Nom ______Date ______

Projet – Family Tree Mme Kent

L’arbre Généalogique

Project Details: You are going to create your own family tree and photo scrapbook. This may be based on your real family or a completely made up family. The final product must be a submitted hard copy (no electronic versions or emails please; you must print it if done on the computer).

Important information:

This project is going to count as a TEST GRADE.

This project must be submitted ON THE DUE DATE.

Late projects will result in a 10 point per day penalty and are accepted only at the discretion of the teacher.

This project is due: THURSDAY, MAY 3rd.

Part I

The family tree must include:

The image of your family tree. This image can be on a poster board, construction paper, or white sheet of paper. It must be no larger than 12’’x 18’’ but no smaller than 8 ½ ‘’ x 11’’ (standard sheet of paper). It can be done entirely on the computer or done neatly by hand. It may be designed with cut and pasted images from magazines, computer print outs, or any creative medium you can think of.

Your family tree must have a title (Ma Famille) on top. It must also include 9 family members other than yourself. Pets count as family members also! Each family member must be labeled using a possessive adjective (ma mère, mon père, etc.) and should include some type of image. The image may be an actual photo, a clipart icon of a face, or a hand-drawn face, etc. Your family tree must include you and be labeled clearly (C’est moi). See samples for guidance.

HOW AM I GRADED? The title is worth 1 point, and the image of you with your label is worth 2 points (3 total). Each image of the family member is worth 1 point each and each label is worth 2 points each (3 total). There are 9 family members total x 3 points, plus 3 points for the title, image and label of you, which equals 30 points total for the family tree.

Part II

The scrapbook part of your assignment must include:

A clear description of 4 of your family members on separate sheets of paper. This description will be entirely in French and will include the following:

§  A title on the top of the page (Ma mère)

§  An image of the person which can be a real photo or a cartoon/fictional character

§  The person’s name in a complete sentence

Ø  “Ma mère s’appelle ______”

§  The person’s age in a complete sentence

Ø  “Elle a (#) ans”

§  The person’s birthdate using a possessive adjective

Ø  “Son anniversaire est le (#) (month)”

§  The person’s hair color and eye color (2 separate sentences)

Ø  “Ma mère a les yeux (color)"

Ø  “Elle a les cheveux (color)"

§  A description of the person using 3 adjectives (watch for gender/number agreement)

Ø  “Ma mère est belle, intelligente et grande”

HOW AM I GRADED? The title and image are both worth 1 point each (2 total). The person’s name, age, birthdate, hair color and eye color are each worth 2 points (10 total). Each adjective is worth 1 point each (3 total). That makes a total of 15 points for each description. The scrapbook piece is therefore worth 60 points total (15 points x 4 family members = 60 points).

You will also be graded on structure/grammar and neatness/creativity worth 10 points total using the following rubric:

Scrapbook Grading Rubric – 10 Points Grammar/Neatness
Score / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Grammar / All grammar is correct with minimal errors (5 or less) / Almost all grammar/spelling is correct with some errors (6-10) / Some grammar/ spelling mistakes. Errors could affect the meaning / Several grammar/ spelling errors that interfere with meaning / Hardly any of the sentences were understandable
Creativity / Very creative, colorful and neat. All photos matched the description given of each person / Project was creative, used some color and was fairly neat. Almost all photos matched the description of each person / Project was somewhat creative, used a little color and was somewhat neat. Some of the photos matched the description of each person / Project had little creativity, used minimal color and parts of the project were illegible.
Hardly any of the photos matched the description of each person / Project had no color, hardly any (or no) creativity and was illegible. None of the photos matched the description of the family members included in the project