Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of FULL COUNCIL held at the

Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 7 September 2010


Chairman: EJ Gale

Councillors: E M Aldworth, D Barry, D J Davies, J R Davies, D Havard,

B James, R Otter, G Hollywell, RT Davies

Also Present: Sally Chick (Clerk), Tara Dury (Assistant Clerk)

Apologies: W D Thomas, P Matthews

304. The minutes were agreed with the following amendment

No 300 – Cllr Barry proposed a grant of £1000 with no pre conditions.

Summary of GAVO Meeting – SISWAL to be corrected to SISWO.

305. The Chairman reported that she had attended the Machen Mountain Race where there were over 200 participants. It was a successful event and congratulations were voiced to all concerned.

The Machen River Walk clean up was successful, with Groundwork assisting in the litter pick and the installation of bird boxes. Thanks were expressed to all those involved in this event.

306.  The Clerk notified Councillors that Superintendant Jon Burley would be

attending the Police and Road Safety meeting on 21 September and has asked that if there are any issues in particular Council would like to discuss, in order that he can prepare for the meeting. Councillors agreed to notify Clerk of any queries in advance of this meeting.


Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of the FINANCE COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 7 September 2010


Chairman: D J Davies

Councillors: E M Aldworth, D Havard, R T Davies, J R Davies,

E J Gale, B James, R Otter, G Hollywell, RT Davies,

Also Present: Sally Chick (Clerk), Tara Dury (Assistant Clerk)

Apologies: W D Thomas, P Matthews

Declaration of Interest: D Barry

307.  The Chairman reported that he had had complaints from residents regarding

the cost of refreshments at the Big Cheese event in Caerphilly. It is understood that vendors were charging so much in order to cover the cost of the licence fees charged by the Council. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to CCBC informing them that such prices were unacceptable to members of the public.

308.  Clerk’s Gratuity Payment – The Clerk reported to Council that the cost of taking a claim to the Small Claims Court would start at £50 to register the claim and could escalate from there. Cllr Hollywell proposed that we no longer pursue this issue, Cllr Aldworth seconded this. RESOLVED: This matter to be dropped.

309.  Clerk informed Council that we have now received the Accounts from the Workmen’s Hall. Cllr Havard moved that Council accept these. Cllr Hollywell seconded this proposal. Cllr Barry asked that the annual grant of £2000 be awarded – this was agreed.

Derek Havard explained to Council that Jan Thompson, Bedwas High School had applied for funding of £35k from the Peoples Millions to improve the conditions in the Hall for performance purposes. The School use the Hall regularly as an extension to the School for drama purposes. In order to take this application forward Jan requires a letter from this Council stating that the School could have access to use the Hall when required. RESOLVED: Clerk to prepare a letter stating that the School will have use of hall when required.

Denis Barry pointed out that he had checked with Rob Gough from GAVO as to whether this application would have any affect on funding applications in the future – he was informed that as this grant would be for equipment and not for any structural work it would not. At the moment, the Hall has been shortlisted for the funding.

310.  The Council ratified the following donations which had been agreed over the Recess period

£801 – Summer Playscheme

£100 – Advertising Banner for Flood Fundraising Event

£450 – Machen Mountain Race

311.  Clerk reported that the Audit had been returned by the Internal Auditor and following signatures from the Chairman would be ready to forward to Mazars. Council noted.

312.  Cllr June Gale queried why the Council were paying the invoice from D Morgan which should be covered by the Hall Committee. Cllr Barry asked that it be forwarded to the Hall and a refund to Council would be arranged.

The Payments since last meeting were noted by Council.

313.  Ward Projects: Cllr Havard pointed out that money available was rapidly decreasing and as there was still half the financial year to go Council should be cautious when considering applications.

314.  Applications for Financial Assistance


Machen Welfare Association

Following some discussion on amount available to give, a vote with a majority of 8 agreed an amount of £300 (Machen Ward).

