Notes from Market Forum Meeting

Friday 6 November, 2015


Mayor Tessa Bates – STC

Cllr Tony Jefferson - SDC

Pat Matjaszek – SDC

Dermot McGillicuddy – LSD Promotions

John McInnes – Geraud UK

Hannah Robson (Clerk)

Sarah Summers – STC

Dave Webb - SDC

9.  Apologies

Apologies were received from Karen Wild and Cllr Jenny Fradgley

10. To approve Minutes of the meeting held on 5 June, 2015

The minutes were approved as a correct record, with the understanding that Traders Newsletter and Market Research were one item.

11. Matters Arising

The Traders Newsletter and Market Research will be done in Spring 2016.

12. Changes to Chain of Command

Councillor Maurice Howse, Portfolio Holder for Enterprise, Housing and Revenue has resigned and therefore will no longer be attending the Market Forum meetings. Councillor Dave Riches has been appointed as the new Portfolio Holder and will be briefed on his role as Market Forum member shortly.

It was officially reported that Malcolm Veigas and David Palmer- Barnes have left Geraud UK and John McInnes will be working with Stratford-upon-Avon Markets. Phil Lamb is still in place.

Forum members voiced their concerns that they had not been officially informed of the change in personnel at Geraud and that there was not a senior member from Geraud present at this meeting to explain the changes and how it will affect the market contract.

Sarah and Dave will meet with Phil Lamb to discuss these issues.

13. Update on negotiations between Geraud & LSD Promotions

Two meeting attempts have been made but both were unsuccessful. Sarah and Dave met with Geraud and LSD Promotions after the last Market Forum meeting and it was agreed that by September the draft Heads of Terms would be drawn up and by October they would have been ‘fleshed out’. Currently, only draft Heads of Terms are available. After a protracted debate it was agreed that written agreements between Geraud and LSD Promotions need to be signed and a deadline of Friday 4 December (the next Market Forum meeting) was agreed.

14. Continuity Plans

This item was deferred to the next Market Forum meeting on 4 December 2015.

15. Performance Monitoring

Early into the formation of the Market Forum, simple Key Performance Indicators were set out with either a quarterly or annual feedback date. These were the responsibility of Geraud and initially they were completed. Unfortunately, no information has been received for a long time and it was asked that this be initiated again. Some information will be forwarded to Geraud from LSD Promotions to be included. Attached to these minutes are the original KPI’s and linked document produced by Pat. It was agreed that John will produce a report for the next meeting on 4 December.

16. Traders had requested a meeting with representatives from the Market Forum, possibly six monthly, at the end of the day on a Friday. It was agreed that this would be a good idea and would be an opportunity for traders to report on how they feel the market is progressing. Dermot will report back and provide some dates to Pat who will arrange for a room at the District Council to be made available.

With regards to the Terms of Reference, they did not require altering. Stratforward will be invited to meetings as and when required or if they have any issues.

17. Review of Plans Outstanding

Some agreed actions from previous meetings had not been actioned, such as exploring and providing themed markets or school/teenage markets.

It was suggested and agreed that a small working group come together to work out the practicalities of these ideas and how they will complement the existing market offer.

18. Farmers Market

It was reported that there had been some adverse publicity regarding the Farmers Market and the reduction of stalls. Pat had been to visit and reported that it looked good. Currently, traders need to be FARMA Accredited to have a stall but this is limiting the amount of traders that can take part. It was suggested that the stalls be opened up to other traders and that those who are accredited publish this on their stall.

Pat will contact FARMA to see how many traders are FARMA accredited and if they have any suggestions as to how to boost interest. It would also be advisable to speak to the traders and see if they have any suggestions as to what should be done.

19. Proposed 2016 Market Forum Dates

These were noted.

20. Any Other Business

It was asked how Dave is getting on in his new role as Market Manager. Dermot reported that he was doing well and the traders seemed happy.

It was also asked how Ryan was fitting in to his new role as the assistant to the Market Manager, to which Dermot responded that he too was really enjoying his job and working hard.

The Mayor, Cllr Bates declared the meeting closed at 12:27pm