Course Development Standards
Course Name & Number:

Developer: Date:


Above the Line Documentation (ATL) – All ATL Documentation must be complete in WIDS

Standard / Met / Not Met / Comments
3-6 Competencies per credit
Each competency begins with appropriate action verb
Each competency describes a single, measurable/observable behavior or product
2-10 Learning Objectives per Competency
Each learning objective begins with appropriate action verb
Performance Criteria describe successful performance of the competency
Program Outcomes present in course (only for program-associated courses)
Employability skills are present in course
Course description stated in 30 words or less, matching the PeopleSoft description
WIDS file signed off by team and/or supervisor


Learning Plan
Additional considerations for Learning Plans include integration of Service Learning, global concepts, and mobile-ready content. Instruction and assessment of NWTC’s Employability Skills is expected to be integrated throughout the course.

Share your activities and assessments with your colleagues on the SPARK database.

Standard / Met / Not Met / Comments
At least one Learning Plan per competency
Learning Plans labeled appropriately with minimum of Learning Plan #:Topic or Competency
Due Date item populated with assignments/assessments/discussion boards
ATL Documentation in acceptable format
Blended: Learning Plans for in-person days must be complete
Activities, Assignments, Assessments and Discussions labeled appropriately
At least two activities per learning plan
At least one discussion board per learning plan
At least one scored assessment/assignment per learning plan
Learning Plan has motivation phase
Learning Plan has comprehension phase
Learning Plan has practice phase
Learning Plan has assessment phase
All Assessments include a scoring rubric/guidelines
Scoring Guide for Discussion Board – may also be placed in the syllabus
Scoring Guide for Employability Skill Assessment – may also be placed in the syllabus



Standard / Met / Not Met / Comments
NWTC Syllabus Template used
Instructor Information Current
Instructor headshot picture -
for alternative deliveries
Instructor must include office hours
NWTC Policies and Standards in place
Course Grading Criteria consistent in program
Class Calendar in Calendar and Table format
Required NWTC Resources posted
Class policies and requirements posted
Class Syllabus created in Word, hidden to modify for actual offering)
Class Syllabus posted as .pdf


Overall Course Standards

Standard / Met / Not Met / Comments
Font size consistent
(Recommended size 10 or 12. Blackboard size 3.)
Font style consistent (Recommend Tahoma)
Use of font color changes minimal
Non-editable files posted as .pdf
Use of editable files in accessible format for instructor
Visual cues/images NWTC standard or other acceptable image (not copyrighted)
ADA Compliance:
·  Visuals have ALT tags for screen readers
·  Videos are closed captioned, if possible.
Course Banner in place
Class Materials created by/for NWTC (no cartridge use)
At least one anonymous CATS related to course content
At least one anonymous CATS related to instructional effectiveness
Link to the End of Term survey
Welcome Announcement
Introduction of Self in Discussion Board
Embed videos as able
Graphics consistent in all learning plans for assessments
Consistent elements throughout program technical courses
Hyperlinks open in new window
Hyperlinks are active


Grade Center

Standard / Met / Not Met / Comments
Named consistent using the LP # and assessment name
In order by assessment due date
Grade Center follows course calendar
Weighted Grades is setup correctly


Overall Comments:

Updated: Monday, March 17, 2014 S:\LSS\Curriculum\Curriculum Standards\Curriculum - Development Standards\Credit Course Development Standards .docx