Lytham St Cuthbert

Sunday, 3rd December 2017

The First Sunday of Advent

8.30am Holy Communion

President and Preacher: The Revd Michael Ward

Readings: 1 Corinthians 1. 3-9; Mark 13. 24-end

10.00am Holy Communion

President and Preacher: The Revd Michael Ward

Psalm 80 vv 1-8; Readings: Isaiah 64. 1-9 and as above

6.00pm Evening Prayer

Officiant: Mrs Nicola Whitehead

Psalm 25 vv 1-9 [p. 439]; Readings: Isaiah 1. 1-20; Matthew. 21. 1-13

Welcome. We welcome all who come to worship here today. We are pleased to welcome again Revd Michael Ward who will preside and preach at our morning services. If you are visiting for the first time, please make yourself known to any of the clergy or sidespersons. Do remain with us after worship for a chat and a cup of Fairtrade tea or coffee.

A loop system for those hard of hearing is available; just turn your hearing aid to the T setting.

Crib Festival. Next weekend, from the 8th to the 10th December, St Cuthbert’s Church will be hosting a Crib Festival. The Cribs will be on display to view during the whole weekend.

On Friday, Church will be open to view the displays from 11.00am to 7.00pm. At 10.00am, there will be a Joint Concert given by Hall Park School and Lytham C of E School which will be attended by the Mayor and Mayoress of Fylde. The usual service of Holy Communion will follow at the slightly later time of 11.15am.

On Saturday, Church will be open from 9.00am to 8.00pm. Morning Prayer at 9.00am will be followed by Kids’ Christmas workshops from 10.00am to 12 noon. Christmas demonstrations and workshops for adults will take place between 2.00 and 4.00pm, and from 7.00pm there will be carols in Church with Peter Jebson at the organ. Mince pies with mulled wine or hot chocolate will be available afterwards.

On Sunday, there will take place the usual morning Communion services at 8.30am (BCP) and 10.00am (CW). The Church will remain open between services until 6.00pm. In the evening, our Christingle Carol-Okey will be at 5.00pm, and this will be followed at 6.15pm by an Ecumenical Walk to the Piazza with the Nativity figures.

Please note. There will not be a service of Evening Prayer on this day.

Where is our hope ? Advent Quiet Day at Fosbrooke House on Tuesday, 5th December from 10.00am to 4.00pm. The Day will be led by Sr. Lucy Clare and Pat Clark. A light lunch will be included, and our day will end with tea and cake. It will be a wonderful opportunity to share something of our preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. A suggested donation is £7.00. Call Lucy Clare to book on 01253 667004.

Mothers' Union. At the November meeting, we welcomed Mr & Mrs J. Sharp from Spellbound Productionswho gave us wonderful slide shows of the Yorkshire Dales and Steam Journeys in Switzerland accompanied by beautiful background music. These were very much enjoyed by all the members. On Wednesday, 6th December we are holding the Christmas Party for our young friends from Bertie Bear Club when we look forward to welcoming JoJingles and Father Christmas.

The MU Christmas Party is on Thursday, 14th December at 2.30pm in the Victory Hall when Mr Tom Boyd will entertain us with a Festive programme of music. As always, the committee will provide a sumptuous buffet and, of course, a glass of sherry will be provided.

Sunday, 3rd December at 12.30pm – Blessing of the Crib in the Piazza.

12 noon Lantern Workshop at Lytham Methodist Church.

Saturday, 16th December at 4.00pm – Walking Nativity in Lytham with mince pies and coffee available at Lytham Methodist Church.

Christmas Parcels for Harbour House. By kind permission of the Wardens in our vicar’s enforced absence, I am making our Christmas Appeal for food parcels for the young residents of Harbour House on Dock Road, Lytham. As last year, there is a list at the back of church for parcel donors to add their names and contact details, and a list of items which may be useful as a guide for you in making up your parcel. PLEASE NOTE: Please bring your parcel to church on the weekend of 17th December and leave it in the rear pew of the South Aisle (near the South Door entrance). They will then

be taken down to Harbour House. Thanks to all who will again support these unfortunate young people at Christmas time and my grateful thanks to Nick, our Church Wardens, Sidesmen and Brian Baker for his ongoing help.

Colin Holt, Chairman Lytham St. Annes and Fylde YMCA.

Prayer for Wholeness and Healing. Prayer with the Laying on of Hands is available in the Lady Chapel both on Friday [1st] and Sunday [3rd] after you have received communion. On Sunday, the second station for communion will be in the St Aidan's Chapel. If you wish to let Jesus meet you at your point of need with acceptance and love, then come and receive personal prayer after you have received communion.

Your prayers are asked for the following who have requested ongoing prayer support:

Denis Quinlan, David & Margaret Pearson, Beth Mellors, Mary Moulden, Albert Whalley, Andrew Taylor, Carine Rawnsley, Katie Ritchie, Revd Robert Wells, Elizabeth Frater, Raymond Morris, Sheila Hill, Mary Willis, Marjorie Creswick, Terri Cooper and Daniel Chandler.

Those in special need:

Adrian Fisher, Barbara Lewin, Catherine Stacey,

Patricia Morris, Angela Morgan and Ken Rylatt.

In memory of:

Duncan Bottomley.

Recently departed:

Duncan Walsh, David Ellis, Peter Davy Wilcock and Patricia Turnbull.

Lytham St Cuthbert is a charity registered in England and Wales. Charity Registration No.1143673

Registered Office: - St Cuthbert’s Church, Church Road,

Lytham St. Annes, FY8 5QL


Telephone: 01253 736488

What’s On This Coming Week
Mon / 13.30 / Funeral of David Ellis / Church
19.00 / Choir Practice / Church
Tues / 12.00 / Funeral of Peter Wilcock / Church
Wed / 09.00 / Morning Prayer / Church
9.45 / Bertie Bear / Hall
19.00 / Bell Ringers’ Practice / Church
Thurs / 10.30 / Community Craft Group / Church
13.30 / Hall Park School Rehearsal / Church
Fri / 10.00 / Hall Park School and Lytham CE School Concert / Church
11.00 / Crib Festival / Church
11.15 / Holy Communion / Church
Sat / 9.00 / Crib Festival / Church
9.00 / Morning Prayer / Church
10.00 / Kids Christmas Workshop / Church
14.00 / Adults Christmas Demonstrations and Workshops / Church
19.00 / Carols in church with Peter Jebson at the Organ / Church
Sun / Crib Festival open until
6 pm / Church
8.30 / Holy Communion / Church
10.00 / Holy Communion / Church
17.00 / Christingle Carol-okey / Church
18.15 / Ecumenical Walk to the Piazza / Church-Piazza