410.16August/September 2009

Publications - general

A Guide to Equality and Diversity in the Third Sector


Are you looking at me? A guide to recruiting a diverse workforce

NCVO. Tel 0800 279 8798,

Development through diversity: a step-by-step toolkit for community organisations

bassac. Tel 0845 241 0375, or

Discrimination at work – a guide to the law

Labour Research Department. Tel 020 7928 3649, or

Discrimination at work guidance

DirectGov. or

Equalities and Communities: Challenge, Choice and Change

Community Development Foundation.

Interculturalism: Theory and Policy

Baring Foundation.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Includes diversity-related topics.

Making Diversity Happen! A Guide for Voluntary and Community Organisations

NCVO. Tel 0800 279 8798,

Making Equality Simple

NCVO. Tel 0800 279 8798,

Issue no Month/Month 2009

Making People Welcome: The Sourcebook of Diversity

DSC. Tel 08450 777707,

Moving Up Together: Promoting equality and integration among the UK's diverse communities

Institute for Public Policy Research.

Prevent discrimination and value diversity

Business Link factsheets. or

Understanding, Accepting and Valuing Each Other


Volunteering England’s online Good Practice Bank

A range of resources on equality and diversity issues or focused on working with volunteers from different backgrounds, such as refugees, asylum seekers, disabled people, people with past criminal convictions or people of different faiths or sexual orientation.


Black Voices at Work


Challenging Institutional Racism

Race on the Agenda.

Evaluation of the National Programme forThird Sector Commissioning: Consultation with BME Third Sector Organisations


Immigration, faith and cohesion

Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Change Within: The role of black and minority ethnic community organisations


Good Practice in Action: CVS working with BME groups

NAVCA. Tel 0114 278 6636,


Disability Rights Handbook

Disability Alliance. Tel 020 7247 8776,


Believing in Local Action

Communities and Local Government/Church Urban Fund/NAVCA.

Inter Faith Network publications

A variety of resources to help promote inter faith relations, including: Building Good Relations with People of Different Faiths and Beliefs; Inter Faith Organisations in the UK: A Directory; Faith and service to the community.

Shap Calendar of Religious Festivals

Shap working party on World Religions in Education.

Understanding Faiths - A practical guide to working with faith communities

Faith Matters.

Working Together: Co-operation between Government and Faith Communities

Communities and Local Government. or


The Source

Bi-monthly newsletter. Women’s Resource Centre. Tel 020 7324 3030,

Older people

Age Concern Factsheets

Comprehensive guides to the issues that affect older people in the UK.

Age Concern Information Line.Tel 0800 009 966,


Refugee Council Publications

Including The basics on asylum and multilingual leaflets for refugees and asylum seekers.Refugee Council.Tel 020 734 66700,



Information and publications on employment, health, parenting and partnership, legal advice.


CEMVO - Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations


Consortium of lesbian, gay & bisexual voluntary & community organisations

Equalities and Human Rights Commission

Gender Trust

Interfaith Network

Press for Change

Refugee Council

Refugee Legal Centre

Voice4Change England

Women’s Resource Centre


NAVCA has the following email networks: Black Chief Officers’ Network, Black Workers’ Network, Disability Network Group, Sexuality Issues Network Groups.


Please email any suggestions for resources or websites to Jane O’Connell

410.16August/September 2009