PO Box 110 Liverpool L69 3EF
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Telephone Number: 0870 90 90 811
Minicom: 0870 90 90 344
Customer Reference:
Our Reference: 2007/FEES
Date: 05 February 2007

Dear Colleague,


For the first time since the launch of the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB), we have achieved self-funding status. This is a direct result of year-on-year internal efficiency savings and increased demand for CRB checks. As a result we can announce that our fees will be frozen at 2006/07 levels for the new financial year.

Fee levels will continue at their current rates throughout 2007/08.

- Standard CRB check£31.00

- Enhanced CRB check£36.00

- POVAFirst check£6.00

Over the past twelve months, we have made significant investment in terms of new services and enhancements to our current service - which I hope has brought you real benefits.

  • We launched our new On-line Tracking Service which allows customers to track the progress of a CRB check, thereby providing greater visibility of the process
  • The point of sale for both paper and telephone application was brought into line with each other. Customers are now charged the application fee upon receipt of a full completed application form, not at the initial request for a form, as was the case for telephone applications.
  • New Data Sources, such as information from British Transport Police, have been added to our I-PLX database giving us a wider data search when carrying out a CRB check - thereby increasing the information we can provide to you.

This level of investment will continue over the next twelve months with more new services being introduced and further enhancements to our existing services. The CRB is committed to adding real value to our service so that we can provide even greater protection to children and the vulnerable. I will keep you up to date with any new developments as they happen through our newsletter Disclosure News.

In the meantime, I would be grateful if you could pass this information on to all of your constituents.

Yours sincerely

John Raftery
Service Delivery Manager

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