GAINS in Using Data:

Disaggregating Data to Reach Every Student

Session - 3

Activity # 1 –Analysingtransition data gr 6 EQAO scores to gr 9 report card marks

In this activity you are required to repeat the demonstration steps of the facilitator in order to manipulate the datain TinkerPlots.

Orienting to TinkerPlots: Using relevant icons, choosing indicator variables, re-scaling and stacking the data

  1. Open the TinkerPlotsfile (Correlation provided
  2. To change the circle icon to an image icon, open the computer Start menu
  3. Select in the TinkerPlots folder, in the All Programs menu, the Data and Demos folder
  4. Double-click to open the Case Icon Library, copy the running figure icon, then close the Case Icon Library file (being careful not to close TinkerPlots)
  5. Open the Icon Type pull-down menu on the bottom of the Plot and select Paste Image Icon
  6. Drag ROverallLevel from the Data Card to the horizontal axis of the Plot
  7. On the Plot, drag I for Insufficient data and then X for eXempted students to the far left on the horizontal axis
  8. Drag Gr_9_ENG_Mark from the Data Card to the vertical axis of the Plot
  9. To change the vertical scale double-click on the lower scale box and change thebin width to 10
  10. From the toolbar select a horizontal Stack to organize the data

Analysing the transition data in TinkerPlots: Filtering to target the Applied program group, referencing to standards, dividing into feeder school groups and then targeting individual students by feeder school

  1. Right-click on the Plot to show menu and select Add Filter (or double-click on the filter at the bottom of the Plot to change Program group)
  2. In the Edit Filter box, click on the + sign to open the attribute list and double-click on Gr_9_ENG_Program
  3. Type = , then in quotations type Ap and select OK (or type Ac and select OK)
  4. From the toolbar select a vertical Reference line and drag it to the left margin of the 3 bin
  5. From the toolbar select a horizontal Reference line and drag it to the lower margin of the 70-79 bin
  6. From the Data Card selectFeeder_School, then select the horizontal Order to group the cases in each cell
  7. From the toolbar drag a Key to the Plot, then format and lock the Key
  8. Select the Drawing Tool from the bottom of Plot and draw a line around the cases in the bottom right quadrant
  9. Note which school has the highest incidence in this quadrant
  10. To erase the line select the Drawing Tool pullout menu, then Clear Drawing