
Vaccines are started when your kitten is 6-8 weeks old and continue every 3-4 weeks until he is 12-15 weeks of age. The booster vaccine that is given is FVRCP (includes rhinotracheitis, calcivirus, and panleukopenia) and is responsible for preventing upper respiratory infections as well as life threatening diseases. This vaccine is given yearly to adult cats.

Feline Leukemia is recommended for all kittens and for adult cats that will be going outside or exposed to many other cats. It is passed by close contact (grooming, sharing food bowls, etc) and may be life threatening. Kittens are more susceptible to the infection since their immune system is not mature. We recommend testing all kittens and new adult cats for the virus. The initial vaccine is a series of 2 injections 3 weeks apart and is then given once a year.

Rabies is recommended for all cats since it is a human health risk. Indoor cats could be exposed if they should get outside or if a rabid animal (bat) should get into the house. The vaccine is usually given with the final kitten vaccine. This vaccine is given yearly to adult cats.

Fecal Exam

One to two times a year your cat should have a stool sample checked for intestinal parasites. We look at the stool under the microscope for microscopic eggs that are not visible to the naked eye. Kittens should have 2-4 stool samples checked when they are first seen since it is very common for them to have worms. We generally give kittens routine dewormings since they most likely have worms and we can get false negatives on the fecal exam.

If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, we also recommend keeping your cat on a year round monthly heartworm and intestinal parasite preventative.

Physical Exam

Your cat should have a physical exam at least once a year. We will examine his teeth, eyes, ears, listen to his heart and lungs and palpate his abdomen. We are looking for any abnormalities (dental disease, ear infections, heart murmurs, etc) and any input you can give us as to your pet’s health at home will be helpful. It is very important for kittens to be examined as they receive their boosters. They are growing and changing rapidly and a physical exam can help detect problems that otherwise may not be apparent.

East Lansing Veterinary Clinic

Blood Profile

We recommend drawing blood when your cat is in for his routine vaccines so that we can check for early signs of disease, including kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes and anemia. This is particularly good to do in animals that will be anesthetized for general surgery (spay, neuters, dentistry) or in older animals. The purpose is to catch a disease process in the early stages before it becomes a big problem.


Heartworm disease is not a common problem in cats. The incidence in this area is about 2% of the general cat population, including indoor cats. Even though it’s a very small incidence, we consider heartworm prevention important. The reason is that cats with heartworm disease are almost impossible to treat, signs of heartworm disease could be sudden death and it is also difficult to diagnose the disease in cats. Cats do not have to be tested prior to putting them on heartworm prevention.

There are 2 kinds of heartworm prevention for cats. Heartgard is a once a month chewable treat. The other product is Revolution which is a once a month topical medication. You apply this in one spot in back of the cat’s head. Revolution also prevents fleas, roundworms, hookworms and ear mites.

East Lansing Veterinary Clinic