A-, prefix à shortened before a double consonant, e.g. à + kosati = akkosati; a negative prefixed to nouns, adjectives, and participles; e.g. na + kusala = akusala; the augment prefixed to some roots in the Past and Conditional Tenses; e.g. akàsi.

Akaña, akata, a. 1. not done; not made; 2. not artificial.

Akata¤¤å, a. ungrateful.

Akampiya, a. immovable; stable, firm.

Akaraõa, nt. non-action.

Akaraõãya, pt. p. 1. that should not be done; not befitting; 2. nt. improper action.

Akaronta, pr. p. not doing or performing.

Akàca, a. flawless.

Akamaka, a. unwilling.

Akàla, m. inappropriate time. a. out of season.

Akàsi (aor. of karoti), (he) did, made, or performed.

Akiriya, nt. non-action.

~vàda, m. the theory that there is no after-effect of action.

Aki¤cana, a. having nothing.

Akilàsu, a. untiring; active.

Akuñila, a. straight, honest; not crooked.

Akutobhaya, a. safe from every quarter.

Akuppa. a. steadfast; unshakeable.

Akusala, nt. 1. demerit; sin. 2. bad action; a. unskilful.

Akovida, a. not clever.

Akka, m. 1. the sun; 2. swallow-wort plant.

Akkanta, pp. of akkamati. 1. stepped upon; trodden; 2. subdued.

Akkandati (à + kand + a), to wail, to cry.

akkandi. aor.

Akkandana, nt. wailing.

Akkamati (à + kam + a), 1. to step or tread upon. 2. to subjugate.

akkami. aor.

Akkamana, nt. 1. stepping or treading upon; 2. subjugation.

Akkuññha, pp. of akkosati.

Akkocchi, aor. of akkosati.

Akkosa, m. insult; abuse; reproach.

~ka, m. one who insults.

Akkosati (à + kus + a), to abuse; to revile; to scold.

akkosi. aor.

akkositvà. abs.

Akkha, nt. sense organ. m. 1. axle; 2. dice; 3. beleric myrobalan; 4 a measurement equal to 20 grains. (~akkha in the cpds. such as visàlakkha, sahassakkha is from the stem akkhi = eye).

Akkhaka, nt. collar-bone.

Akkhaõa, m. inappropriate time;

akkhaõà, f. a lightning.

~vedhã, m. an archer who shoots as quickly as lightning or shoots only to graze the object.

Akkhata, a. unhurt; not wounded; faultless.

Akkhadassa, m. a. judge; an umpire.

Akkhadhutta, a. addicted to gambling. m. gambler.

Akkhaya, a. changeless; eternal; decayless. nt. the eternal peace.

Akkhara, nt. a letter; a syllable;

~phalaka, m. a board or slate to write on.

~samaya, m. the science of writing and reading.

Akkhàta, pp. of akkhàti.

Akkhàti (à + khà + a), to announce; to tell; to declare.

akkhàsi. aor.

Akkhàtu, akkhàyã, m. one who relates or preaches.

Akkhi, nt. eye.

~kåpa, m. socket of the eye.

~tàrà, f. pupil of the eye.

~dala, nt. eyelid.

Akkhitta, a. not despised or thrown away.

Akkhobha, a. imperturbable.

Akkhobhinã, akkhohinã, f. 1. a number consisting of 42 ciphers; 2. an army of 109,350 soldiers, 65,610 horses. 21,870 elephants and 21,870 war chariots.

Akhetta, nt. unsuitable place.

Aga, m. mountain; tree.

Agati, f. 1. wrong course; 2. prejudice.

Agada, nt. medicine. drug.

Agaru, a. 1. not heavy; 2. not troublesome. m. aloe wood.

Agalu, m. aloe wood.

Agàdha, a. 1. very deep; 2. supportless.

Agàra, nt. house; a. dwelling place.

Agàrika, agàriya, a. & n. layman; householder. m.

Agga, a. the highest; the top-most; m. the end; the top.

~tà, f. ~tta, nt. pre-eminence.

~phala, nt. 1. the first harvest of a cultivation; 2. supreme fruit of Arahantship.

~magga, m. the highest path of salvation.

~mahesã, f. the queen- consort.

Agga¤¤a, a. known as the highest or foremost.

Aggala, nt. bolt; latch.

Aggi, m. fire.

~kkhandha, m. a great mass of fire.

~paricaraõa, nt. fire-worship.

~sàlà, f. a heated room.

~sikhà, f. flame.

~hutta, nt. fire-sacrifice.

Aggha, m. price: value. nt. obligation made to a guest.

~kàraka, m. valuator; appraiser.

Agghaka, agghanaka, a. (in cpds:) having the value of.

