MAT 142.01 - Calculus II – Spring 2011

MWF8:15 am – 9:30 am

Instructor: Ms. Michelle Abdella

Office: D385

Phone: 343-0055 ext. 6396


Office Hours:MWF 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, TR 9:00 – 11:00 am or by appointment

Required Textbooks: Calculus, 1st ed., Briggs/Cochran with access code for MyMathLab

Calculator:A graphing calculator is not required but useful. I will not focus on using your calculator for learning calculus. It is more beneficial to truly understand the concepts before relying on a tool to “do the work for you.”

I will be using a TI-83. If you have a different kind of graphing calculator you are welcome to use it. If you need help using your graphing calculator I will be happy to help you outside of class time provided you have your manual with you.

Catalog Description: Examines applications of the definite integral; analysis of the natural logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions; introduction to differential equations; techniques of integration; L'Hopital's Rule and indeterminate forms; and improper integrals; and infinite series.

Prerequisite: MAT 141 (with a minimum grade of C) or equivalent by placement

Attendance POLICY:

Attendance is MANDATORY. Students missing more than six class meetings will be subject to a lowered grade (or, in cases of chronic absenteeism, a grade of F) at the discretion of the instructor as per College policy. In the event of an absence, it is YOUR responsibility to get notes, announcements, and assignments from a friend. You should also check with the instructor to get any papers that were handed out in the previous class. Arriving late to class is a distraction for both the instructor and other students.

Do not schedule appointments that conflict with math class or require you to leave early.


Faculty will no longer assign a grade of W for reason of non-attendance. If the student wants to withdraw from the class without receiving a failing grade, it is up to the student to initiate the withdrawal paperwork in the Records office.The last day to withdraw from this course without a grade is February 7th.

The last day to withdraw from a course with a W on your transcript is March 27th .

Withdrawing after this date will result in an F for the course.


Positive Attitude: Please make every effort to maintain an open mind when approaching Calculus, even if your reason for taking this course is because your advisor told you it was required. Calculus has many applications outside this classroom and although you may never need this information in the future, this class will benefit those who keep a positive attitude.


Homework exercises are very important because learning is most effective when the student has frequent and repeated practice in applying skills. Homework will be assigned using MyMathLab, an online program that will help you save time and improve your grades.

  • If you bought a new book at the bookstore, it came with an access code to MyMathLab
  • If you wish to buy access to MyMathLab separately, you may purchase access with a credit card at
  • Visit to get started.
    You will need the following Course ID to register: abdella24546

Keep in mind that according to college standards, students are expected to spend an average of at least two hours of preparation outside of class(reading, studying, doing homework) for each hour of classroom instruction. Students who completely disregard practicing tend to find the course difficult and receive at most a D. Keep in mind that you cannot take Calculus 3 unless you receive a minimum of a C in Calculus 2 AND most 4 year institutions will not accept a grade of D if transferring.



You will be allowed to use any graphing calculator during each of the exams. However, it is alwaysexpected that you show ALL set-up work for full credit. I am fully aware that the TI-89 will perform symbolic integration and differentiation. If you make use of this function without showing work, I will not award you credit for the problem.

If an emergency arises the day of a test you must contact the professor THAT DAY to let her know why you will not be there and to arrange another time to take the test. If you do not contact her or leave a message by the end of THAT DAY, you will not be allowed to reschedule the test and your score will be 0. There are absolutely NO exceptions to this policy. Re-tests are not available.


Each student must show his or her own work on all homework and tests. Copying someone else's work -- or allowing your work to be copied -- is not acceptable. If there is evidence of cheating or inappropriate sharing of information, each student involved may be severely penalized, in most cases receiving a zero.

Extra Help Available:

See the professor during office hours

Drop in for tutoring in the Math Learning Center in D360 (It is FREE!)

Form your own study group of fellow students and help each other. As you explain math definitions, concepts, and procedures to each other, you all learn more and benefit! You are welcome to meet together in the Math Learning Center (D360).


The student's final course grade will be based on:


60%4 unit exams (lowest is dropped)

20%final exam

5%participation and attendance

There will be no extra credit made available for poor test performanceand/or pure disregard for the completion of homework!!

The final grade will be assigned as shown below.

