MINUTES - Longview & Area Seniors' Club

Board Meeting - Monday March 30th 2015 - 10:00 a.m.

1. Meeting called to order by Ivor 10:03 a.m.

2. Board members present: Jack Chisholm, Doreen Chisholm, Andrea Kidd, Ivor McCorquindale, Rose Klassen, Ann Davis

Guest attendees: Vicky Adamson, Michele Geistlinger

Motion:Jack moved that we add items a) Food Handling Course, b) Defibrillator Acquisition, c) New Horizon Grant and d)Meals on Wheels to today's agenda. Carried unanimously.

3.Vicky moved that we accept as read the Minutes of meeting March 13th 2015. Carried unanimously

4Matters arising from business of previous meeting.

Notice Board - Andrea read letter from Village offering L&ASC exclusive use of the outside locked case. Andrea will write a letter of thanks to Council. Ivor received the key and gave it to Rose who will take responsibility for the notice board.

Insurance - Andrea read letter from Council advising that L&ASC will be added to the Village Insurance Policy and that L&ASC will be expected to pay the annual invoice. Discussion regarding payment followed. It is understood that volunteer organizations are covered for free. Ivor willfind out if the library board is required to pay and will approach Council to say we are a volunteer group and request free coverage under the Village of Longview. The matter was tabled.

FCSS funding - the deadline for the application is April 3 2015. Forms to be completed and sent in with covering letter on Thursday April 2 by Ann and Andrea

5.Library programme for seniors.

As per article written by Sylvia Binkley in the Western Wheel the Longview Library already has volunteers to bring and return books for seniors and shut-ins. Our survey indicates that 14 people want this service. Ivor will inform the library boardof these people.

6.Refrigerator donation - Chris GossIvor McCorquindale

Andrea will write a letter of thanks to Chris Goss and Paul (Eaks?) at the Longview Hotel for the donation of a Refrigerator/Freezer to L&ASC. L&ASC will donate the frig/freezer to the Village Hall and it will be placed in the upstairs kitchen.

7.Financial ReportAnn Davis

Bank Account

Motion: Doreen moved that we open an account for L&ASC at the ATB. Carried unanimously. We will set up an account once the name search has been made.

8. Secretary's ReportAndrea Kidd

Invitations to the Dessert & Coffee/Membership Drive have been sent out.

9.Board Development: Official status,

Vicky has printed off forms for incorporation and has offered to fill them in for us.

10.Membership Drive April 16th 2015, 6.30 - 9:00 p.m.

Rose will advertise on the big Village notice board for April 16th.

TheExercise Group that usually meets on Thursday evening has graciously allowed us to use the Village Hall that evening.Council has kindly allowed us to use the hall at no cost. Ivor will send letter of thanks.

Evening Activities will include shuffleboard, crib table, scrabble, music (Highwood Hillbillies - one set of songs, 10 - 15 minutes, prior to draw), possibly a poem from Lorne Fuller, dominoes.

decorations - Michele

set up - Ivor and others - 11:00 a.m.

Ann will have a table for memberships - Kirk Davis is kindly donating membership cards.

Door prizes: 1. Floral arrangement $25 - Michele 2. Hip Flask from Ivor

Doreen Kirk & Ann Davis & Doreen Chisholm have volunteered to bake


coffee/tea/sugar/sticks/juice mix/water from cooler/cups - Michele

Ivor will interview with Tammy for Western Wheel to promote the event

Andrea will write an invitation letter to be hand-delivered to all survey participants.

Any specially invited guests (i.e. politicians) will have an opportunity to speak.

Ivor will give a verbal presentation and field questions and comments before the draw at the end of the evening.

Ivor will talk to Lorne and make up order of events for the evening.

Andrea to contact Jennifer Stark and Anna Hopkins in Cochrane and see if they can commit to attending and inviting them to attend a short meeting with our board prior to the event.

Doreen C will contact Doreen Kirk to make 10 posters to advertise around the Village and beyond.

Michele will write an article for the newsletter

11Proposed planning for future events.

Tabled to next GeneralMeeting

12.Any other business.

Doreen - Food Handling Course

Vicky moved that we establish a date to offer the Food Handling Course to the Longview Community. Carried unanimously.

Jack - Defibrillator Acquisition for the Longview Village Hall

Jack will request permission from Council to place a defibrillator in the hall for the Seniors' Club and if there is a positive response will approach the Lions' Club.

Meals on Wheels

Discussion tabled until Andrea has more information.

New Horizons FederalGrant

Discussion tabled for now - not accepting applications at present - Jack will get forms.

Longview Legacy Trail

Motion: Ivor moved that L&ASC provide refreshments for the volunteers working on the Longview LegacyTrail, date to be determined. Carried unanimously.

13.Next meeting date. Monday, April 13th, 10:00 in the Council Chambers.

14.Meeting adjourned 12:35 p.m.