Agghati (aggh + a), to be worth; to deserve.

agghi. aor.

Agghàpana, nt. setting a price; valuation.

agghàpanaka, m. valuator.

agghàpaniya, nt. that which is to be valued.

Agghika, agghiya, nt. a post decorated with festoons.

Agghiya, nt. an obligation made to a guest.

Agha, nt. 1. the sky; 2. grief; pain; 3. sin; misfortune.

Aïka, m. 1. the lap; 2. a mark; sign; 3. a numerical figure.

Aïkita, pp. of aïketi.

Aïkura, m. a shoot; sprout bud.

Aïkusa, m. a pole with a hook used for plucking fruits or to guide an elephant.

Aïketi (aki + e), to mark out; to brand; to put a number on.

aïkesi. aor.

aïketvà. abs.

Aïga, nt. 1. a constituent part; 2. a limb; 3. quality.

~paccaïga, nt. major and minor limbs.

~ràga, m. a cosmetic to anoint the body with.

~vijjà, f. palmistry and other prognostications from the marks on the body.

Aïgajàta, nt. the male or female organ.

Aïgaõa, nt. 1. an open space; a court yard; 2. impurity of mind.

Aïgada, nt. a. bracelet for arm.

Aïganà, f. woman.

Aïgàra, m. nt. charcoal; embers.

~kañàtha, ~kapalla, m. pan for holding cinders.

~kàsu, f. a pit full of cinders.

~masa, nt. meat roasted on cinders.

°~aïgika, a. (in cpds:) consisting of so many parts; e.g. duvaïgika = consisting of two parts.

Aïgãrasa, m. the resplendent one; the Buddha.

Aïguññha, m. thumb; the great toe.

Aïgula, nt. an inch; a finger-breadth; a. (in cpds:) measuring so many inches.

Aïguli, f. finger; toe.

~pabba, nt. Finger-joint.

~muddà, f. signet ring; finger-ring.

Aïgulãyaka, aïguleyyaka, nt. finger-ring.

Acala, a. not moving; unshakable.

Acira, a. recent; new.

acira, ad. recently; not long ago; before long.

~ppabhà, f. lightning.

Acetana, a. senseless; inorganic.

Acela, a. void of cloth; naked.

~ka, m. naked ascetic.

Accagà (pret. of ati + gam), he surpassed, overcame.

Accanà, f. 1. oblation; 2. respect; honour.

Accanta, a. perpetual; absolute.

accanta, ad. perpetually; extremely; exceedingly.

Accaya, m. 1. fault; 2. lapse; 3. passing away. (accayena = after the lapse of).

Accàdhàya, abs. having placed one (leg) upon the other in a slightly changed position.

Accàyika, a. urgent.

Accàsanna, a. very near.

Acci, f. flame.

~mantu, a. having flames; brilliant. m. fire.

Accita, (pp. of acceti). honoured, esteemed.

Accuggata, a. very high.

Accuõha, a. very hot. m. great heat.

Accuta, a. everlasting; not passing away; nt. eternal peace.

Accussanna, a. much abundant.

Acceti, 1. (ati + i + a), to pass time; to get over. 2. (acc+e), to honour; to respect.

accesi. aor.

Accogàëha, a. plunged into great depth.

Accodaka, nt. too much water.

Accha, a. clear; pure. m. a bear.

Acchati (às + a; à is shortened and sa changed to ccha), 1. to sit; 2. to remain.

acchi. aor.

Acchambhã, a. fearless; not frightened.

Accharà, f. 1. a nymph; 2. snapping of fingers; a short moment.

~saõghàta, m. snapping of fingers;

~sadda, m. sound of clapping hands.

Acchariya, nt. a marvel; wonder; a. wonderful; marvellous.

Acchàdana, nt. clothing.

acchàdanà, f. concealment.

Acchàdeti (à. + chad + e), to clothe; to cover with.

acchàdesi. aor.

acchàdita. pp.

Acchijja. abs. of the following.

Acchindati (à + chid + -a); 1. to rob; to plunder; to take by force; 2. to break off.

acchindi. aor.

acchinna. pp.

Acchecchi (aor. of chindati), broke away; cut out; destroyed.

Acchejja, a. unbreakable; indestructible.

Acchera, ref. acchariya.

Aja, m. goat.

~pàla, m. goatherd.

~laõóikà, f. goats’ dung.

Ajagara, m. boa constrictor.

Aja¤¤a, a. impure; unclean.

Ajà, ajã, f. She-goat; female goat.

Ajànana, nt. ignorance.

Ajànanta, ajànamàna, pr. p. not knowing; ignorant of.

