Pupil Premium Grant Report 2015- 2016

Based on prior experience this is our planned expenditure for 2015-2016. Progress towards these objectives will be assessed termly.

Number of pupils and Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) received.
Total number of pupils on role / 224
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 37
Estimated total of PPG to be received / 48840
Summary of PPG spending 2015-2016
Objectives of spending PPG- To close the gap in attainment between the PPG and non PPG children, accelerating progress where necessary.
·  Aim for 85% of PPG KS1 children to be secure at ARE by July 2016
·  Aim for 85% of PPG KS2 children to be secure at ARE by July 2016
Record of PPG spending by item/project 2015-2016
Item/Project / Cost / Objectives / Impact
Family support worker (3 hours per week)
Maden Centre Forest school provision for Reception and Year 6 initially / £5040 / Target pupils to make good progress and begin to close the attainment gap.
Equip children with social skills and reduce conflict.
Provide emotional support where needed. / Families supported and engaging with school. 5 families have been signposted to further support this year. This has had a positive impact upon attendance and engagement with school.
Forest schools supported prime areas development in Reception and emotional support for children in Year 6 (see data figures). Incidences of conflict with Year 6 children reduced throughout the year.
TA 1-1 and small group support to overcome barriers to learning / £33,460 / Target pupils to make accelerated progress. / See data figures.
Success of additional phonics screen CODE intervention- 71% (5/7) children.
Additional reading support- across the whole school PPG children made 3.24 steps of progress.
Release SLT to monitor progress closely / £4740 / Underachievement is identified and challenged early. / PPG challenged in pupil progress meetings and through provision mapping.
External support with behaviour – EP and behaviour school support. / £2000 / Enable target children to access the curriculum and remove the barrier to learning / Children who required this EP support made accelerated progress.
Breakfast club- SATS week / £60 / To ensure that all children have breakfast and are in school on time during SATs week. / All children in school early and had access to breakfast.
Library services / £1300 / To ensure that PPG children have access to texts that they enjoy and are motivated by within school. / PPG children selected books for our new library and there has been an increase in the number of children accessing the library.
Attendance awards / £420 / Attendance for all groups to be above 95% / Attendance above 95% for pupil premium group.
Subsidising access to extra -curricular activities. / £200 / Ensure that target children have access to a range of experiences and remove the potential cost barrier. / Supported provision of extracurricular club. Karate and dance (suggested by PPG children as an interest) Subsidy for Wales trip made and 100% of Year 6 children attended.
Provision of necessary school equipment / £1000 / To raise self- esteem of pupils and confidence / PE kits provided for 4 children and additional school uniforms where necessary.
Homework club provision / £320 / To enable PPG children to be supported to complete homework and provide a quiet place at school. / Increase in the number of pupil premium grant children completing their homework- risen to 75% from 61%.
Additional 1 to 1 support for swimming / £300 / To ensure that all PPG children can swim 25m by the end of KS2. / 100% of children in Year 6 who left could swim 25m.
Attainment and Progress of children / 2014- 2015 Data (Levels)
% of pupils 1-6 achieving end of year expectations in reading / 90%
% of pupils 1-6 achieving end of year expectations in writing / 73%
% of pupils 1-6 achieving end of year expectations in maths / 88%
% of PPG pupils 1-6 achieving end of year expectations in reading / 79%
% of PPG pupils 1-6 achieving end of year expectations in writing / 57%
% of PPG pupils 1-6 achieving end of year expectations in maths / 89%
% making expected progress in reading at end of KS2 / 100%
% making better than expected in reading at end of KS2 / 60%
% making expected progress in writing at end of KS2 / 90%
% making better than expected in writing at end of KS2 / 23%
% making expected progress in maths at end of KS2 / 93%
% making better than expected in maths at end of KS2 / 33%
% PPG making expected progress in reading at end of KS2 / 100% (NA- 92%)
% PPG making better than expected in reading at end of KS2 / 50% (NA- 33%)
% PPG making expected progress in writing at end of KS2 / 100% (NA- 95%)
% PPG making better than expected in writing at end of KS2 / 12.5% (NA- 37%)
% PPG making expected progress in maths at end of KS2 / 100% (NA- 91%)
% PPG making better than expected in maths at end of KS2 / 37.5% (NA- 38%)
% PPG making ARE in reading (L4+) / 100% - (NA- 83%)
% PPG making ARE in writing (L4+) / 87.5% (NA- 79%)
% PPG making ARE in GPS (L4+) / 87.5% (NA – 71%)
% PPG making ARE in Maths (L4+) / 100% (NA- 80%)
% PPG making level 4 combined (L4+) / 88% (NA 70%)

Headline date for PPG 2015-2016 (Please not a change in the way data is collected due to new assessment without levels)

% of PP Achieving a GLD in Reception / 45%
Steps of progress in EYFS (EXPECTED 3 STEPS) / 4.7 steps of progress from starting points.
% of PP achieving the phonics check standard / 71%
% of PP achieving year 2 ARE in Reading / 60% (on average made 3.2 steps of progress across the year)
% of PP achieving year 2 ARE in Writing / 60% (on average made 3.2 steps of progress across the year)
% of PP achieving year 2 ARE in Maths / 80% (on average made 3.4 steps of progress across the year)
% of PP achieving year 6 ARE in Reading / 25%
% of PP achieving year 6 ARE in Writing / 75%
% of PP achieving year6 ARE in Maths / 75%
% of PP achieving year6 ARE in SPAG / 75%
Average steps of progress per year in KS2 in reading / 3.4 steps
Average steps of progress per year in KS2 in writing / 3 steps
Average steps of progress per year in KS2 maths / 3.1 steps

Please not that due to the small number of pupil premium this data is for information only.