April 9, 2015 @ 7:00 pm
Present: Adeline Ciannella (AC); Walter Cressler (WC); Greg Krykewycz (GK); Brendan O’Riordan (BCO); Vivian Williams (VW); Scott Wittman (SW); Kent Davidson, Media Borough Council Liaison (KD).
Abbreviations or Acronyms: Media Borough Community Design Committee (CDC); Media Borough Council (MBC); Media Borough (MB);
- Approval of Marchminutes1 min.
Approved unanimously.
- Media Bike Plan15 min.
GK: there are two (2) primary components, in-street pavement markings, bike parking. Related question from SW about stop sign violations by motorists. GK: street design can influence, but it’s also an enforcement question. AC: and a culture thing. EAC will work with CDC on any pavement marking recommendations for bike plan. Survey could be sent via MB mailing list. As for bike parking, EAC reviewed map from GK with potential bike rack installation locations. Recommendations for ten (10) locations for U-racks in hand:
Media Youth Center; Third Street at Borough Hall; Glen Providence Park entrance on State St; Houtman Park; Barrall Field; Gayley & State (Farmer’s Market); Church & State (Trader Joe’s); Radnor & Baltimore Aves; Veterans Square/South Ave Garden; Orange St & Baltimore Ave.
Decorative racks could feature Borough seal. There is $300 grant from Bike Delaware County (Chuck Cruit, contact person). There is an as-yet undetermined design cost. The decorative rack to be installed at Plum Street Mall could serve as a model for the future Media-Upper Providence Free Library rack installation.
- South Ave/Veteran’s Square Memorial Garden10 min.
AC: there was a question and answer session for interested parties, with five (5) submittals responding to the Request for Proposal. Three (3) finalists will meet with CDC on 28 April 2015. EAC voted to recommend Adeline Ciannella attend the interview of candidates with CDC.
- Houtman Park signage 5 min.
VW and WC wrote text for signage for Karen Taussig-Lux to review. The signs will provide information about the park’s woodland and streamside corridor.
- Mineral Hill grant proposal 5 min.
WC: Lindsay Shea of Upper Providence Environmental Advisory Commission is planning to submit a proposal to DCNR to implement aspects of the Mineral Hill Master Plan. She asked for the Media EAC to send a letter of support for the proposal by the afternoon of Monday, April 13th. Without having the details of the proposal available and no prospect of learning them by April 13th, the Media EAC elected not to send a letter of support at this time. It is hoped that opportunities for cooperation will be available in the future when exchange of information can be more timely.
- Municipal e-waste event option10 min.
WC: Karen Taussig-Lux forwarded information that individual municipalities can apply to Delaware County to arrange to have their own on-site e-waste collection events. The Recycling and Waste Subcommittee will study the matter and make a recommendation about Media conducting such an event.
- Updates5 min.
Sari Steuber, Transition Town Media’s liaison to the EAC, talked about Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO, an Exelon Company) Smart House Call program. Cost for an energy audit is $100 for electric-heated homes, $50 for gas/propane heated homes. PECO is attempting four or five block parties in the region, with food trucks, opportunities to sign up for audits at a 50% discount. Anyone who misses the event but signs up can get 25% off. Kent Davidson suggested that such an event be held at Borough property (3rd and Jackson Streets) in partnership with the EAC. Sari will follow up with Kent on making the arrangements and getting approval from Borough Council.
- Rain Gardens5 min.
WC and VW: the final edits of the updated rain garden sign and website have been made. It is hoped that the sign will be installed by the time of the rain garden workshop and sign unveiling event at 2:00 p.m. on 17 May 2015. The workshop will take place in the Parlor Room. The whole project was funded by a Water Resources Education Network (WREN) grantobtained by the Chester-Ridley Crum Watersheds Association.
- Borough Websitesuggestions10 min.
The Borough Website is going to be revised.
EAC discussed suggestions for the Borough Website, including:
- Maps with bike rack locations, park locations
- Improved search capabilities
- Content information on each page
- Ability to report issues like potholes, water runoff problems, etc.
- Any further suggestions may be emailed to KD
The Next Meeting Will Be Held On Thursday,May 14, 2015 – 7:00PM
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