Cllr J R Davies proposed that the balance of £1500 be supplemented from the General Fund. There was no seconder for this proposal. This led to complaints that more had not been allowed in the budget. Cllr Havard told Members that the Ward Allowances were effectively the same as they have always been and those Members who failed to vote for this year’s proposed Budget should have make that criticism at the time and made an alternative proposal.

Caerphilly County Borough Family History Society – Not on this occasion

Caerphilly Fireworks Display - £100

Hephzibah Conservation Group - £100 agreed (Bedwas Ward)

Eisteddfod Y Cymoedd – Not on this occasion

Bedwas & Trethomas Bowling Club - £100 (Bedwas & Trethomas Wards)

Caerphilly Castle Ladies & Girls FC – Not on this occasion

Machen RFC - £300 (All Wards)

CALON – Defer to next meeting

Pakistan Flood Charity Event – due to time restraints an amount of £100 was agreed by the Chairman of Council and the Chair of Finance. It is also suggested that the rental costs for the Hall be waived (Management Committee to be consulted on this) – This was agreed by Council – to be split by all Wards

Machen Good Companions - £200 (Machen)

D J Davies left the meeting at 7.20pm


Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of the LAND & BUILDINGS COMMITTEE

held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 21 September 2010


Chairman: D Barry

Councillors: E M Aldworth, D Havard, J R Davies,

E J Gale, B James, R Otter, G Hollywell, RT Davies,

Also Present: Sally Chick (Clerk), Tara Dury (Assistant Clerk)

Apologies: W D Thomas, P Matthews

315.  The Chairman had nothing to report as the potential grant for the Hall was

discussed during the Finance Committee Meeting.

316.  Council agreed that the boiler room should be prepared for letting to NCMA as a storage unit. RESOLVED: Clerk to liase with CCBC regarding the recommended rental rates.


Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on Tuesday 7 September 2010


Chairman: G Hollywell

Councillors: D J Davies, J R Davies, E J Gale, B James,

R Otter, R T Davies, D Barry, D Havard, E M Aldworth

Also Present: Sally Chick (Clerk), Tara Dury (Assistant Clerk)

317.  Applications for Planning were decided as follows:

Case Ref. 10/0462/FULL
Location: Bedwas Community Sporting Club Bedwas Road Bedwas Caerphilly
Proposal: Erect timber decking to provide a covered smoking area
Applicant: Mr G Bracey 37 Newport Road Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8AA
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce_01495 235197_
RESOLVED: Council noted these have already been approved
Case Ref. 10/0477/FULL
Location: 22 Commercial Road Machen Caerphilly CF83 8NA
Proposal: Erect elevated decking at rear
Applicant: Mr M Aubrey 22 Commercial Road Machen
Agent: Mr K Pitman 7 Sunningdale Caerphilly CF83 1BB
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce_01495 235197_
RESOLVED: Council noted these have already been approved
Case Ref. 10/0485/FULL
Location: 67 Church Street Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8ED
Proposal: Increase the height of an existing garage structure
Applicant: Mr B Wintle 67 Church Street Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8ED
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce_01495 235197_
RESOLVED: Council noted these have already been approved
Case Ref. 10/0464/FULL
Location: Roundabout Court Bedwas House Industrial Estate Bedwas Caerphilly
Proposal: Site Steel containers and revise parking arrangements
Applicant: Messrs J Turner & P R Ryzy Units 3 & 4 Roundabout Court Bedwas House Industrial Estate Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8FS
Agent: Phil Hughes Professional Drawings Mr P Hughes 20 Rhiwlas Thornhill Cardiff
Case Officer: Mr C G Grimes_01495 235124_
RESOLVED: No Objection
Case Ref. 10/0515/RET
Location: 16 Redbrook Avenue Trethomas Caerphilly CF83 8DB
Proposal: Retain conservatory at rear of property
Applicant: Mr R Wheeler 16 Redbrook Avenue Trethomas Caerphilly CF83 8DB
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce_01495 235197_
RESOLVED: No Objection
Case Ref. 10/0590/FULL
Location: 20 Cherry Tree Close Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8HB
Proposal: Demolish existing garage and erect detached studio and hobby room
Applicant: Mr & Mrs T Porch 20 Cherry Tree Close Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8HB
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce_01495 235197_
RESOLVED: Object in principle, demolishing garages puts more cars onto the street
Case Ref. 10/0612/FULL
Location: 28 Bryn-Gwyn Street Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8BA
Proposal: Erect two storey side extension
Applicant: Mr S Johnson 28 Bryn-Gwyn Street Bedwas Caerphilly CF83 8BA
Case Officer: Mr T Pearce_01495 235197_
RESOLVED: No Objection providing neighbours have been consulted

