Central Geelong Major Heritage Fund
Grants Program Guide

City of Greater Geelong
Central Geelong Major Heritage Fund – Grants Program Guide

Table of Contents

1.Overview and Guidelines

1.1To Apply

1.2Assessment Criteria

1.3Application Timelines:

1.4Eligibility Criteria

1.5Works not eligible for funding assistance

1.6How to apply

1.7Grants and Applications Process

1.8Assessment process

1.9Additional information for applicants

1.10Application Checklist

1.Overview and Guidelines

The Central Geelong Major Heritage Fund is a key project of the Central Geelong Action Plan. The objective is to support the restoration of heritage building facades, which will improve the quality and attractiveness of streets within Central Geelong.

The Major Heritage Fund is a grants program intended for one-off capital improvement projects. Low interest loans are not available. In the 2014-15 financial year, the total funds available through the Major Heritage Fund are $125,000.

Examples of projects which would be considered for funding:
  • reinstatement or restoration of verandahs, awnings or balconies;
  • repainting of facades;
  • restoration of building names and original signage;
  • restoration and repointing of brickwork or stonework;
  • repair of rooves, chimneys, gables and parapets; and
  • restoration and/or replacement of windows.

To apply for a Major Heritage Fund grant, an application requires:

  • a planning permit to be issued for the works proposed to be undertaken if the applicant was successful in receiving a grant; or
  • a planning application to have been lodged with Council and the applicant provides a planning permit number and letter of support from Council’s Heritage Advisor for the works proposed.

Grant applications will be assessed by the Central Geelong Task Force Special Committee. If the project is successful, the applicant will enter into a Funding Agreement and the grant forwarded to recipients.

Information on the planning permit process

For information on the planning process please contact Council’s Statutory Planning team on 5272 5272. Please note the application process involves a pre-application stage and then a permit application.

The pre-application stage involves meeting with Council’s Heritage Advisor to discuss project details and be advised of Heritage requirements under the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme , Heritage Overlay policies. The object of this preliminary phase will be to describe the project in sufficient detail for it to be assessed by Council’s Planning department.

Once the Heritage Advisor from Council is satisfied the documentation is sufficient to progress, the applicant may apply for a planning permit.

1.1To Apply

  1. Read the grant guidelines and eligibility criteria
  2. If necessary, contact a Central Geelong Action Plan team member on 5272 5043or at discuss your proposal.
  3. Complete and submit an online application. Only online applications will be accepted.
  4. Read, authorise and accept the conditions of the funding agreement.

1.2Assessment Criteria

Applications eligible for the Central Geelong Major Heritage Fund will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Significance of the place;
  • Need for the works;
  • Need for funding assistance;
  • Relevance to the heritage policies identified the Greater Geelong Planning Scheme as they apply to Central Geelong, including the Verandah Study (2006) or the implementation of an approved Conservation Management Plan;
  • Community benefit, such as conservation of a historically or architecturally significant place or increasing public awareness of heritage; and
  • Contribution to Central Geelong renewal, including significance of contribution to streetscape or precinct change and proximity to other initiatives being undertaken by the Central Geelong Task Force.

All works must be undertaken in accordance with The Australian ICOMOS Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance (The Burra Charter:

1.3Application Timelines:

Key Dates for Remainder of 2014/4 Financial Year
Applications received between: / Outcome Advised by:
21/03/2015-15/05/2015 / 22/06/2015

1.4Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for funding assistance from the Central Geelong Major Heritage Fund, applications must:

  • be located within the Central Geelong Action Plan area (refer Map 2 of the Central Geelong Action Plan replicated below),
  • apply to a place protected under a Heritage Overlay in the City of Greater Geelong Planning Scheme;
  • conserve the overall significance of the place;
  • be visible from a public place, focusing on the presentation of the building to the street;
  • be of a reconstructive or restorative nature, established by the provision of early building plans, photographs and drawings or other evidence of the place;
  • reconstruct only original features;
  • be for no more than 50% of the total project cost;
  • be put forward by the property owner or a lessee with written consent from the owner and whose term of lease is longer than any completion deadline for the works; and
  • be for a single property per applicant in any one financial year.

