Date: 10/17/2017 Village: Rhotia, Moyo Hill Camp

Country: Tanzania

Time started: 3:00 pm Time ended: 3:45 pm

Interviewer Information

Interviewer’s name: Karlene Cudak

Interviewer’s email:

Interviewer’s sex: female

Background Information

Respondent’s name: Bernard Kissui

Respondent’s role: Moyo Hill Center Director

Main livelihood(s) in village: Moyo Hill Center Director and Researcher

Respondent’s sex: male

How many years have you lived in this area: 1-5 years

What is your age: 36-53 years old

Changes in Weather and Climate

  1. What are some of the biggest changes you have observed over the last few years?
  • Changes in the rainfall patterns
  • Short rains are less frequent/more rare
  • Timing of the rains have changed – they are more erratic
  • Warmer temperatures in Rhotia
  • Farmers often grew wheat, but it is not as successful as a crop anymore due to the warming temperatures
  1. What are the biggest changes in weather you have observed over the last few years?
  • Changes in rainfall
  • Drought
  • More sporadic
  • Changes in temperature
  • Increased temperatures

Impacts of Changes in Weather and Climates and Responses

  1. How have the changes in weather you mentioned impacted the main livelihood?
  • He is not directly impacted since his professions are not as affected as others, such as the farmers in Rhotia
  • Discusses the impacts he has observed
  • Those who work with agriculture are extremely impacted
  • Decline in crop yield
  • Unpredictable crop yields due to sporadic rainfall
  • Responses have been to change what they cultivate
  • Abandonment of certain crops, such as wheat, due to their unsuccessfulness
  • His responses are influenced by his knowledge and viewpoint as a researcher
  1. How have people responded to these impacts?
  • Agriculturalists have begun to heavily use fertilizer due to their decreasing crop yield
  • Cultivating new/alternative crops
  • Harvesting/collecting of water during the wet season due to its scarcity in the dry season and unpredictability of rainfall
  • Agro-pastoralists mostly present in Rhotia
  1. How have the changes in weather you mentioned affected the availability of natural resources?
  • Water scarcity – has gotten substantially worse over the years
  • Adoption of alternative energy sources
  • Biogas vs. firewood
  • Propane (must be purchased)
  • Using charcoal less
  • Large attempt to use solar energy
  • Cheap
  • Easy
  • Only used for lighting, not cooking
  1. How have people responded to these impacts?
  • They have adopted alternative energy sources (as mentioned above)

Other Impacts and Responses

  1. Are there any other impacts or responses to the changes in weather you mentioned?
  • Increased use of pesticides and fertilizers
  • These have more potential impact of weather and the climate than we have the ability to measure
  • Impacts are not known and are not heavily studied

Impact of Responses on Biodiversity

  1. Which responses potentially have negative impacts on biodiversity?
  • Pesticide use:
  • Impacts unknown
  • Most likely dangerous for biodiversity
  • Meant to kill insects, so could also negatively affect other wildlife, livestock or people
  • Clearing more habitat for farming
  • Loss of habitat for wildlife
  • Loss of wildlife corridors
  • Increased chances of human-wildlife conflict due to increased interaction opportunities
  • Increased competition for resources
  • Land needed for wildlife, but also needed for the growing human population and for farms to grow food to avoid food scarcity
  • Water scarcity – drought
  • Not enough water for all wildlife, livestock, and people

Other Additional Comments

  1. Potential increase in diseases (i.e. malaria)
  • Long term data is needed to see if there is an increase in people getting diseases and if the potential increase is impacted by changes in weather and in climate
  • For example, there was rarely malaria in the highlands, if ever, but now (potentially) due to increased temperatures more mosquitos are present, thus spreading malaria more