Landscape And Floriculture Forum



We, the undergraduate students in floriculture and landscape horticulture in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science of the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University, do ordain and establish this constitution of the Landscape And Floriculture Forum.

Article l

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Landscape And Floriculture Forum (L.A.F.F.), which is subject to the provision of this constitution and its by-laws.

Section 2 – Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be:

1.  To promote relationships among students majoring, minoring, or interested in floriculture and landscape horticulture and bring the students into closer contact with faculty, administration, staff, and industry leaders.

2.  To further the advancement of floriculture and landscape horticulture by providing all possible aid to the projects which they may undertake.

3.  To increase the members’ interest in the study of floriculture and landscape horticulture by providing programs relevant to horticulture and related subjects.

Section 3 - Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership.

Section 1.

All students majoring in floriculture or landscape horticulture, and others interested in horticulture and related subjects.

Section 2.

Active voting members are those who are currently enrolled Ohio State students, and have met the following standards:

A)  Dues paid to date in full as stipulated by the Treasurer.

B)  Participation in the activities of the organization.

C)  Attendance at a minimum of two meetings per semester, except in cases of scheduled class conflicts.

Section 3.

Any member exhibiting conduct detrimental to reputation of LAFF and The Ohio State University or impeding the functionality of the club shall be subject to removal from active status:

A)  The member will be asked to meet with the officers and advisors to discuss the member’s actions.

B)  If the member’s actions continue, the member’s active standing will be voted upon by the club’s general body and may be revoked with a majority vote.

C)  If any member is removed from active status, their membership fees shall not be reimbursed.

Section 4.

Associate non-voting members will include all those interested in floriculture and horticulture including but not limited to faculty, staff, alumni, and professionals.

Article III - Organization Leadership:

Section 1. Officers

The officers of this organization shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Chairman. The term of office for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Chairman shall be one year, extending from the first meeting of Spring Semester to the last meeting of Winter Semester. Once taking office the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Chair will automatically be placed on the Executive Committee and will remain a part of it until their term of office is over.

A)  The President’s duties are to oversee the meetings and ensure that all the officers and members know their duties and perform them.

B)  The Vice President shall assist the President, and in periods of the Presidents absence, shall perform his or her regular duties. The Vice President will also represent the Landscape and Floriculture Forum at the CFAES Council, contact potential speakers, and carry out club publicity.

C)  The Secretary will keep accurate minutes of all the meetings of the organization and will be responsible for the official correspondence of the club. The Secretary will also be responsible for keeping a record of the names and addresses of the general membership. A calendar of the events of the club must be kept by the Secretary for his or her term of office. Once taking office, the secretary must establish a phone committee where all members of the club can be contacted.

D)  The Treasurer will keep an accurate and detailed account of the financial standing of the organization, and his or her books will at all times be open to inspection by any member. The Treasurer will receive payment of the regular dues and any special assessment which may be voted on by the members. The Treasurer will be authorized to endorse for deposit, or collections; checks, drafts, or notes.

E)  The Social Chair is responsible for chairing the committee that arranges for refreshments at the meetings and plans and organizes social events for the club.

Section 2. Nominations

Nomination of candidates may be done from the floor. A member may be nominated to more than one office, but can be elected to only one. Upon election to any office, their name will be removed from other nominations.

Section 3. Election of Officers

Election of officers shall take place at any meeting during Winter Semester. The President is solely responsible for choosing the date of officer elections. The date of the elections may be announced at the President’s discretion. Each official position provided for in the Constitution shall be voted upon by secret ballot. Each nominee must receive a majority of the ballots cast to be elected.

Section 4. Installation

Installation of officers shall take place at the first meeting of Spring Semester.

Section 5. Removal of Officers

Any officer failing to perform duties listed above is subject to disciplinary action:

A)  A meeting with the other officers and advisors to discuss their failure to carry out club responsibilities, and recommendations for the future to improve the officer’s actions on behalf of LAFF.

B)  If actions continue after meeting with the officers and advisors, then the officer is subject to removal from their post via a majority vote by the other officers and advisors.

C)  Removal of the officer from their post does not mean that they will lose their active membership in the club.

D)  If necessary, the officer can then be removed as a member following the procedure listed above in Article II. Section 3.

Article IV. Executive Committee

The Executive committee will consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Chair. The Executive committee will meet when necessary in order to maintain a smooth running forum.

Article V – Adviser(s) or Advisory Board: Qualification Criteria.

This organization will have at least two faculty advisors available to it at all times for the purpose of advising the club on matters of general concern. The advisers may also make recommendations to the club regarding program and policy of the organization.

Article VI – Meetings of the Organization

Regular meetings of this organization shall take place every two weeks during the regular school year, or at such times as determined by the Executive Committee.

Article VII – Method of Amending Constitution

Section 1. Amending Procedure

Amendments to the Constitution must be in writing and submitted to the Secretary, who shall read them at two consecutive business meetings, after which they may be voted upon. New amendments shall automatically invalidate conflicting provisions.

Section 2. Voting Procedure

This Constitution may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the ballots cast.


Article I. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the by-laws of this organization.

Article II. The dues of this organization are $20.00 for the year or $7.00 for each semester.

Article III. These by-laws may be revised by a majority vote at any regular meeting provided the proposed revision has been presented at the previous meeting.