Prayer Room Etiquette

No Outside Instruments:

Please do not bring outside instruments (i.e., tambourines, hand drums, egg shakers, harmonicas, etc.) into the prayer room. Only those on the TPR worship team for the designated set are permitted to play instruments in the prayer room.

No Bare Feet:

In an effort to maintain high standards of health and sanitation, please no bare feet at any time while in the prayer room.

No Food:

Please keep food items in the café area only. No food is permitted in the prayer room. We ask that all drinks brought into the prayer room have a lid.


Please keep conversations in the prayer room under 30 seconds so that others are not distracted from their times of worship and prayer. If you need to have a conversation exceeding 30 seconds with someone, please do so in the foyer. If you have questions or an immediate need, find someone on the leadership team. They will be able to answer your questions and will assist you as best they can.

Group Prayer:

Group prayer at The Prayer Room is facilitated by way of our corporate Intercession sets, as listed on the Sacred Trust (prayer room schedule) . For this reason, we ask that you do not organize small group prayer in the prayer room. If you would like to pray in a small group you may pray together in the lobby or an off campus location.

Praying for Others:

When laying hands on an individual during healing prayer or times of altar ministry, please touch only the person’s shoulder or upper back. Also, refrain from rubbing, pushing or swaying the person for whom you are praying.

Enjoying the Space:

We encourage you to make yourself comfortable in the prayer room. In doing so, please respect those around you by refraining from infringing on others’ space, making loud or distracting noises, praying loudly, or “camping out” with pillows, sleeping bags, etc.

Praying on the Mic:

If you wish to pray during an intercession (open mic) set, please sit on the row on the left side of the prayer room (next to Assistant Prayer Leader). The assistant prayer leader will assist you and let you know when it is your turn to pray. Be prepared to pray from a Scripture (preferably an apostolic prayer; a list is available on a laminated sheet at the open mic.)