Bishop O’Connell Music Boosters

September 3, 2014

  1. Opening Prayer

The meeting was called to order at 6:30. Mary Kay Humfelt led the opening prayer.

In attendance were faculty members Maria McDonald, Peter Kadeli and Ron Issacson; and Music Booster members Susan Cottini (Spirit Wear), Mary Kay Humfelt (Treasurer), Tara Richmond (Fundraiser Coordinator), Emily English (Webmaster), John Hentschel (Vice President), Bob Hay (President), and Lisa Verdonik (Secretary). List of all parents in attendance is also attached.

II.Treasurer’s Report

Mary Kay Humfelt presented the final report for June, Budget for 2013-2014 (comparison of what was budgeted and what was spent), and the preliminary Budget for 2014-2015. The only item from the Wish List from last year that was purchased was the podium for $500. There is $4,400 from last year’s Budget that can be spent this year. The new teachers can decide how they want to spend it.


All in attendance introduced themselves.

IV.TCP Golf Tournament

The Music Boosters filled 21/28 slots. The check that was received was $330. This equates to 15$ for an adult 8 hour shift; it is clearly not worth pursuing further although it was fun. The recommendation will be not to do this next year. It was a long walk to the 9th tee which made it difficult.

V. PTO Meeting Notes

Mr. Patton stated merging music, drama and art together into one fine arts program is intended to develop the program to be on par with other schools. Putting under one umbrella should increase the stature of the program. Each fine arts department has its own sizable budget. This may change in years to come. Although when art/drama needs help, music supplies labor but not the other way around. Drama is a fluid group unlike music. New chaplain is amazing and a musician! He wants to add musicians to a Mass and to drama productions. Heeven “jams” on the guitar with the jazz band.

VI.Web Site

Domain expired. Relevant participants have not been able to mesh schedules to resolve with Mrs. Spurlock. The new website will be on the O’Connell Website. There will be a tab for Fine Arts.

VII.Spring Trip

After last meeting folks were very upset that the Spring Trip lined up with spring break. Much discussion ensued within the group as to the challenges involved in scheduling the Spring Trip. Because of Easter, AP Exams, and the musical etc. it seems that the best plan is to indeed have the Spring Trip at the end of March. The significant problem is on this date the company we used last year will not be available and it is questionable what forums to play will be available. Since it is so early in the spring, it may be desirable to head south.

VIII. Fundraising

October 3-10 is coffee fundraiser, after much discussion it was determined selling candy bars raises a lot of money. The downside of selling coffee and candy is you need a lot more help distributing items and how to track funds back to the student. Selling candy is labor intensive. Robert Hay mentioned sign up genius could help or maybe PayPal or other type of electronic applications. Tara will need lots of help before school and at lunchtime and will look into the feasibility of online assists. On line ordering is also possible but then the cost of shipping is an issue.

It was discussed that athletic boosters sell all the time at every event and we should similarly do so.

IX. New Business

Instrumental/Choral Music Report.

Bob Hay introduced the new Music Teachers. The new Band Teacher, Mr. Ron Issacson, discussed his background, goals, and interests and is very enthusiastic in being at Bishop O’Connell. He is “living a dream” and has always wanted to be a high school teacher. He discussed his background, independent tutoring, substituting and leading dramatic productions. Mr. Isaacson strongly encourages band students to participate in pep band at the football games although it is not technically mandatory. He outlined his reasons as noted in is email to parents (support the DJO community etc.). Parents that can and want to pull out their instrument can jointhe pep band playing at football games. Mr. Isaacson is very happy with how the jazz band performed after only 2 practices. Everyone was “enthralled” with their performance at the freshmen orientation. He may accept more people into jazz band depending on instrument, trombones are needed. Mr. Isaacson would like a repair/tool kit as his number one wish list priority. Eventually he would like a marching band at O’Connell. Although he would like uniforms for band members, for now he is more concerned with sound than appearance. Matching black pants/white shirts is standard attire.

Likewise Mr. Peter Kadeli expressed his enthusiasm at teaching at O’Connell. Mr. Kadeli discussed his prolific background and talents and is sure to be a fantastic addition to DJO. Currently only have 3 students signed up for honor choir, although Mr. Kadeli’s philosophy is that what is done during regular curriculum is more important than extracurricular activities.

Pot Luck Dinner.

Mary Kay Humfelt stated that a new hospitality chair is needed but because of this vacancy she will help with the potluck. She will use sign up genius to help coordinate. The pot luck is a great event where everyone joins together.

New Shirts.

The school is phasing out the motion O logo and replacing with Block O. Discussion ensued about using another company besides Lands End.

Booster Fee.

It was decided to raise the fee to 65$. This was concluded primarily because all proceeds of coffee sales will go to the student instead of them having to sell 3 bags before they could start accruing money towards the funding of their spring trip.

There are still some positions that need to be filled this year, particularly Spring Trip coordinator. It would be good to have a lower class parent shadow Mrs. Dougherty (who is encouraged to accept) to learn the ropes. Tara Richmond still needs someone to help her with Fundraising. Maria Rudolph volunteered to do Broadway Desserts. A Drama rep is needed to interface with Ms. Zimmerman.

Booster Photographer.

Request was made to have this position but it was discussed a professional has already been hired. Mrs. McDonald is going to look for pictures from the slideshow last year that seems to have disappeared.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectively Submitted, Lisa Verdonik.