Ajànitvà, ajàniya, abs. not knowing; being unaware of.

Ajina, m. a cheetah, i.e. a long limbed beast of cat family with tawny fur and black spots,[1] nt. its hide.

~kkhipa, m. a cloak made of cheetah’s hide.

~ppaveõã, f. a bed-sheet made of cheetah’s hide.

~yoni, a kind of antelope.

~sàñi, a garment made of skin.

Ajinapattà, f. a bat.

Ajini, aor. of jinàti, to conquer.

Ajimha, a. straight; not crooked.

Ajira, nt. court-yard.

Ajãraka, nt. indigestion.

Ajeyya, a. invincible.

Ajja, in. today.

~tagge, ad. henceforth.

~tana, a. modern; referring to today.

Ajjava, m. nt. uprightness; straightness.

Ajjita, a. earned; hoarded; collected.

Ajjuna, m. 1. the tree Pentapatera Arjuna; 2., name of a prince.

Ajjhagà, (pret. of adhigacchati) (he) came to; obtained; experienced.

Ajjhatta, a. personal; connected with the self.

ajjhatta, ad. inwardly.

ajjhattika, a. personal; inward.

Ajjhappatta, a. having fallen upon or approached unexpectedly.

Ajjhabhàsati, (adhi +a + bhàs + a), to address; to speak.

ajjhabhàsi. aor.

Ajjhayana, nt. study; learning.

Ajjhàcarati, (adhi + a + car + a), to transgress; to conduct against the rules.

ajjhàcari. aor.

Ajjàcàra, m. 1. transgression; wrong behavior; 2. sexual intercourse.

Ajjhàciõõa, (pp. of ajjhàcarati) 1. much practised; 2. habitually done.

Ajjhàpana, nt. teaching; instruction.

Ajjhàpanna, (pp. of ajjhàpajjati), become guilty of an offence.

Ajjhàya, m. chapter.

Ajjhàyaka, m. an instructor; teacher.

Ajjhàruhati, (adhi + à + ruh + a), to rise up; to climb over.

ajjhàruhi. aor.

ajjhàråëha. pp.

Ajjhàvara, m. a candidate.

Ajjhàvasati (adhi + à + vas + a), to inhabit; to settle down.

ajjhàvasi. aor.

ajjhàvasitvà. abs.

Ajjhàvuttha, (pp. of the above). inhabited; occupied.

Ajjhàsaya, m. intention; disposition.

~tà, f. (in cpds:) the fact of having the intention of.

Ajjhiññha, pp. of ajjhesati.

Ajjhupagacchati (adhi + upa, + gam +a), 1 to arrive; to reach; 2. to consent.

Ajjhupagata, pp. of the above.

Ajjhupagamana, nt. 1. arrival; 2. agreement; consent.

Ajjhupekkhati (adhi + upa + ikkh + a), to be indifferent; to neglect.

ajjhupekkhi. aor.

Ajjhupekkhana, nt. ~nà, f. indifference; negligence.

Ajjhupeti (adhi + upa + i + a), to come near; to approach.

ajjhupesi. aor.

ajjhupeta. pp.

Ajjhesati (adhi + isu + a), to request; to invite.

ajjhesayi. aor.

Ajjhesanà, f. request; invitation.

Ajjhesita, pp. of ajjhesati.

Ajjhokàsa, m. the open air.

Ajjhokirati (adhi + ava + kir + a), to scatter over.

Ajjhogàhati (adhi + ava + gàh + a), to plunge into; to enter; to immerse.

ajjhogàhi. aor.

Ajjhogàëha, pp. of the above.

Ajjhottharati (adhi + ava + thar + a), to submerge; to overpower.

ajjhotthari. aor.

Ajjhotthaña, (pp. of the above). spread over; submerged with.

Ajjhosàna, nt. attachment.

Ajjhohaña, pp. of ajjhoharati.

Ajjhoharaõa, nt. swallowing; eating.

ajjhoharaõãya, a. fit to be swallowed or eaten.

Ajjhoharati (adhi + ava + har + a), to swallow.

ajjhohari. aor.

Ajjhohàra, m. swallowing.

Ajjhohita, pp. crammed in (the mouth).

A¤jati (a¤ju + a), to anoint; to apply collyrium or eyewash.

a¤ji. aor.

A¤jana, nt. collyrium (for the eyes).

~nàëi, f; a tube for collyrium; toilet box.

~vaõõa, a. of the colour of collyrium, i.e. black.

A¤jali, f. lifting of the folded hands as a token of reverence.

~kamma, nt. the act of salutation.

~karaõãya, a. worthy of being honoured.

~puña, m. folded fingers in order to retain something in.

A¤jasa, nt. path; road.

