Sexuality Privilege

  1. I can legally marry the person I choose and receive the benefits that accompany marriage (custody of children, medical decisions, etc.)
  1. I can move about in public without fear of being harassed or physically attacked because of my sexuality.
  1. I do not have to fear that if my family or friends find out about my sexual orientation there will be economic, emotional, physical or psychological consequences.
  1. If I want to, I can easily find a religious community that will include me.
  1. I see positive examples of people who share my sexuality represented in television, movies, books, and other media.
  1. My sexuality is considered normal, not caused by psychological trauma, sin, or abuse.
  1. People don't ask why I “chose” my sexual orientation.
  1. I can talk openly about my partner without concealing his/her gender for fear that it will cause negative judgments.
  1. I am not expected to speak on behalf of everyone who shares my sexuality.
  1. The law protects me from being fired from a job or denied a promotion based on my sexuality

Ability Privilege

  1. I can assume that I will easily have physical access to and the ability to move easily through buildings, parks, restaurants, etc.
  1. I have never been taunted, teased, or socially ostracized due to a disability.
  1. I can do well in challenging situation without being told what an inspiration I must be to other people of my ability status.
  1. I can travel by air or public transportation and find the experience relatively easy.
  1. I can go shopping alone and expect to find appropriate accommodations to make the experience hassle‐free.
  1. I can hear what’s going on around me without using an assistive device.
  1. I can easily see the letters on this page.
  1. I am reasonably certain that others do not think that my intelligence is lacking as result of my physical status.
  1. If I am fired, not given a raise, or not hired, I do not question if it had anything to do with my physical or mental ability.

Gender/Sex Privilege

  1. If I have children and a successful career, few people will ask me how I balance my professional and private lives.
  1. My elected representatives are mostly people of my sex. The more prestigious and powerful the elected position, the more this is true.
  1. When I ask to see “the person in charge,” odds are I will face a person of my sex.
  1. My money management habits, driving skills, or mood are not presumed to be related to my sex.
  1. I do not have to think about the message my wardrobe sends about my sexual availability.
  1. I can go most places without fear that my gender will put me at risk of physical harm.
  1. I will never be expected to change my name upon marriage or questioned if I don’t change my name.
  1. Most individuals portrayed as sexual objects in the media are not the same sex as I am.
  1. If I don’t spend much time on my appearance, I won’t have to worry about being criticized for it at work or in social situations
  1. Expressions and conventional language reflect my sex (mailman, “hey guys…”, “all men are created equal”)

Race Privilege

  1. I can look at the mainstream media and find people of my race represented fairly and in a wide range of roles.
  1. Schools in my community teach about my race and heritage and present it in positive ways throughout the year.
  1. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or closely watched by store employees because of my race.
  1. I can take a prestigious job without people thinking I got my job only because of my race.
  1. I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.
  1. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.
  1. If I am pulled over or questioned by the police, I can assume that my race will not lead the officer to presume that I will be dangerous or violent.
  1. If I ask to speak to the person in charge, in most situations I can expect to interact with a person of my race.

Religious Privilege

  1. I can assume that I will have time off work or school on my religious holidays.
  1. I can hear music, see advertisements and public decorations, and watch specials on television that celebrate my traditions.
  1. My religious views are reflected and honored by the majority of government officials and political candidates.
  1. Food that honors my religious practices can be easily found in any restaurant or grocery store.
  1. I can practice my religious customs without concern that I will be questioned or mocked, or face violence or threats.
  1. When swearing an oath, I will place my hand on a religious scripture pertaining to my faith.
  1. I can reasonably assume that anyone I encounter will have a basic understanding of myreligious traditions though I will not be penalized for a lack of knowledge of other religious customs.
  1. I can travel to any part of the U.S. and know my religion will be accepted, I will be safe, and that I will have access to religious spaces to practice my faith.

Class Privilege

  1. I am reasonably sure that I or my family will not have to skip meals because we cannot afford to eat.
  1. New products are designed and marketed with people like me in mind.
  1. In a case of medical need, I won’t have to decide whether I can visit a doctor or the hospital due to economic reasons.
  1. I am able to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities (field trips, clubs, prom, etc.) with school friends.
  1. My family has a savings account with at least a month’s rent and bills set aside in case of emergency.
  1. I have taken a vacation away from home within the past three years.
  1. I have never been homeless or evicted from my place of living.
  1. I have health insurance.
  1. My family and I don’t have to rely on public transportation to travel to work or school; we can afford our own vehicle.
  1. The neighborhood I live in is relatively free of obvious drug use, prostitution, and violent crime.

Nationality Privilege (U.S.)

  1. When I apply for jobs, my legal right to work in this country probably will not be questioned.
  1. People generally assume that I can communicate in English.
  1. I have never been told not to speak in my native language during everyday interactions.
  1. People do not assume I am poor because of my nationality.
  1. The history of my country is an integrated part of the school curriculum.
  1. People from my country are visible and positively represented in politics, business, and the media.
  1. If I wanted to and could afford to, I could travel freely to almost any country.
  1. People where I live rarely ask me what country I’m from.

Body Size Privilege

  1. People do not assume that I am unhealthy just because of my size.
  1. My size is probably not the first thing people notice about me.
  1. My health insurance rates are not higher than everyone else’s.
  1. I can expect to find my clothing size in styles I would want to wear that are not specifically designed to hide my body and pay reasonable prices for them.
  1. My body size is not the subject of jokes.
  1. Airlines won’t charge me extra to fly.
  1. My body size is not seen as a reflection on my work habits, personal hygiene, mental health, or personality.
  1. I can eat what, when, and whereI wantand can assume that others will not judge me for it or make assumptions about my eating habits.

