate with other groups and he told other teachers about the presentation which did lead to further collaboration with different grade levels and curriculum areas.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
This standard is one that must constantly be at the forefront of professional practices. Promotion of ethical equitable use of rescores is a daily challenge. Students and teachers need to understand how to use what is available while giving proper credit to the source. This has become increasing important as more students use the Internet at school and at home. Part of this project showed the students how to create a citation for information gathered from the Internet and that the source for my project granted permission for use if the source was credited.
Whenever teaching a lesson that involves the Internet, I make it a practice to teach the students how to create a citation and how to access and evaluate sources.
10. Leadership, Advocacy, and Community; Partnerships -
Accomplished library mediaspecialists advocate for the
library media program,involving the greater
community. / 5: Collaborative
7: Empathetic
8: Knowledgeable
9: Proactive / Artifact:PTA Presentation
Course: MEDT 8464
Semester: Fall 2009
NBPTS Reflection: This project was one that I had requested to present to the PTA on a number of occasions. This year’s president was willing for me make a presentation at a meeting. I chose the December 2009 because I anticipated that there would be a large number of parents in attendance because of numerous student presentations.
The program was well received and the PTA board requested that I repeat the program during conference week in a setting where parents could have hands on practice with the available programs and data bases. This provided me with an opportunity to collaborate with parents about student learning.
Conceptual Framework Reflection:
I believe that media specialists should advocate for their profession whenever possible. Presentations for parent groups can have a significant impact by training parents to help students use resources safely and efficiently. The community needs to understand that media specialists do much more than check out books We are a valuable resource for student learning and teaching skill that promote life-long learning. Skills taught through the media program can transfer to a variety of learning situations and interests.
COE Conceptual Framework Descriptors
  1. Decisive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills when making decisions that will influence effective transformational systemic change.

  1. Leading: The candidate should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change.

  1. Inquisitive: The candidate should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change.

  1. Adaptive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning appropriate to a wide variety of learners for effective transformational systemic change.

  1. Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change.

  1. Culturally Sensitive: The candidate should be able to develop awareness and understanding of individual and group differences when diagnosing and prescribing transformational systemic change.

  1. Empathetic: The candidate should be able to develop the sensitivity for individual, family, and institutional needs that will embrace transformational systemic change.

  1. Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change.

  1. Proactive: The candidate should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede lifelong learning and hinder transformational systemic change.

  1. Reflective: The candidate should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change.