Progressive Project

Directions: You will design anelectronic book on a Progressive Reformer. The website you will use is Your group will be assigned a topic. Your login info is: Student Login: edC5931- (Reformer first & last name) [space] (your period).

Username: edC5931-Carie Catt 1

Password: Mrs. Kurys

We will investigate the following progressive leaders:

  • Jane Addams
  • Lucy Burns
  • Richard Clarke Cabot
  • Carrie Chapman Catt
  • Eugene Debs
  • WEB Dubois
  • Charlotte Perkins Gilman
  • Lewis Hine
  • Florence Kelley
  • Robert La Follette
  • John Muir
  • Alice Paul
  • Jacob Riis
  • Margaret Sanger
  • Theodore Roosevelt
  • Lincoln Steffens
  • Upton Sinclair
  • Ida Tarbell
  • Ida Barnett Wells
  • and Woodrow Wilson

Your book must be a minimum of 10 pages not including the cover page and title page.

You will be able to determine how to organize your book. However, your book must have the following requirements:

  • Cover Page and Title page:
  • The name of your Progressive Reformer must be the title and located on the cover of your book and title page.
  • You must place a picture of your Progressive Reformer underneath the title on the cover and title page.
  • The picture must be big enough for people to see what your Progressive Reformer looks like.
  • Your cover page will include: Title, Photo, author(s) name(s).
  • Your title page will include: Title, Photo, Author(s) name(s), period, Mrs. Kurys, Tracy High School Tracy CA
  • Book information
  • Progressive reformers Background information (birth, education, family etc…)
  • Identify the areas your Progressive Reformer sought to change (like child labor, political corruption, unfair business practices, etc.).
  • Identify at least three reforms your Progressive Reformer helped to pass (laws or regulations).
  • Sourcing
  • You must include at least three quotesfrom or about your Progressive Reformer. (The quotes must be relevant to their work not about the history of his/her life.)
  • Include at least 5 images of your reformer or the work they were involved in.
  • You must use at least sevenprimary sources and three secondary sources for your project (total of 10 sources minimum).
  • All bibliography information for all sources on each page at the bottom of the page that the information or source is on, and must be in the proper format.

You will only have three class periods for this project, and this project will be done either individually or with a partner. On Mrs. Lee’s web site ( she has already found websites for each of the progressive reformers. You can find the links by going to the projects link (from the main us history home page), then clicking on the Progressive Project Research Resources, and then by clicking on your assigned progressive reformer.

  • All information must be presented in your own words unless using a direct quote.
  • If you cut and paste something and do not attempt to cite the information, this is plagiarism and you will receive a “0” for this project.
  • You will need to review our YouTube channel to refresh yourself on how to properly cite your information for your bibliography.