GATTACA Reflection

The Ethics of Genetic Engineering


The film GATTACA presents a possible future in which the use of genetic engineering and DNA technology have advanced to the point that those who are created using such techniques constitute a new elite. Those individuals who are not born under such circumstances are routinely discriminated against. The protagonist in the film attempts to disguise his natural birth status so that he can fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming an

astronaut. He does this by assuming the identity of a genetically engineered athlete who was paralyzed during a suicide attempt. The film raises a number of issues that warn of the possible consequences of the misuse of DNA technology. At the same time, many of the film’s themes are contemporary (e.g. racism, privacy) and even classical (e.g. free will vs. determinism, man vs. nature).


1. Write a reflection discussing your personal views on the following topics:

  • What are the acceptable uses of genetic engineering in human reproduction?
  • How much of a role does genetics play in determining a person’s potential?
  • How much genetic information about an individual should be available to potential employers, insurance companies, etc.?

2. The paper should include specific examples from the film to support your positions.

GATTACA Reflection

The Ethics of Genetic Engineering


The film GATTACA presents a possible future in which the use of genetic engineering and DNA technology have advanced to the point that those who are created using such techniques constitute a new elite. Those individuals who are not born under such circumstances are routinely discriminated against. The protagonist in the film attempts to disguise his natural birth status so that he can fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming an

astronaut. He does this by assuming the identity of a genetically engineered athlete who was paralyzed during a suicide attempt. The film raises a number of issues that warn of the possible consequences of the misuse of DNA technology. At the same time, many of the film’s themes are contemporary (e.g. racism, privacy) and even classical (e.g. free will vs. determinism, man vs. nature).


1. Write a reflection discussing your personal views on the following topics:

  • What are the acceptable uses of genetic engineering in human reproduction?
  • How much of a role does genetics play in determining a person’s potential?
  • How much genetic information about an individual should be available to potential employers, insurance companies, etc.?

2. The paper should include specific examples from the film to support your positions.