Sexuality Privilege

  1. I can legally marry the person I choose and receive the benefits that accompany marriage (custody of children, medical decisions, etc.)
  2. I can move about in public without fear of being harassed or physically attacked because of my sexuality.
  3. I do not have to fear that if my family or friends find out about my sexual orientation there will be economic, emotional, physical or psychological consequences.
  4. If I want to, I can easily find a religious community that will include me.
  5. I see positive examples of people who share my sexuality represented in television, movies, books, and other media.
  6. My sexuality is considered normal, not caused by psychological trauma, sin, or abuse.
  7. People don't ask why I “chose” my sexual orientation.
  8. I can talk openly about my partner without concealing his/her gender for fear that it will cause negative judgments.
  9. I am not expected to speak on behalf of everyone who shares my sexuality.
  10. The law protects me from being fired from a job or denied a promotion based on my sexuality

Ability Privilege

  1. I can assume that I will easily have physical access to and the ability to move easily through buildings, parks, restaurants, etc.
  2. I have never been taunted, teased, or socially ostracized due to a disability.
  3. I can do well in challenging situation without being told what an inspiration I must be to other people of my ability status.
  4. I can travel by air or public transportation and find the experience relatively easy.
  5. I can go shopping alone and expect to find appropriate accommodations to make the experience hassle‐free.
  6. I can hear what’s going on around me without using an assistive device.
  7. I can easily see the letters on this page.
  8. I am reasonably certain that others do not think that my intelligence is lacking as result of my physical status.
  9. If I am fired, not given a raise, or not hired, I do not question if it had anything to do with my physical or mental ability.

Gender/Sex Privilege

  1. If I have children and a successful career, few people will ask me how I balance my professional and private lives.
  2. My elected representatives are mostly people of my sex. The more prestigious and powerful the elected position, the more this is true.
  3. When I ask to see “the person in charge,” odds are I will face a person of my sex.
  4. My money management habits, driving skills, or mood are not presumed to be related to my sex.
  5. I do not have to think about the message my wardrobe sends about my sexual availability.
  6. I can go most places without fear that my gender will put me at risk of physical harm.
  7. I will never be expected to change my name upon marriage or questioned if I don’t change my name.
  8. Most individuals portrayed as sexual objects in the media are not the same sex as I am.
  9. If I don’t spend much time on my appearance, I won’t have to worry about being criticized for it at work or in social situations
  10. Expressions and conventional language reflect my sex (mailman, “hey guys…”, “all men are created equal”)

Race Privilege

  1. I can look at the mainstream media and find people of my race represented fairly and in a wide range of roles.
  2. Schools in my community teach about my race and heritage and present it in positive ways throughout the year.
  3. I can go shopping alone most of the time, pretty well assured that I will not be followed or closely watched by store employees because of my race.
  4. I can take a prestigious job without people thinking I got my job only because of my race.
  5. I can do well in a challenging situation without being called a credit to my race.
  6. I am never asked to speak for all the people of my racial group.
  7. If I am pulled over or questioned by the police, I can assume that my race will not lead the officer to presume that I will be dangerous or violent.
  8. If I ask to speak to the person in charge, in most situations I can expect to interact with a person of my race.

Religious Privilege

  1. I can assume that I will have time off work or school on my religious holidays.
  2. I can hear music, see advertisements and public decorations, and watch specials on television that celebrate my traditions.
  3. My religious views are reflected and honored by the majority of government officials and political candidates.
  4. Food that honors my religious practices can be easily found in any restaurant or grocery store.
  5. I can practice my religious customs without concern that I will be questioned or mocked, or face violence or threats.
  6. When swearing an oath, I will place my hand on a religious scripture pertaining to my faith.
  7. I can reasonably assume that anyone I encounter will have a basic understanding of my religious traditions though I will not be penalized for a lack of knowledge of other religious customs.
  8. I can travel to any part of the U.S. and know my religion will be accepted, I will be safe, and that I will have access to religious spaces to practice my faith.

Class Privilege

  1. I am reasonably sure that I or my family will not have to skip meals because we cannot afford to eat.
  2. New products are designed and marketed with people like me in mind.
  3. In a case of medical need, I won’t have to decide whether I can visit a doctor or the hospital due to economic reasons.
  4. I am able to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities (field trips, clubs, prom, etc.) with school friends.
  5. My family has a savings account with at least a month’s rent and bills set aside in case of emergency.
  6. I have taken a vacation away from home within the past three years.
  7. I have never been homeless or evicted from my place of living.
  8. I have health insurance.
  9. My family and I don’t have to rely on public transportation to travel to work or school; we can afford our own vehicle.
  10. The neighborhood I live in is relatively free of obvious drug use, prostitution, and violent crime.

Nationality Privilege (U.S.)

  1. When I apply for jobs, my legal right to work in this country probably will not be questioned.
  2. People generally assume that I can communicate in English.
  3. I have never been told not to speak in my native language during everyday interactions.
  4. People do not assume I am poor because of my nationality.
  5. The history of my country is an integrated part of the school curriculum.
  6. People from my country are visible and positively represented in politics, business, and the media.
  7. If I wanted to and could afford to, I could travel freely to almost any country.
  8. People where I live rarely ask me what country I’m from.

Body Size Privilege

  1. People do not assume that I am unhealthy just because of my size.
  2. My size is probably not the first thing people notice about me.
  3. My health insurance rates are not higher than everyone else’s.
  4. I can expect to find my clothing size in styles I would want to wear that are not specifically designed to hide my body and pay reasonable prices for them.
  5. My body size is not the subject of jokes.
  6. Airlines won’t charge me extra to fly.
  7. My body size is not seen as a reflection on my work habits, personal hygiene, mental health, or personality.
  8. I can eat what, when, and where I want and can assume that others will not judge me for it or make assumptions about my eating habits.