10/21/2014午後2:49:53] Yumi Kikuchi:

Bringers of the New Earth! People Power Grants


Your Name:Yumi and Gen Morita

Organization Name: Fukushima Kids Hawaii

Address: 75-286 Hoene St. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Email :

Phone : 808-334-9616(home) 808-756-8946(cell)

Grant Program Name : Fukushima Kids Hawaii

Website :

Facebook :

Video Link (please attach) :

Tax ID: 203556922

Program Area (i.e. healing, food, artist, protection of environment, etc…)

Protection of children’s health and life of Fukushima

Project Title (Maximum 250 characters including spaces):

Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project 2014 Winter Program is going to bring 14 people (12 children with 2 chaperons) from Fukushima to Kona, Hawaii for a healthy respite and learning of natural healing, NVC(Nonviolent Communication), Hawaiian culture, permaculture and natural cooking. They will stay at American homes for 3 nights also to experience American Christmas. They went through the earthquake and nuclear disaster and the leakage and contamination of radiation continues today. We support those children so that they can offset their negative experience into positive one by inviting them for a Christmas-new-year holiday for 24 days. Your support is vital to give them this amazing opportunity and you are going to make a real difference in the health and lives of Fukushima children.

P.S. As of September 2014, there are 104 cases of thyroid cancer among Fukushima children. Japanese government says those thyroid cancer occurrences have nothing to do with radiation, but we suspect the exposure to radioactive iodine may have been the cause of those cancer cases.

Respite from radiation exposure can enhance the wellness of the children if they can stay more than 2 weeks. This winter we are going to have them for 24 days and next summer 2015 program will be 30 days long.

Duration of grant requested (i.e. 6,12,18….up to 36 months)

12 months

Beginning date of project: Dec 15, 2014

Ending date of project: Jan 7, 2015

Total Amount Requested: $100,000

Testimonials (attach up to 3 brief written testimonials about your program)

Please answer the following 7 questions each in 1000 words or less:

1) Please tell us about yourself (about you)?

Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, lived in Kamogawa, Chiba (150 miles from Fukushima) where we had our organic farm growing most of what we ate organically until March 11, 2011 earthquake and nuclear disaster.

We left our organic farm the next day of the disaster first to Okinawa where we launched TsunaguHikari (Connecting Light) to support pregnant women and children to move/evacuate from Fukushima to Okinawa, and then moved to Kona, Hawaii, where we live now.

I have been a journalist and author on environment and peace issues for over 20 years, published author of more than 10 books in Japanese. I have been teaching Japanese traditional medicine, natural food and cooking. My first career after graduating from Ochanomizu University(in Tokyo) was TV and magazine overseas reporter and Bond Trader of US Banks (Tokyo branch), but at the age of 28 when I realized our environment was getting damaged so quickly and badly, I decided to commit my life to solve the environmental problems.

First project was to save tropical rain forest in the country of Belize, Central America, where group of us created a tropical rain forest sanctuary called Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary in 1990. I also formed an environmental group to clean up beaches in Japan called JEAN (Japan Environmental Action Network) in 1990, which still continues today.

After September 11, 2011, I launched another peace movement called Global Peace Campaign, trying to find alternative solution to war against terrorism, placing peace advertisement in NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times and so on, with great success of online fund raising. I spoke in Japan and USA for peace and founded JUMP, Japan United for Ministry of Peace in 2005.

After March 11, 2011, we (our family) moved to Hawaii and launched Fukushima Kids Hawaii to invite children living in and exposed to radiation in Fukushima to Kona for a healthy respite and learning natural healing, cooking, permaculture and Hawaiian culture during their summer and winter vacations. We also opened Fukushima Kids Hawaii House in Kona, where babies and mothers of Fukushima can come and stay for free up to 3 months. Each time, up to 3 families can stay at Fukushima Kids Hawaii House.

I work as a volunteer for Fukushima Kids Hawaii, and raise most of the money online using Indiegogo and other platform.

2)Please describe your background and training?

My University degree is Education, but I have worked as a reporter for TV and magazine, published books, and health consultant and natural cooking instructor for many years. I also study Kai Igaku, Japanese Traditional Medicine, under Dr. Uryu, and since I married to Gen Morita, we have been teaching Harmonics Healing based on Kai Igaku in Japan and internationally for 15 years. We are so blessed with our knowledge and experience of natural healing that we and our children have not been to hospital nor took medication over 14 years, which is very lucky. We want to be able to share what we know to children and mothers of Fukushima so that they can cope with the radiation contamination or at least support their immune power. Fukushima Kids Hawaii summer and winter program have hours of learning for their health and for the improvement of the environment such as cleaning beaches and eating organic food, or preparing the food from scratch that have been harvested in our organic garden.

If children learn how to live more healthy by eating local organic food using no fire (eat mostly raw), they then can influence their family and friends in Fukushima when they go back. Such lifestyle will help them to stay healthy for a longtime, having much less negative effect by radiation.

3)Please describe your program?

3 programs are ongoing.

1.Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project Winter Program

2.Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project Summer Program

3.Fukushima Kids Hawaii house for babies and mothers.

This winter 2014-2015, we are inviting 14 people (12 children and two chaperons) from Fukushima to Kona for 24 days. They first stay at Ginger Hill Farm with Mayumi Oda for 5 days, and then move to host family homes with a buddy.

