Wesclin Board of Education
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting
Monday, July 18, 2016
I. General Business
A. Roll Call
The Board of Education of Wesclin Community School District # 3, Clinton and St. Clair Counties, Illinois, met in a regular session on Monday, the 18th day of July, 2016, at the hour of 7:00 p.m., at Wesclin High School in said district.
At the above-named time and place there were present the following officers and members of the Board:
Members Present Members Absent
Sandy Padak, President: ______x______
Steve Buzzard, Vice President: ______x______
Jerry Hatt, Secretary: ______x______
Matthew Fridley: ______x______
Todd Juehne: ______x______
Tina Litteken: ______x______
Stacy Wellen: ______x______
A quorum of the Board members being present, the president called the meeting to order and declared the Board to be in session for the transaction of business.
Administrators present:
Jennifer Filyaw, Superintendent: ______x______
John Isenhower: ______
Angela Woll: ______
Roger Freeze: ______
James Rahm: ______
B. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous regular meeting and of the executive session of June 27, 2016 were approved on a motion by Jerry Hatt, seconded by Tina Litteken.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
C. District Finances
Motion made by Todd Juehne, seconded by Jerry Hatt to approve The Treasurer's Report and payment of payroll in the amount of $540,003.36 and bills in the amount of $639,639.69.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
D. Agenda modification
Motion made by Tia Litteken, seconded by Jerry Hatt to approve agenda as presented.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
E. Superintendent Report
· FY15 Revenues and Expenditures – Overall, we had a pretty good financial year. Revenue was less than we expected. Expenditures were also less than expected. We deficit spent in the education fund. Transportation spending was low because we didn’t buy two buses that we had planned to buy. We will be looking to buy those this school year.
· Unaudited Fund Balances – See Attached.
· State Budget – Approved for the entire year for education. Will receive $325,000 more than last year in state aid.
· Finance Committee Meeting – We may want to schedule a finance committee meeting prior to approving the final budget in September.
· Trenton Elementary - Construction is continuing to go well at Trenton Elementary. We continue to be on time with no major surprises during construction.
· IDOT Letter - IDOT will be resurfacing Route 160 from IL 161 in New Baden to 4th Street in Trenton. This project is scheduled to happen sometime during the next five years (2017-2022).
· Retreat – Looking for a date convenient for everyone before the September board meeting.
· 1st Grade Class Size - 1st grade class at New Baden Elementary has 58 students tentatively enrolled. (It is not official until registration on August 3 and August 4.) Considering offering voluntary bussing to alleviate large class sizes. There are no aides assigned to those classrooms to assist with the large number of students. Trenton Elementary has 45 students projected for their 1st grade enrollment.
· PARCC – No more PARCC testing for high school students. We will be giving the SAT exam to juniors and this will be funded by the state. PARCC testing will be from students K-8.
II. Public Comments:
A. None
III. Celebration of Success
A. Summer School Services – Life Skills students enjoyed their summer school session. The made many tasty treats to share with us.
IV. Items Requiring Board of Education Action
A. Parent/Student Handbooks
Motion by Stacy Wellen, seconded by Tina Litteken to approve the 2016-2017 Parent/Student Handbooks.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
B. Consent Agenda
1. Resignation
a. Enoke Tanuvasa Lole, Assistant football coach
2. Employment
a. Scott Miller, Assistant football coach
b. Shelley Kenow, Special education teacher
c. Lori Brandmeyer, Lunchroom supervisor at Trenton Elementary
d. Christine Sohnrey, Lunchroom supervisor at New Baden Elementary
e. Jeannie Brines, teacher aide
f. Allyson Corry, teacher aide
g. Betty Lou Santel, teacher aide
h. Dan Maue, Bus driver
3. Volunteer
a. Enoke Tanuvasa-Lole, volunteer football coach
Motion by Jerry Hatt, seconded by Tina Litteken to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
C. Closed Session
Motion by Stacy Wellen, seconded by Tina Litteken to go into executive session to discuss collective bargaining, review of executive session minutes and personnel. (7:59 p.m.)
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Jerry Hatt to return from closed session into the regular meeting. (9:15 p.m.)
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
D. Executive Session Minutes
Motion by Tina Litteken, seconded by Stacy Wellen to keep executive session minutes from January, 2016 through June 2016 closed to the public.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
VI. Adjournment:
It was moved by Jerry Hatt, seconded by Tina Litteken that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m.
Vote: Mr. Buzzard-aye, Mr. Hatt-aye, Mr. Juehne-aye, Mrs. Litteken-aye, Mrs. Wellen-aye, Ms. Padak-aye. Motion passes 6-0
President Secretary