In addition, Council do not have any objections to former allotments at Addison Way, Graig-Y-Rhacca. Council consider this satisfactory.


Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the POLICE & ROAD SAFETY COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on 21 September 2010


Chairman: DJ Davies (in the Chair)

Councillors: E Aldworth, J R Davies, R T Davies, B James, G Hollywell,

J Gale, R Otter

Also Present: Sally Chick (Clerk)

Apologies: D Havard, P Matthews, W D Thomas, D Barry

Bedwas Neighbourhood Police Team

319. The Police Team gave apologies for not being able to attend this meeting and sent a written report for information. Superintendant Jon Burley had been due to attend the meeting but did not attend.

320. Councillors noted the Police report and in response to ideas for diversionary events for Halloween, suggested that the Police look at last years events, where a group of local youths were taken to the cinema.

321. Cllr R T Davies notified Council that although the Council had written to CCBC strongly protesting against the lights going out on the Bedwas House Industrial Estate, they had nevertheless been put out. There have been 4 recent burglaries in this area where the Police have been unable to apprehend anyone as the area is completely in darkness. RESOLVED: Clerk to write to CCBC notifying them of these incidents and copy to the Chief Inspector for information.

322. An email from CCBC regarding the Street Lighting Process has advised that ‘where there are serious concerns an individual risk assessment be completed before a final decision is taken on a particular stretch of road’. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact CCBC to find out if any of these are in this Community.

323. The Police Report mentions a Summer Football Scheme Councillors were unaware of this scheme and felt that they could have supported this if they had been aware of it. Better communication in the future is requested.

324. Cllr Hollywell informed Council that the burglaries mentioned in the Police Report were announced in Church on Sunday, in order to keep residents informed to be vigilant.

325. Cllr D J Davies suggested that Councillors may get involved in a scheme, working alongside the local police team, where they go around the community talking to residents about any issues they may have. Council agreed that this was a good idea.

Cllr R T Davies informed Council that Mrs Anne Henderson had passed away and Councillors observed a 2 minute silence in her memory.


Bedwas, Trethomas & Machen Community Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the ENVIRONMENT & LEISURE COMMITTEE held at the Council Offices, Bedwas on 21 September 2010


Chairman: B James

Councillors: E Aldworth, D J Davies, J R Davies, R T Davies, G Hollywell,

J Gale, R Otter

Also Present: Sally Chick (Clerk)

Apologies: D Havard, P Matthews, W D Thomas, D Barry

326.  Cllr James reported that the Summer play scheme had been a huge success. He was disappointed however, that only three Councillors had called into visit during the scheme.

327. Copies of reports to be considered by the Education for Life Scrutiny Committee on 28 September have been received from CCBC regarding the closure of Community Centres and Mobile Libraries. These reports need to be considered by Councillors and will be put on the Agenda for a future meeting. Cllr Gale had attended the Liaison Committee Meeting on 15 September where a presentation was given on this subject. It is the wish of Council that a letter be sent to CCBC expressing its initial concerns on this matter. Councillors feel that this Council are not in a position financially to take on the responsibility for the Community Centres and require more information before any commitment could be made. RESOLVED: A letter to be sent to Peter Gomer inviting him to attend a Council Meeting in order to discuss in more detail the implications of this proposal.

327.  The Clerk notified Council that the 5 Man Cleansing Team would be in the area week commencing 25 October. Councillors were asked to notify the Clerk of any areas they would like to register as requiring attention.