1.5Works not eligible for funding assistance

  • works to Council owned properties;
  • works to interiors;
  • works that are not publicly visible, unless the Central Geelong Task Force uses its discretion to grant an exception;
  • works required by a repair order issued by the City of Greater Geelong;
  • routine repairs and general maintenance (for example, roof plumbing or restumping);
  • works already commenced;
  • new additions or extensions unless they are the reconstruction of an original element where evidence is provided of the earlier appearance of the place;
  • speculative reconstruction works where there is no evidence of the earlier appearance of the place; and
  • works proposed for properties where monies are owing to the City of Greater Geelong.

1.6How to apply

Applications for the Central Geelong Major Heritage fund are to be made online at Major Heritage Fund

Applications are to include the following information:

  1. Property address;
  2. Ownership or tenure details, including:
  • Length of ownership and copy of certificate of title; or
  • Copy of lease and letter, support from owner and copy of title.
  1. Description of the property and the works, including:
  • Current photograph/s of premises from street frontages;
  • Description of the works;
  • Any architectural drawings or reports (including from builders or other contractors).
  1. Timeframes for the project;
  2. Historical information about the property, which may include:
  • Original drawings of the property;
  • Old photographs; or
  • Historical records.
  1. Quotes for the proposed works or any tender documents, which must:
  • be no more than six months old; and
  • set out the same scope of works, be detailed and broken down to enable direct comparison.
  1. Copy of Details of planning permits requirements, including either:
  • Written confirmation from the City of Greater Geelong planning department that no planning permit is required ;
  • Copy of the planning permit and any endorsed plans
  • (For proposals under consideration by Council’s Planning department) Planning permit application number and a letter of support from Council’s Heritage Advisor.
  1. Confirmation of whether the property is a Place of Significance on the Victorian Heritage Register, which can be searched via the Victorian Heritage Database ( ).
  2. Confirmation of whether funding has been sought from any other source.

Note: This documentation will be required as part of the Planning Application process.

1.7Grants and Applications Process

The process for applying for a grant is shown in the flow-chart below. To obtain a Major Heritage Fund grant, a pre-application phase must occur as a first step, ensuring that a planning permit is granted prior to the award of funds, or that a planning application is sufficiently progressed and resolved that Council’s heritage advisor provides a letter of support to the Applicant as part of any grant application.

1.8Assessment process

The Central Geelong Task Force Section 86 Committee will assess eligible applications. A decision on the allocation of funding will be made via a resolution the Task Force in a public meeting.

Applicants will be advised of the outcome of the assessment process in writing by the Manager Central Geelong Action Plan.

1.9Additional information for applicants

Successful applicants will be required to enter into a legally-binding Funding Agreement that sets out the responsibilities of each party prior to the receipt of grant funds. The Funding Agreement will not be registered on the title of the property.

The value of the grant provided to individual applicants will be assessed on a case-by-case basis determined on its merits relative to the assessment criteria.

No more than 50% of the value of the works will be funded by the Major Heritage Fund, with the applicant to at least match the value of the grant dollar for dollar.

A temporary sign will be required to be erected for the duration of the works and for a period specified in the Funding Agreement, which may be up to six months following the completion of the works.

The property will be subject to routine inspection(s) by representatives of Council, fulfilling its responsibilities under the Planning and Environment Act (1987), Building Regulations 2006 and any requirements set out in the Funding Agreement.

Drawings submitted as part of the application process, detailing the works to be completed and any ‘before’ photos of the property may be utilised by the City of Greater Geelong. The applicants are required to make the building available for photography for use in City of Greater Geelong documentation.

1.10Application Checklist

Are you ready to upload copies of?

  • Certificate of Title
  • For tenants: copy of lease and letter of support from owner
  • Description of Works with current photos, documentation
  • Historical information with photos or historical documentation
  • Quotes or tender documents for the proposed works
  • Expected timeframes
  • Copy of Planning Permit or Planning Permit application number.
  • Confirmation of whether the property is a Place of Significance on the Victorian Heritage Register ( )
  • Confirmation of whether funding has been sought from any other source.

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