East Midlands Personalisation Programme

Recovery, Enablement and Reablement: the present and the future

Friday 26 March

Feedback / Comments

About 43 people attended the morning session (including speakers) with about a further 6 attending just for the afternoon.

25 people completed feedback forms

Part 1: Colin Pitman and Karen Cooper - Presentation on the EMRET

Was it usefulyes = 21 / no = 0


  • Lots in common – further network opportunity
  • Gave a good insight into work already done
  • The tool is a useful means to measure / evidence outcomes for individuals
  • The ADL is a useful concept

Did you learn anything newyes = 16 / no = 1

What did you learn?

  • That other authorities still operate a moderate FACS criteria
  • Importance of now considering the assessment tool as part of the Personalisation pathway
  • Learnt how enablement has impacted on Derby and Lincolnshire
  • Proved enablement does work
  • The measurement of reablement
  • Further forward in some areas of enablement
  • How the programme was introduced
  • ADL scoring system

Part 2: Islington Council – Best practice in running a domiciliary care reablement service

Was it usefulyes = 21 / no = 2


  • Very informative about health and social care working together
  • Ideas on training and skills
  • Information of how things can work
  • New ways of working / setting up a service
  • Provided a perspective for me to think about
  • Difficult to know whether this model can be applied locally / its principles used – dependant on the local arrangements in place and other joint arrangements with health and social care
  • Lots of different information – things to consider for reablement in our area

why not?

  • Much of what was discussed is what we are currently trying to implement, eg, screening by OTs
  • Mainly an older people model

Did you learn anything newyes = 18 / no = 2

What did you learn?

  • How successful this integrated working can be
  • Useful tips in working with Health
  • Learnt that they have constraints around their contractual agreements and this needs to be changed to reduce dead time / improve efficiency
  • Different ways of working
  • Different skill mix used to maximum
  • Network conferencing with NHS
  • That this way of working is possible

Part 3: Kim Hughes – Reablement Workforce Remodelling

Was it usefulyes = 18 / no = 3


  • Specific issues re reablement training
  • Changes in direction of training
  • Useful to know how others have approached this challenge
  • Information about setting up new ways of training
  • Made me think about standards and training and across the private sector
  • Highlights issues for considering that impact on the workforce, but that need to be considered for ‘commissioning’ of services
  • Information on competencies
  • Helen Sanderson Associate person centred training

why not?

  • Most of what she discussed we already do within our enablement service

Did you learn anything newyes = 14 / no = 3

What did you learn?

  • Need to consider the new qualification framework
  • Reduce turnover
  • Information about skills rather than NVQs
  • What is going on elsewhere
  • Existing work has taken place which can be incorporated
  • The person centred planning accreditation
  • Joint training with in-house and independent sector to provide consistency of the level of experience and care
  • HSC344 training

Part 4: Afternoon workshops

Counting the cost of reablement = 4

Was it usefulyes = 4 / no = 0


  • Highlighted common issues
  • Thought provoking

Did you learn anything newyes = 4 / no

What did you learn?

  • Retained cost and the types of them
  • The need to look deeper in to this area
  • Hidden costs
  • CSED comparison tool

Integration with health = 6

Was it usefulyes = 4 / no = 1

why not?

  • Tended to be facilitators talking
  • Too clinical – no clear direction – just chatting

Independent sector reablement = 6

Was it usefulyes = 3 / no = 1


  • The experience of Lincolnshire and the independent sector working together

why not?

  • Items on agenda not discussed further in workshop

Did you learn anything newyes = 1 / no = 2

Reablement – expanding intensive short term intervention across client groups = 3

Was it usefulyes / no


  • Helped clarify thinking
  • Stimulated considerable debate and discussion – really helped my thinking

why not?

  • Not sure, as it was not very focused on mental health and if enablement can help

Overall, did the day help you address any issues you had / answer your questions

  • 9 people said yes
  • Some good discussion on reablement, especially the Islington example
  • Yes, learning from Islington on the reason why their service works so well
  • Slightly too much emphasis on older peoples service
  • Really helpful to compare and problem solve

How has the day helped?

  • The day was really useful
  • Given me more areas to explore / develop in developing our already well established service
  • Sharing ideas
  • The day has given me a deeper insight of reablement
  • Listening to differing opinions on how they view enablement
  • Good network environment
  • Provided a greater insight in to this area
  • Assisted in understanding the state of play as to where authorities are on reablement and the commons issues that affect us
  • Lots to think about in terms of care monitoring, staff contracts, delivery of reablement services
  • Reinforces the importance of reablement
  • Interesting to learn about how other areas are developing their services

What could you of heard more about?

  • Garry McKay elaborating on his talk on efficiencies, being more specific in the inaccuracies in costings
  • Linking with contract assessments – through to locality team – SAQ and RAS
  • Early discharge – links to ICS
  • Younger adults
  • Connection with Self Directed Support
  • evidencing impact of reablement appears to be an area that needs to be revisited
  • looking at benchmarking to evaluate outcomes / success of reablement arrangements
  • nuts and bolts of the reablement services the presenters were talking about
  • Islington Council
  • How the independent sector work to provide reablement
  • How you calculate a unit cost

What things didn’t we talk about that you would have found helpful?

  • Reablement around transitions
  • Enablement in the independent agencies
  • Mental health
  • Harder to reach groups
  • Where reablement sits within the overall approach to Intermediate Care Services

Which Local Authority are you from circle as appropriate


DerbyCity = 4

Leicestershire = 5

LeicesterCity = 7

Lincolnshire = 1
Northamptonshire = 3

Nottinghamshire = 1

NottinghamCity = 3