Cheap Tricks
Think Tank Discussion Group
ACCE Conference 2013

Explorative questions:

  1. Where do you get your information?\What fascinates you to explore further?
  2. How can you apply what works for you to your marketing efforts?
  3. What has worked in your Chamber? Your best practices?

The attendees were given time to discuss the above - after lengthy discussion, here are some of the ideas shared with the entire group:

1)  Use a post-it note instead of business cards in cold calling to leave behind, whether as part of a campaign or not.

2)  Social Media:

  1. use of video (Flip) – post from events
  2. Tweet Tables/Stations – designated place for those tweeting at events
  3. Chamber Apps not as a good value, instead focus on smart-phone-friendly sites

3)  Google Alerts – track member information and repost

4)  Plaque “sitings” (pictures) of Chamber Members and post on social media

5)  Use postcard event mailers versus newsletters

6)  Twitter welcomes to new members

7)  Remind your members to sign up to Google alerts

8)  New Member Orientation – have everyone sign up on Facebook immediately on Smart Phones

9)  Shapiro Study – create an ad based on findings to promote your Chamber

10)  All year long, cut out newspaper clippings on members and share at Annual Chamber Awards night in this way. Contact and invite them to attend Banquet and use the clippings as a centerpiece. Recognize them at the event via a paper program (fills seats while making community members feel special, whether chamber member or not)

11)  Use other publications and identify members – give to Membership Director to contact/post their promotions via Hot Deals

12)  Record short movies (iMovies) and “interview” at various events, such as at Ribbon cuttings and then post on You Tube, and then promote on FaceBook/Twitter. Helps promote further your Chamber members (help gain and retain). Could be funny/serious

13)  Video – important to incorporate visual aspect.

14)  Turn all materials into info-graphics…Dallas example of the ACE Communications Award (note ACE award winner projects are usually posted on website under ACE awards)

15)  Visibility: profile member and go beyond logo/headshot…take picture of business doing their business and have the member provide a mini-testimonial as to why they are part of the Chamber (Dallas slogan “I belong Here because…”)

16)  Tie members visually to issues/programs provided by Chambers to help promote volunteers

17)  Billboards: seek trading space with a billboard company

18)  Don’t just reach out and tell about benefits but educate members on how they can use their membership most effectively

19)  Use FREE interns to help with your projects!

20)  Consider unique ways to connect and promote (example: yodel)

21)  Leverage partnerships to engage media (inspire coverage, visual encounters, create friendships)

22)  Good websites and social media usage to engage beyond traditional roles (contests) – “Rise above the white noise” to reach Gen X

23)  Become the media source within your community (using Google Alerts for example)

24)  “Send-Out” cards service – remember the personal touch and “old fashioned” connection

25)  Postagram – download on phone/web a service that you can use with a mobile app, upload picture, and can send to a quick post to your chamber members after your event

26)  Use texting to remind about events/RSVPS (one example TextCaster)

27)  Have people post their location using 4-Square to promote members

28)  In-Kind donations and sponsorships – remember members can be resources to collaborate your reach traditionally and digitally

29)  Get member input for editorial calendar

30)  Recycled materials for postcard to increase conversation – ask members to provide logo’d mugs to use at events to reuse

31)  Mystery Coffee – once a quarter/month – recruit a member to take to a current member’s business – just drop in for member-to-member love…costs are low

32)  Awards shows – print out logo of members that sticks to pavement/carpet and lead into your event

33)  Prospect event – invite 12 prospective members for specific industry for lunch with a current member to have a casual conversation/testimony

34)  Use a trusted Young Professional to manage web portion for Millennials (create policy)

35)  Include a warm-fuzzy personal note with regular communication such as invoices

36)  Print Chamber logo on unusual clothing (bowling or mechanic shirt)

37)  Use Google Alerts not just for new membership announcements but for ongoing news

38)  Lunch with Mayor that members attend

39)  Print newsletter and have it inserted in local newspaper free-of-charge

40)  Use radio advertising (foster relationships) – use both generic ads to promote member benefits while also specific items/events

41)  Use Pinterest as a tool to promote Chamber members and overall benefits

42)  Subject lines as well as tag lines in emails – how important to promote upcoming events