Winter and Summer programs are like schools where children can learn English, permaculture, cooking, natural healing, swimming with dolphins and whales. They also stay at American families to experience Christmas.

4)Why did you create this program?

We want to give children of Fukushima a chance to offset their constant exposure to radiation and help make them healthier and stronger by teaching some natural healing and eating techniques. Those children who have attended our program then can teach others in Fukushima to strengthen their immune power.

Children do not have much choice about where they live. In my opinion, no child should be exposed to radiation constantly and those who live in radioactive areas should be relocated.

But what our Japanese government did instead was to loosen the safety standard from 1 mSV/year to 20 mSV/ year, and under the new standard, most of Fukushima have become “safe” to live, that is why so many people (close to 2 million, 300,000 of them are children) still live there. We want to be able to give Fukushima children a chance to leave their radioactive environment, come to Kona and learn the healthy eating, how to grow and harvest food, natural energy, traditional healing method and so on that will help them to stay healthy even after their returning to Fukushima.

From July 2013 to Oct 2014, Fukushima Kids Hawaii have had 48 people (35 children, 13 adults) participate in one of our programs. We would like to continue our effort and expand our capacity to 50 people in year 2015.

We created this program as those children have not much choice but to live in Fukushima, and they have been exposed to radiation after the nuclear reactors had exploded. As a natural health and natural food practitioners, we can help the children here in Kona with fresh organic vegetables and fruits, Kangen alkaline water, Ukon (turmeric) and all the natural cleansing/detox method we know, and they can also continue to do so and even to share what they learn with their families and friends.

5)What results are you aiming to create or produce?

Support Fukushima children to have a chance to be away from radiation and to get their immune power stronger by eating organic healthy food in Hawaii

Teach Fukushima children about their natural healing power and Japanese /Hawaiian traditional medicine and healing techniques

Have Fukushima children experience organic farming and permaculture so that they can become better steward of the planet

Help shape their life and mind to be more international, environmentally awaken and positive (we want them to study abroad for instance as a result of participating in our program).

Those Fukushima children will help humanity to “graduate from” nuclear energy and to choose more healthy and sustainable power generation.

Fukushima children will learn about new energy choices by NELHA

Fukushima children will experience fund raising effort by attending ZUMBA party while they are in Kona so that they know how many people are supporting them. (This is one of the most moving experiences for the children)

6)What impact does your program have on individuals and society as a whole?

Our program has awakened so many people’s compassion and knowledge about radiation and health. The nuclear accident is still on-going and we must face it or we will get negative effects from it. We have been sharing the information about what you can do to help reduce the risk of exposure to radiation, and we have been successful to share the information with the community as well as Fukushima children. Those who came to our event will benefit from our health tips to stay healthier while radiation is coming our way (we can not avoid a little bit of exposure even in Hawaii)

7)If you were awarded a grant for the amount you request…what specifically do you intend to do with the money?

We will carry on our 3 programs, Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project Winter Program, Summer Program and Fukushima Kids Hawaii House and invite more people from Fukushima to Kona.

8) In 4 pages or less, SINGLE-SPACED, 12 PT. FONT please address all bulleted items in detail.

*What problem does your program address? Why is this significant?

Our program is about the health and wellbeing of children living in radiation (in Fukushima). If we do not help the children, they continue to be exposed to radiation 24/7 Our government keeps saying “it is safe, do not worry” but many areas of Fukushima and around has higher radiation than Chernobyl. 103 children are already suffering from thyroid cancer, which again Japanese government says it has nothing to do with the radiation, but they doubt this high occurrence is as a result of constant exposure to radiation. We bring children from Fukushima to Kona, Hawaii and they will learn:

  1. natural healing
  2. natural food (preparation, too)
  3. permaculture/organic farming
  4. NVC (nonviolent communication)
  5. English
  6. Hawaiian and Japanese culture through making lei and slippers.

*What do you intend to demonstrate or prove? What means will you use?

We mean to provide children with organic vegetables and fruits for the meals with high enzyme and antioxidant water (alkaline Kangen water) so that they can detox if they have internal radiation exposure. They will be healthier by the time they leave.

From the experience of Chernobyl, being away from radiation for more than 2 weeks can increase the blood cells to normal and improve their immune power. We will be keeping in touch with the children so that they can continue what we teach them here about food and health.

*What outcomes do you expect for the program, both immediate and long term?

We expect participating children will get confidence in their health, and teach their families and friends what they learn here in Hawaii.

*What is the estimated overall cost of the program?


Winter program: $3000/person x 14 = $42,000

Summer program: $3000/person x 12 = $36,000

Fukushima Kids Hawaii House rent/maintenance: $2500x12=$30,000

*What other sources of support are you pursuing for the program?

In kind donations of lodging, food (organic produce), miles, car pooling (transportation), activities (dolphin swim, star gazing, volcano tour), fundraising event (ZUMBATHON, ALOHA=KEIKI Ensemble Quarterly Concerts, Garage Sale)

*Please list personnel who will be engaged in the project along with their qualifications.

Gen Morita: Naturopath, Harmonics Healing Practitioner over 20 years, Be Peace practitioner/teacher

Yumi Kikuchi: Naturopath, Harmonics Healing Practitioner over 15 years, Raw Food and Macrobiotic cooking specialist, Be Peace practitioner/teacher

Mayumi Oda: Artist and organic farmer. Goddess Practice trainer