Office of the Superintending Engineer,
Operation Circle, Anantapur
Proceedings No. SE/O/ATP/PS/SBE/F SB/D.No. 345 / 11,dt 04.05.11
Time extension of TENDER NOTICE NO : 36 /10-11 (PURCHASE)
[Published in EENADU
Dated 04.05.11 ]
Sealed separate tenders are invited from the registered / reputed contractors for taking SPOT BILLING through Hand held Computers (SBMs) in Operation circle, Anantapur. (Sub-division wise) by private agencies departmentally on monthly rotation basis
Sl. No / Bid Specification Number / Name of the Sub- Division / Connected E.R.o / Approximate value of work / Cost of Bid Specification / Bid security to be Paid1 / SB No:9/10-11 / CCO/Tadipatri / CCO/Tadipatri / Rs.5.0 Lakhs / Rs.563/ / Rs.10000/-
2 / SB No:11/10-11 / Rurals /Hindupur / Hindupur / Rs.5.0 Lakhs / Rs.563/ / Rs.10000/-
3 / SB No:12/10-11 / Madaksira / Madaksira / Rs.5.0 Lakhs / Rs.563/ / Rs.10000/-
4 / SB No:13/10-11 / Penukonda / Penukonda / Rs.5.0 Lakhs / Rs.563/ / Rs.10000/-
5 / SB No:18/10-11 / Kalyandurg / Kalyandurg / Rs.5.0 Lakhs / Rs.563/ / Rs.10000/-
6 / SB No:19/10-11 / Rayadurg / Rayadurg / Rs.5.0 Lakhs / Rs.563/ / Rs.10000/-
1) Bid security for each work @ 2 % of the Tender value shall be enclosed to the specification.
2) Issue of Tenders specification from :: 04.05.2011 to 17. 05.11
3) Last date for receipt of sealed Tenders : 18.05.2011 up to 15.00 hrs
4) Tenders will be opened on : 18.05.2011 at 16.00 hrs
5) Details can be had from the Office of the Superintending Engineer / Operation
Circle / Anantapur, on all workings days between 10.30 AM t 5.00 PM.
Cost of Tenders specification should be paid in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Accounts Officer / Expenditure / Circle Office / A.P.C.P.D.C.L / Anantapur.
6) If any Contractor desires to have specification by post, he should pay an additional amount of Rs 50-00 (Rupees fifty only) for each specification in addition to the cost of the specification .The Department will not be
7) Responsible for any delay or non-receipt of the specification in time sent by post.
8) The cost of Tenders specification once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
9) The under signed reserves the rights to reject any or all tenders with out assigning any reason.
10) Tender specifications will be issued to eligible contractors only.
Phone Nos :08554-272941,272942
Superintending Engineer,
Operation Circle, Anantapur
(List of registered contractors)
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Copy to the Divisional Engineer / TL & SS / Anantapur
Copy to the Superintending Engineer/TL & SS / Kurnool
Copy to the Senior Accounts Officer / Expenditure / Circle Office/ Anantapur
Copy to the Superintending Engineer / Kurnool & Mahaboob Nagar with a request to display in the notice board.
Copy to the Assistant Divisional Engineer / Construction-1&2 / Anantapur
Copy to all Asst. Divisional Engineers/Operation/______
Copy to the Accounts Officer / Expenditure & Revenue/ Circle Office/ Anantapur
Copy to the Superintending Engineer/O&M/CPDCL//Hyderabad
Copy to the Superintending Engineer / Projects / APCPDCL/ Hyderabad.
Copy Submitted to the Chief General Manager/Projects/ APCPDCL / Hyderabad.
Copy Submitted to the Director/Operation/ APCPDCL / Hyderabad.
Copy to Notice board
Asst. Divisional Engineer
Technical &Purchase