July 2008 Slane Area Meeting, Council Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices 10.50

Wednesday 16thJuly, 2008

Outgoing Cathoairleach Cllr. Pat Boshell presided until duly elected Cllr. Eoin Holmes took the chair.

Members Present:Cllr. Pat Boshell

Cllr. Jimmy Cudden

Cllr. Anne Dillon Gallagher

Cllr. Eoin Holmes

Cllr. Tom Kelly

Officials in Attendance:Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager

Jim Colwell, Area Engineer

Mary Duff, A/ASO

Angela Woods, CO

1.0Election of Chairman

Outgoing Chair Cllr. Boshell thanked the Members and officials for their help and contributions to the area meetings during his term as Cathaoirleach. He also thanked the press for their balanced and unbiased reporting of the area meetings over the last 12 months. All the Members paid tribute to Cllr. Boshell for the fair manner in which he discharged his duties as Cathaoirleach.

Cllr Boshell then called for nominations to the Chair. On the proposal of Cllr. Boshell seconded by Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher Cllr. Eoin Holmes was elected to the chair for the forthcoming year.

Cllr. Holmes then took the chair. He thanked his proposer, seconder and the other Members for their support and said he looked forward to working closely with them and the area staff over the next year. He hoped that the spirit of co-operation, which existed between Members and staff, would continue during his term as Cathaoirleach.

Tadhg McDonnell on behalf of the CountyManager and staff thanked Cllr. Boshell for the courteous and efficient way in which he discharged his duties as chairperson. He also wished Cllr. Holmes well in his role as chairperson.

2.0Confirmation of Minutes

2.1The minutes of the Special Meeting held in committee on Wednesday 18thJune, 2008 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. Kelly and seconded by Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher.

2.2The minutes of the June monthly meeting held on Wednesday 18th June were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr.Kelly and seconded by Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher.

3.0Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach

The Members raised the following issues:

  • Road works at McKeevers Lane, Stackallen. The Area Engineer advised that work on this lane had been stopped by one of the residents on the lanewho disputed that the lane was in charge of the Council. He suspended work on the lane pending clarification of this issue.
  • Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher suggested an alternative lane for the works now postponed on McKeevers lane. The Area Engineer said he would consider this.
  • Wall at Killary Bridge Lobinstown is in need of repair. The Area Engineer said he would investigate this.
  • Anti social behaviour at Ledwidge Hall, Slane. The Area Engineer said he would discuss with the developer, as this estate is not in charge.
  • Report on unfinished state of Lime Tree estate, Duleek and details on bond monies.The matter will be referred to Planning Enforcement for follow up action.
  • A letter issued to the CountyManager on Moorechurch sewerage scheme. The Area Engineer said he would investigate this issue.
  • Display of artefacts in Duleek Courthouse. This will be arranged when the Courthouse is finished.
  • Update on cowplots. The Area Manager advised that the cowplots had been valued and he would advise the Members at the September meeting.
  • Welcomed the public briefing meeting on the improvement works to Duleek WWTP and network.
  • Dust at Clarkes’ compound on School Road, Duleek.This would be referred to Infrastructure.
  • Report on consumption of alcohol in public areas.This matter will be investigated.
  • Lack of white lining in Stamullen village. Will be done.
  • Overgrown hedges at Mountain View, Stamullen obscuring the public lighting and resulting in an increase in anti-social behaviour.Will be investigated.
  • Overgrown hedges on the Gormanston to Stamullen road obstructing passage.Will be investigated.
  • Re-opening of the R150 Kilsharvan to Julianstown. Will be referred to Infrastructure.
  • The Members welcomed the grass and verge cutting currently underway and the work on MorningtonBridge.
  • Unfinished state of The Grange, Stamullen. This is with Planning Enforcement.
  • Flooding on Beymore road. The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Update on SlaneBridge weight capacity. Area Manager will follow up.
  • Proposals for pedestrian crossings in Bettystown. The Area Engineer will follow up.
  • InceBay, Laytown landscaping. Will be referred to Planning Enforcement.
  • Potholes on Denhamstown Road need to be repaired. Will be repaired.
  • Road at Murrays Cross, Knowth very narrow.Will be investigated.
  • Update on sale of vehicles on public road side.This matter will be investigated.

4.0Status report on the Roadworks Programme

The Members received and noted a report on the above and raised the following:

  • The Narroways, Bettystown. The Area Engineer advised that the works were substantially complete.
  • Piltown Road. The Area Engineer advised that work on this road would commence shortly.

5.0Report on Matters raised at the June meeting

The Members received and noted a report on the above and raised the following issues:

  • Road safety issues at Carranstown, Duleek. The Area Engineer advised that he would meet with the residents to discuss their concerns and he would follow up on the public lighting issue.
  • Sign / pole restoration should include painting where necessary.

6.0Notice of Question

6.1 Cllr. Tom Kelly

When will the Manager provide a detailed statement of financial position of the Slane Area Council and what impact the restrictions will have on the programme of work for the remaining 6 months of the year?

The Area Manager circulated a report, which outlined expenditure up to the end of May 2008.

Cllr. Kelly requested clarification on the budget allocation for Slane vis a vis the other Electoral Areas. He queried whether the level of machinery expenses in Slane was much higher then in the other areas.

The Area Manager noted that Cllr. Kelly had previously raised this issue with the head of Finance.

7.0Items / Correspondence raised by the Area Manager

The following were discussed / circulated / noted.

7.1Letter from the Pride of Place

The Area Manager circulated a letter from the pride of Place Team regarding an invitation to attend judging at 10.00am on 16th July at Sonairte, Laytown. Unfortunately, this clashed with the monthly meeting.


The Area Manager read out a report on this.

7.3Julianstown noise survey

The Area Manager circulated a press release on this issue, which clarified that the Council is complying with the timeframe of the EPA. The Members requested a hard copy of the presentation and the management plan previously circulated and discussed at the July Full Council meeting.

8.0To discuss matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee.

Nothing raised

The meeting then ended (12.10)

Minutes July ’08 Monthly Meeting 160708 Page 1 of 4

Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, CountyMeath

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