

To: The Town Mayor and Members of Ripley Town Council

You are summoned to attend the Annual General Meeting of Ripley Town Council to be held at 7.00pm on

May 17th 2016in the Council ChamberTown Hall, Ripley

Yours sincerely,

Linda McCormick


Members are asked to sign the attendance sheet for the meeting and to complete the declarations of interest sheet (if appropriate). These will be available in the Council Chamber.

1. To elect a Town Mayor for the ensuing year.

2. The Town Mayor to take and sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

3. Vote of thanks to the retiring Mayor.

4. To co-opt a new Councillor

5. New Councillor to take and sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office and complete a Members

Interests Form

6. To elect a Deputy Town Mayor for the ensuing year.

7. The Deputy Town Mayor to take and sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

8. To receive apologies for absence.

9. Variation of Order of Business

10. Declaration of Members Interests

(a)Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting in respect of items other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest sheet prior to the start of the meeting and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)

(b)Where a Member indicates that they have a Disclosable Pecuniary interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under item (c) of Public Speaking.

(c)The Declarations of Interests for matters other than Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.

11. Public speaking – (10 Minutes)

(a)A period of not more than 10 minutes will be made available for members of the public and Members of the Council to comment on any matter.

(b)If the Police Liaison Officer, a County Council or District Council Member is in attendance they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter.

(c) Members declaring an interest other than a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest who wish to make representations or give evidence under the National Association of Local Councils’ (NALC) Code of Conduct shall do so at this stage.

12.To confirm the Non-Confidential Minutes of the Town Council’s Meeting April 19th 2016, Employment Committee MeetingApril 22nd 2016, Events Committee Meeting May 6th 2016, Finance Committee MeetingMay 6th 2016 and Planning Committee May 13th 2016(circulated)

13. To determine which items if any part of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. If the Council decides to exclude the public it will be necessary to pass a resolution in the following terms: - “In view of the confidential nature of item ( ) to consider a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, s1, in order to discuss the item.”

13. All Councillors to sign and to complete a “Members Interest Form” (which is in the document pack given to all Cllrs) and to be returned within 28 days

14. To adopt the following documents: (previously circulated)

  1. Standing Orders
  2. Financial Regulations
  3. Financial Risk Assessment
  4. Code of Conduct
  5. Statement on Internal Controls
  6. Freedom of Information Policy
  7. Equality and Diversity Policy
  8. Grievance Procedure
  9. Disciplinary Procedure
  10. Clerk Appraisal Form
  11. Staff Appraisal Form
  12. Maternity Leave and Maternity Pay Policy
  13. Parental Leave Policy
  14. Sickness and Pay Policy
  15. Display Screens Policy
  16. Health & Safety and Risk Assessment Policies
  17. Training and Development Policy
  18. Working Alone Policy
  19. Town Council Monthly Meeting Dates for 2016 / 2017

15. To appoint the under mentioned Sub-Committees/Internal Auditors, cheque signatories: -

a) Planning Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Leader, Deputy Leader plus two from the controlling group and two from the opposing group (Cllrs on this committee to be up to date with planning training)

Terms of Reference: To meet monthly to discuss Planning Applications and associated matters and the Committee have the mandate to make decisions regarding Planning Applications and associated matters (roles and responsibilities as per Standing Orders)

b) Allotments Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Leader or Deputy Leader plus one from the controlling group and two from the opposing group

Terms of Reference: To meet annually to make recommendations to Full Council on management and supervision of Allotments and associated matters of the five allotment sites

c) Financial Grants Panel

Mayor, Deputy Mayor plus four from the controlling group and two from the opposing group

Terms of Reference: To meet yearly and as necessary to make recommendations to Full Council on the allocation of grants within the approved budget for the year

d) Certificate of Merit Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor plus four from the controlling group and two from the opposing group plus Mr Tony England as an independent person

Terms of Reference: To make recommendations to Full Council regarding the Annual Certificate of Merit winner, having considered the nominations submitted following the public advertisement

e) Events Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor plus four from the controlling group and two from the opposing group

Terms of Reference: To meet quarterly and as necessary to make recommendations to Full Council on events and associated matters

f) To Confirm the Appointment of Two Internal Auditors

Two Councillors

Terms of Reference: To inspect the Council’s accounts on a twice yearly basis

g) Finance and Management Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Leader, Deputy Leader plus one from the controlling group and two from the opposing group

Terms of Reference: To meet quarterly and as necessary to make recommendations to Full Council on associated matters (roles and responsibilities as per Standing Orders)

h) Cheque Signatories

Signatories for cheque signing which the mandate consists of any two Cllrs (from the signatories list) plus the Clerk – Councillors to sign the bank mandates

i) Employment Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Leader, Deputy Leader plus one from the controlling group

Terms of Reference: To meet quarterly as necessary to make recommendations to Full Council on associated matters (roles and responsibilities as per Standing Orders)

j) Carnival Committee

Mayor, Deputy Mayor plus four from the controlling group and two from the opposing group

Terms of Reference: To meet as necessary to make recommendations to Full Council on the Carnival and associated matters

k) To Appoint Representatives to outside bodies:

