Roupell Park Management Committee Meeting

Held on 24 February 2015, 7pm, at Roupell Park Community Centre


Mary Simpson (MS1) Chair; Oni Idigu (OI)Treasurer; Molly Sinclair (MS);Marcia Jones (MJ) Secretary; Tom Parker (TP) co-opted member; Sandra Yamoah (SY).

In attendance

Simon Oelman (SO) Estate Director;


Chris Weathers, Alex Ekumah, Alieu Corneh Janet Grant

1. Minutes and Matters Arising of 26/11/13


  • The minutes were agreed

1.2 Matters Arising not dealt with elsewhere on the agenda

  • 7.1. SO to arrange induction meeting with new members.
  • SO had amended policies as requested.
  • Stock count to be completed by end February
  • SO has included capital update in ED report.
  • 1.2. Issues around future capital bids would be raised as part of a wider process.

2. Declarations of Interest

2.1. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Chairs Report

3.1. The Chair noted that the meeting was not quorate and that some members had not sent apologies. She said that this was poor etiquette and that apologies were required.

3.2. The Chair said that as the meeting was not quorate the meeting would discuss all papers and that these would be taken at the next meeting for agreement without further discussion.

3.3.Birthdays – Dave Worsfold – volunteer.

Congratulations to MJ on her 50th birthday.

3.4.Munya Mutetwa had resigned from the Board. MS1 had written to thank him for his work. Meeting expressed view that they should attempt to recruit additional co-opted members with finance and housing management experience as soon as possible.

3.5.MS1 had met with SO re annual appraisal. Agreed that amended version will be sent to other officers for approval.

4. Moving to a Paperless Board

4.1. The Board considered the report and welcomed its contents. There was agreement from those present, that the Board wished to proceed with the initiative both on grounds of possible savings and increased efficiency.

4.2.It was agreed -

  • In principle to a paperless operating method
  • To survey individual members as to their requirements, including access to a wireless system within their homes
  • Agree that where required that Board members are provided with a Samsung Galaxy Pro 10.1 Tablets and cover at a cost of approximately £250 each
  • Agree that where a Tablet is provided it remains the property of RPRMC and must be returned when a member leaves the Board
  • Where required investigate the installation of a wireless network within Board members homes or the provision of a pay as you go mobile internet connection.

4.3.SO was requested to write to all members asking for their requirements.

5.Achieving the NFTMO Kite Mark

5.1.It was emphasised that this was an exercise to be led by the Board supported by officers. Part of this was to ensure members attended training that was made available.

5.2.It was agreed that 3 working groups are created to look at the 3 main themes:

  • In Touch - Tom plus 2
  • In Control – Mary/Sandra – we need another
  • Good at Managing – Oni/Molly we need another

5.3. SO to write to all Board members asking for more volunteers.

5.4.The Board agreed to

  • Seek to achieve the NFTMO Kite Mark.
  • Achieving the Kite Mark is made the main part of our next away day and to agree a date and possible location.
  • That Liz Michael Community Consultancy Ltd are employed to facilitate the away day and to give advice on the achieving the Kite Mark.
  • That all costs are met from the Board Training budget.

5.6.As part of the governance arrangements MS1 requested that RPRMC HR adviser produce a Bi-annual report to confirm that all HR processes are in place and on any staffing matters i.e. sickness etc.

6. Policies

6.1. The Reserves and Surpluses policy was agreed by the meeting but would be subject to approval at the next quorate meeting.

6.2.The Time Off policy was agreed by the meeting but would be subject to approval at the next quorate meeting and the final sentence of paragraph 3.23 reading, ‘any variations will be confirmed in writing by the Estate Director.

7.3. The Board agreedthe work programme in principle subject to ratification at the next quorate meeting, but that the frequency of the finance and maintenance reports should be reduced to four times a year. Any amendments to the programme to be agreed with the Chair.

7. Estate Directors Report

7.1.Members continued to express their concerns about defects issues with Wates’ works and asked if there had been a response to the notice that had been served. SO explained that although the notice had been replied to there was a process underway that included inspections and making good by LL and Wates.

7.2.External works would be carried out under the Lambeth framework which should allow works to be commenced quicker. SO confirmed that there would still need to be full leaseholder consultation. He would continue to update members.

7.3.SO requested volunteers to attend the NFTMO conference 12-14 June. MS1 confirmed her wish to attend and asked SO to write all members for further volunteers: it was noted that all bookings by the end of March would attract a discount. Also for a staff member to attend. Members agreed that costs would be met from the Board training budget.

7.4.SO confirmed that there were no direct impact at this stage on the wind-up of Lambeth Living.

7.5.SO said a paper on Rule changes would be brought to the March Board.

7.6.Members noted the report.

8. Finance update

8.1 Members noted the report.

9. Internal Audit Action Plan

9.1.Members noted the report.

10. Business Plan Action Plan

10.1Action plan re caretaking to be brought to next meeting along with report on outcome of STAR survey.

10.2.Members noted the report.

11. Performance

11.1Members noted the report.

12. Any Other Business

12.1.SO reported that there had been an incident where a caretaker had been struck on the head by a bottle thrown from a balcony. The police had been informed.

12.2.SO reminded members of the creative business session to be held and encouraged members to encourage people to attend.

Meeting ended at 9.00pm.

SO to report back on outcome of Capital bid / Simon Oelman / March 2015 / On agenda
SO to arrange induction with new Members / SO/TP/CW / March 2015 / Agreed with TP
Complete SO appraisal / MS(1) / March 2015 / Complete
Agree Date for away day / All / March 2015 / 2 May 2015
Members to volunteer for Kite Mark groups / All / March 2015
SO to write to all members re issues raised in meeting / Simon Oelman / 27/2/15
NFTMO Conference Members to respond to email / All / 31/3/15
Caretaking Action Plan to Board / Simon Oelman / 31/3/15
STAR Survey report to Board / Simon Oelman / 31/3/15
MS(1), MJ and OI to meet SO re appraisal / MS(1) / 31/3/15
Recruit new independent Board Members / Simon Oelman / NA



RPMC 28.1.14