A¤jita, pp. of a¤jati or a¤jeti.

A¤jeti (a¤ju + e), to anoint with; to apply collyrium.

a¤jesi. aor.

A¤¤a, a. other; another; else.

A¤¤atama, a. one out of many; unknown.

A¤¤atara, a. certain; not well-known.

A¤¤atitthiya, m. an adherent of another faith.

A¤¤attha, a¤¤atra, ad. else-where; somewhere else.

A¤¤athatta, nt. alteration; change of mind.

A¤¤athà, ad. otherwise, in a different way.

A¤¤adatthu, in. 1. surely; 2. at any rate; 3. on the other hand.

A¤¤adà, ad. on another day; at another time.

A¤¤ama¤¤a, a¤¤o¤¤a, a. mutual.

a¤¤ama¤¤a, ad. one another; each other; mutually.

A¤¤avihita, a. being occupied with something else; distracted.

A¤¤a, f. perfect knowledge; arahant-ship.

A¤¤àõa, nt. ignorance.

A¤¤àta, a. 1. (à + ¤àta:), known; understood; 2. (na + ¤àta:) unknown; not recognised.

A¤¤àtaka, a. 1. not related by blood; 2. unknown; 3; not recognisable.

~vesa, m. disguise.

A¤¤àtàvã, a¤¤àtu, m. one who knows or has insight.

a¤¤àtukàma, a. desirous to know.

A¤¤àya, abs. having understood.

Añaña, m. 1. name of a minor hell; 2. a high numeral.

Añana, nt. roaming about.

Añani, f. frame of a bed.

Añavi, f. forest.

~mukha, nt. outskirts of a forest.

~saïkhobha, m. an agitation among wild tribes.

Añña, nt. 1. lawsuit; 2. watch tower; 3. a scaffold for workers. adj. (from aññita:) grieved; afflicted.

~kàra, m. a litigant.

~ssara, m. cry of distress.

Aññàka, m. a high platform or scaffold for watchers or workers.

Aññàna, nt. a post incised with squares; and used as a rubber by bathing people.

Aññita, pp. distressed; grieved; afflicted with.

Aññãyati (aññ + i + ya), to be in trouble; to be worried.

aññãyi. aor.

Aññãyana, nt. ~nà, f. dislike, disgust; loathing.

Aññha, a. eight.

~ma, ~maka, a. the eighth.

~mã, f. the eighth day of the lunar month.

Aññhaka, nt. a group of eight.

Aññhakathà, f. explanation; exposition; a commentary.

Aññhaïgika, a. having eight constituents.

Aññhapada, nt. a chessboard.

Aññhasa, a. octagonal.

Aññhàna, nt. 1. a wrong place or position; 2. an impossibility.

Aññhàrasa, a. eighteen.

Aññhi, nt. 1. bone; 2. a hard seed.

~kaïkala, m. the skeleton.

~kalyàõa, nt. beauty of teeth.

~maya, a. made of bone.

~mi¤jà, f. marrow of the bone. ~saïkhalikà, f. ~saïghàña, m. the skeleton.

Aññhita, a. not steadfast.

Aññhãkatvà, abs. having much attention; being interested.

Aóóha, a. opulent; wealthy; m. a half.

~tà, f. opulence.

Aóóhatiya, aóóhateyya, a. consisting of two and a half.

Aóóhadaõóaka, one half of a stick which is split into two; a short stick.

Aóóhamàsa, m. a fortnight.

Aóóhayoga, m. a kind of house which has a roof in the shape of an eagle’s wing.

Aóóharatta, nt. midnight.

Aóóhuóóha, m. three and a half.

Aõu, m. a very small particle; an atom. a. minute; subtle; atomic.

~matta, a. of very small size; tiny.

Aõóa, aõóaka, nt. 1. an egg; 2. the testicles.

Aõóaja, a. oviparous; born of an egg. m: 1. a bird; 2. a serpent.

Aõóåpaka, nt. 1 a. coil; 2. a pad for keeping something on.

Aõõa, m. water.

Aõõava, m. ocean.

Aõha, m. day; only in cpds. such as pubbaõha.

Ataccha, a. false. nt. falsehood.

Atandita, atandã, a. not lazy; active.

Atappiya, a. not satiable.

Ati, a prefix giving the meanings: up to, over, gone beyond, excess, etc.

Atikaóóhati (ati + kaóóh + a), to pull too hard; to trouble.

atikaóóhi. aor.

Atikara, a. over-acting.

Atikkanta, pp. of atikkamati.

Atikkama, m. going over; passing beyond; transgression.

Atikkamati (ati + kam + a), to go beyond; to pass over; to overcome; to surpass.