Name: ______Date: ______Period: _____

Human Systems:

The Muscular System

Testing Your Muscles

Purpose: To determine which muscles are used for certain activities

To determine the effect of repeated use on muscles of the human body

Materials: Clothespin Hairpin Ruler Textbook Clock

Pre-Lab Questions:

1. When muscles are used repeatedly, what happens to them? ______


2. If muscles aren’t used, what happens to them: ______


3. Color-code the muscle groups below by choosing a color for each group and then coloring the model.

Hypothesis (The Finger Test): I can squeeze a clothespin ______times in 30 seconds.

Procedure (The Finger Test):

1.  One student will squeeze the clothespin while the other student times them.

2.  Hold a clothespin in your hand and squeeze it until it opens all the way. Keep squeezing the clothespin open until your partner calls time (after 30 seconds).

3.  Record your results on the data table and repeat the experiment 2 more times.

4.  Switch roles with your partner.

5.  Graph your results. Don’t forget: title, scale for y-axis, labels for y-axis and x-axis.

Data (The Finger Test):

Trial / First / Second / Third
Number of

Graph It:

Question: Which muscle group do you think you used for this experiment? ______

Hypothesis (The Hand Test): I can make a fist ______times in 30 seconds.

Procedure (The Hand Test):

1.  One student will perform the test while the other student times them.

2.  With your elbow bent, place your forearm flat on the table with your palm facing up. Make a fist. Keep making fists until your partner calls time (after 30 seconds).

3.  Record your results on the data table and repeat the experiment 2 more times.

4.  Switch roles with your partner.

5.  Graph your results. Don’t forget: title, scale for y-axis, labels for y-axis and x-axis.

Data (The Hand Test):

Trial / First / Second / Third
Number of

Graph It:

Question: Which muscle group do you think you used for this experiment? ______

Hypothesis (The Forearm Test): I can keep the ruler still for ______seconds.

Procedure (The Forearm Test):

1.  One student will perform the test while the other student times them.

2.  Place a hairpin (bent into a “V”) on the edge of a ruler and hold it between both hands. Without touching the table with any part of your arms, hold the ruler so that the hairpin is just barely off the table. Your partner will time how long you can hold it without the hairpin touching the table.

3.  Record your results on the data table and repeat the experiment 2 more times.

4.  Switch roles with your partner.

5.  Graph your results. Don’t forget: title, scale for y-axis, labels for y-axis and x-axis.

Data (The Forearm Test):

Trial / First / Second / Third

Graph It:

Question: Which muscle group do you think you used for this experiment? ______

Hypothesis (The Upper Arm Test): I can lift a textbook ______times in 30 seconds.

Procedure (The Upper Arm Test):

1.  One student will perform the test while the other student times them.

2.  Hold a textbook in your hand at your side (with your arm straight). Lift the book straight up to shoulder height (without bending your elbow). Keep lifting the book until your partner calls time (after 30 seconds).

3.  Record your results on the data table and repeat the experiment 2 more times.

4.  Switch roles with your partner.

5.  Graph your results. Don’t forget: title, scale for y-axis, labels for y-axis and x-axis.

Data (The Upper Arm Test):

Trial / First / Second / Third
Number of

Graph It:

Question: Which muscle group do you think you used for this experiment? ______

Conclusion: (complete sentences)

1. Did it get harder or easier to continue doing the activities? ______


2. Why do you think it got harder or easier? ______


3. What can you do to improve muscle strength? ______


4. Why do you think it is important to have healthy muscles? ______


5. What did you learn by doing this experiment? ______