  • Derbyshire Association of Local Councils Executive Committee –
  • Ripley and District Heritage Trust -
  • Ripley and District Town Twinning Association –
  • Waingroves Community Association –
  • Heage Windmill Society –
  • Amber Valley Access –
  • Police Parish / Town Liaison meetings –
  • William Holmes Court Almshouses and the Ernest Joseph Ellis Fermor Charity – Cllr R Emmas-Williams and Mr Ian Fisher till 2018
  • Amber Valley Parish Liaison Committee –
  • Derwent Valley Mills Partnership –
  • Derwent Valley Line Community Rail Partnership -
  • Ripley Chamber of Trade –

16. Report of the Town Clerk on: -

a)Bus Shelters – notices issued by DCC for four locations and utility companies written to – Two concrete bases reduced from £1900 + vat to £1700 + vat

b)Church Hall Moseley Street

c)Defibrillator – estimated costs to purchase, install and maintain(BHF Grant £400 not available yet)

New application just come on line

d)Nottingham Road Sports Pavilion

e)Butterley Trust

f)Nether Heage Allotments LandAsset of Community Value agreed by AVBC landowner has raised an objection

g)Bridleway No 90 Diversion(previously circulated)

17. Accounts for paymentandIncomecheques to be approved and signed – Finance report circulated

Cheq No / Payee / £ / VAT / Total
504301 / Seafish Restaurant for Charity Dinner / £600.00 / £600.00
504302 / L McCormick 504303K Hall 504304 HMRC PAYE / £2673.14 / £2673.14
504305 / The National Leaflet Co April newsletter delivery / £861.26 / £172.25 / £1033.51
504306 / AVBC Office Rent May 2016 / £300.00 / £60.00 / £360.00
504307 / Konica Minolta Copier lease and copy costs / £165.67 / £33.07 / £198.74
DD / Unicom Clerk’s telephone and BroadbandMarch 2016 / £52.42 / £10.48 / £62.90
504308 / Furniture@work cupboard and back support chair RTC office / £259.00 / £ £51.80 / £310.80
504309 / Staples stationery / £60.28 / £12.06 / £72.34
504310 / Wish Cloud Ltd Annual hosting ror 2016 / 2017 / £420.00 / £420.00
504311 / Wish Cloud computer issues and email accounts .gov.uk / £160.00 / £160.00
504312 / Keptkleen Ripley Toilets wks 9,10,11,12,13 / £338.00 / £338.00
504313 / Keptkleen Heage Toilets wks 9,10,11,12,13 / £234.00 / £234.00
504314 / AVBC Empty two bins on Cedar Ave & Porterhouse Rd till 5/4/17 / £847.07 / £847.07
504315 / DLNR CRC Ltd Payback Team for Greenway litter pick & bins / £208.33 / £41.67 / £250.00
DD / BT Internet Services / £58.00 / £11.60 / £69.60
504316 / AVBC Heage Toilets Rates May 2016 / £38.00 / £38.00
504317 / L McCormick reimbursement for flower petals for well dressing / £31.98 / £31.98
504318 / John Brett Children’s Rides Spring Festival / £500.00 / £500.00
504319 / M Ruscoe for Dealing with stalls Spring Festival / £125.00 / £125.00
504320 / S West Face Painting Spring Festival / £200.00 / £200.00
504321 / ReThink donation for Well Dressing / £200.00 / £200.00
504322 / D L Ross various characters Spring Festival / £150.00 / £150.00
Total / £8,482.15 / £392.93 / £8,875.08
504323 / Ripley Morris Men Spring Festival / £75.00 / £75.00
504324 / JV Addison Magician Spring Festival / £175.00 / £175.00
504325 / Mrs P Missett engraving Mayoral Chain / £40.00 / £40.00
504326 / Shakespeare Martineau Planning Advice / £1250.00 / £ £250.00 / £1500.00
504327 / L McCormick refund charities local groups stall monies x 20 / £200.00 / £200.00
504328 / Mayor’s Allowance 2016 / 2017 / £2000.00 / £2000.00
Total / £3,740.00 / £ £250.00 / £3,990.00
Overall Totals / £12222.15 / £642.93 / £12865.08
Seafish Tickets / £90.00
Stalls / £50.00
Sandham Lane Allotments Rent / £30.00
Stalls / £40.00
Seafish Tickets / £470.00
Stalls / £90.00
Nuttalls Park Allotment Rent / £30.00
Seafish Tickets / £20.00
Stall / £10.00
AVBC Precept / £112462.50
Total / £113,292.50

18. Planning Applications – previously circulated – AVA/2016/0335 Qube new application now removing the original facia before applying the new

19.Items for Information in the Information Folder:DALC Circular 07/2016 –DALC Circular 08/2016

20.DALC Training –


(10.00am – 12.30pm) / Health & Safety for Town & Parish Councils / Aldern House, Bakewell
(1.30pm – 4.00pm) / Tree & Woodland Management / Aldern House, Bakewell
(10.00am – 3.00pm) / Mediation Training / Aldern House, Bakewell
(6.00pm – 8.00pm) / Chair Skills Training / Stretton Village Hall
(10.00am – 12.30pm) / Councillor Induction Training / Aldern House, Bakewell
(10.00am – 3.00pm) / Grave Matters / Stretton Village Hall
(6.00pm – 8.00pm) / Code of Conduct Training / Stretton Village Hall
(10.00am – 2.30pm) / Dark Arts – Minutes & Procedures Training / Stretton Village Hall
(6.30pm – 8.30pm) / Finance for Councillors / Ripley Town Hall

21. Town Clerk and Community Officer’s Annual Review – to be arranged

22.Date for the next monthly meeting June 15th 2016 at 7.00pm