Average Grade Note: IP status will be granted only under

90% - 100%A extraordinary circumstances.

80% - 89.99%B

70% - 79.99%C

60% - 69.99%D

0% - 59.99%F

Class Cancellation Procedures:

If the professor is unable to hold class, a notice will be posted on the classroom door. Be sure to read and follow the instructions (assignment, etc.) on the notice. If all classes at GCC need to be canceled due to bad weather or other emergency, the information will be announced on the following radio and TV stations:

WGRZ TV Channel 2 Buffalo / WHAM TV Channel 13 Rochester
WIVB TV Channel 4 Buffalo / The FOX FM (95.1) Rochester
WKSE FM (98.5) Buffalo / The Drive FM (100.5) Rochester
WKSE FM (98.5) Buffalo / Sunny FM (102.3) Rochester
WTSS FM (102.5) Buffalo / KISS FM (106.7) Rochester
WGR AM (550) Buffalo / Snap FM (107.3) Rochester
WBEN AM (930) Buffalo / WHAM AM (1180) Rochester
WBTA AM (1490) Batavia / Hot Talk AM (1280) Rochester
WDNY AM (1400) Dansville / WSPQ AM (1330) Springville
WYSL AM (1040) Livonia / WCJW AM (1140) Warsaw

NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the course syllabus as needed.

Student Performance Outcomes:
A student who has successfully completed MAT142 is expected to be able to perform the following in an exam setting, without the use of notes, using a scientific or graphing calculator as appropriate:

  1. Evaluate the derivative of any exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, or inverse trigonometric functions
  2. Given any integrable function, the student must recognize and apply the correct technique used to integrate (in exact form) from among the following techniques: fundamental integral formulas, U-substitution, method of parts, trigonometric substitution, method of partial fractions, powers of trig functions, or by use of integral tables
  3. Apply the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus to evaluate a definite integral
  4. Using integrals, find the area between the two curves
  5. Using integrals, sketch any plane region defined by one or more simple curves, and find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the plane region about the x- or y-axis
  6. Apply any of the standard approximation techniques (midpoint, trapezoid, Simpson's) to evaluate a definite integral involving any simple function, accurate to three decimal places.
  7. Use L'Hopital's Rule to evaluate any limit involving the indeterminate form 0 / 0 or oo/oo
  8. Given an infinite series, determine the convergence or divergence of the series using any of the following tests (as appropriate to the particular series): divergence, ratio, root, comparison, limit comparison, geometric, harmonic, integral, p-series.
  9. Given a power series, find the interval of convergence.
  10. Given a function of a single variable, find and evaluate a Taylor polynomial or Taylor series for the function at a given point.
    *This course objective has been identified as a student learning outcome that must be formally assessed as part of the College's Comprehensive Assessment Plan. All faculty teaching this course must collect the required data (see Assessing Student Learning Outcomes form) and submit the required analysis and documentation at the conclusion of the semester to the Office of Assessment and Special Projects.
    Content Outline:
    I. Review Basic Integration Techniques
    a. Integration of Fundamental forms
    b. Integration by U-substitution
    c. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    II. Applications of Integration
    a. Area between two curves
    b. Volume: The Disc Method
    c. Volume: The Shell Method
    d. Arc Length and Surface Area
    e. Work
    f. Additional applications at discretion of instructor
    III. Transcendental Functions
    a. Logarithms
    b. Calculus of Inverse Functions
    c. Exponential Functions
    d. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
    e. Hyperbolic Functions

IV. Introduction to Differential Equations
a. First-Order Separable Differential Equations
b. Exponential Growth & Decay applications
c. Linear First-Order Differential Equations
V. Integration Techniques
a. Powers of Trigonometric Functions (supplement needed)
b. Integration by Parts
c. Partial Fractions
d. Trigonometric Substitutions
e. Tables of Integrals
f. L'Hopital's Rule
g. Improper Integrals
h. Numerical Integration Techniques (Midpoint, Trapezoid, Simpson's)
VI. Infinite Series
a. Sequences
b. Series and convergence
c. The Integral Test and p-Series
d. Comparisons of series
e. Alternating series
f. The Ratio and Root Tests
g. Power series
h. Taylor & Maclaurin Series and Associated Application