George Fentham Endowed School

Parent Teacher Association

Registered Charity No: 1022563

Dear Parents,

Parent and Teacher Association Fund

At the start of this school year we have set up a new “PTA Fund” in response to a number of parents requesting a way of donating to the PTA outside of the events we run throughout the school year.

Last year the PTA raised just over £3,000 for the school, which allowed us to pay for such things as the Christmas Panto and child entertainer, external visitors to the school such as the Rainforest Man and a new projector and screen for the school hall.

This year the PTA’s main focus we will on raising money to help the school purchase vital new play equipment for the main playground. We would also like to purchase some much needed new sports equipment and update the music room and instruments - things that every child in the school will benefit from.

Without your generous support and donations throughout the year the school would not be able to fund such worthwhile projects and events which enhance every child’s school life. We are very lucky to have such a great village school but due to its size we do not get as much funding from the local authority as other larger schools hence the vital importance of fund raising.

A suggested donation amount is £15 for one child or £25 for a family. We do however stress that this is a voluntary donation and any sum contributed and / or support at the events, which the PTA run is very welcome. Also please feel free to donate more if you so wish!

We ask for this donation to be made through the Gift Aid Scheme, which enables the PTA to reclaim 25p from the Inland Revenue for every £1 donated by the taxpayer. The Gift Aid form is on the reverse and cheques should be made payable to George Fentham PTA. Please return the form and your donation in the envelope provided to school.

We thank you for your continued support.

George Fentham PTA

George Fentham Endowed School Parents and Teachers Association


Registered Charity No 1022563






I want George Fentham Endowed School Parents and Teachers Association to treat the enclosed donation of £…….. as a Gift Aid donation.



Eldest Child’s Name……………………………………………..



1.  You may cancel this declaration at any time by notifying George Fentham Endowed School PTA.

2.  You must pay an amount of income tax and / or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donations in the tax year.

3.  If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that George Fentham Endowed School PTA reclaims, you can cancel your declaration.

4.  If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.

5.  If you are unsure whether your donation qualifies for the Gift Aid tax relief, please ask the PTA or ask your local tax office for leaflet IR65.

6.  Please make cheques payable to George Fentham School PTA.