
This resource is designed to allow your family to have time in God’s Word beforeyour children attend church. Because God’s plan is for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children’s faith, we want YOU to be the one to introduce this part of The Big God Story to them.

HomeFront Magazine: A Spiritual Parenting ResourceThis monthly magazine gives your family ideas for creating fun, spiritually forming times in your home—setting aside sacred space in the midst of your active, everyday lives. Visit subscribe to the print edition or to have a digital copy sent directly to your inbox.


Part of The Big God Story

Joshua 1—6



Gather your family and read Joshua 6. Tell them they need to listen carefully because when you’re done reading, you’re going to take turns retelling this part of The Big God Story. After you’ve read the chapter, let the youngest family member go first, recalling as many things as he remembers. For example, he might remember that God directed the Israelites to march around the city seven times. Then encourage the other family members to help recount all the great things God did. Share with your children that God made the walls fall, not the marching or shouting. Pray together, thanking God for always being faithful to us and answering our prayers.

Younger Kids

Your child needs consistent adult leadership in her life. As the adults around her stay faithful to meet her needs, she learns that God also will be faithful to care and provide for her.


Your child may need encouragement to complete the tasks he commits to. When your child wants to quit, remind him that his faithfulness reflects God’s—and that it’s important to finish well the things we start.

Did You Know?

• The first generation of Israelites to wander through the desert did not see thePromised Land because of their disbelief.

• Though they continued to tend to grumble and complain, the second generation relied on God.

• God used Joshua to lead this new generation into the land.

• God gave the Israelites specific instructions on how they would win the city. Though God’s methods weren’t typical military practice, when the Israelites trusted Him, the city fell!

Remember verse

“Let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares
theLord. Jeremiah 9:24

Teachable Moments

Hearing about the violence and death in The Big God Story can be disturbing for children. Spend some time reminding them that God commanded His people to drive out the people who lived in the land because they were immoral and spiritually bankrupt. Explain that as human beings with limited perspectives, we will never be able to understand everything God does. What we do know, however, is that we can trust what we know about God’s character. We know He is a loving, trustworthy God, and He sees everything with an eternal perspective. He will bring about what will give Himself the most glory and be in our best interests. God is good, and we can trust Him!


For more information about blessing your child see the Blessing section in HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource.

A blessing to pray over your child:

(Child’s name), may you know God loves you very much. May you see His faithfulness in your life.

© 2015 David C Cook. TruResources are developed in partnership with ROCKHARBOR Church

and a national network of family and children’s ministry leaders. All rights reserved.