All students are eligible to vote in this election.

Voting Opens- 26/10/16 9:00

Voting Closes- 4/11/16 12:00

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No manifesto submitted.

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I am an avid advocate of democratic procedure and supporting the student voice. It is extremely important to me that all Nottingham students feel represented and that any student is able to have their suggestions actively heard. As a law student, I understand the importance of ensuring that the documents that govern the Students Union, societies and student groups are clear and easily understood by the students that these constitutions affect. I have had an extremely active relationship with the Students Union and many societies at Nottingham and strongly believe the manner in which these are governed is essential to the continued success of the student experience at Nottingham. I promise that, if elected, I would ensure that all motions submitted by students will be heard fairly and impartially. Any decisions made on a student motion would be informed by my experiences running and participating in societies and democratic procedures. I believe in facilitating change (where appropriate) and promise that should I be elected to be a members of the democratic procedures committee, I will be a responsible and committed member who will try my upmost to ensure that student voices are heard.

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I would like to nominate myself for the Democratic Procedures Committee under the Scrutiny Panel. I would like to join as I believe in upholding the high standards of UoN and an active role in the Scrutiny Panel will enable me to assist in maintaining or improving the efficiency and integrity of the Union. As a law student, I understand how important check and balance is with regard to the functioning of a union. Previously I have been involved in similar work but on a national level, back in Singapore. This gives me access to invitation for Rallies, governmental meetings and also to feedback whenever new legislations are rolled out or amended. Given my experience, I am confident that I will be able to apply my knowledge in the University. As such, I would like to appeal to my fellow peers to vote for me and by doing so, be part of this democratic process.

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Hi I’m Zach. I believe a fair process is very important for students and societies a like who wish to facilitate meaningful change at Nottingham. Part of the process of creating new societies and similar organisations requires a solid framework for including elements such as how things are run, the nature of the role given to individual members and to whom these members are accountable to.

As a member of the Democratic Procedures Committee I would enjoy able to scrutinise proposals, working with other committee members to ensure by-laws are logical, consistent and always accountable to the students’ it represents.

As a second year law student I believe I have developed important skills necessary to make a meaningful contribution to the committee such as being able to structure a coherent argument for purposes such as when a new proposed motion may require informed debate in order for it to proceed to the next stage, analysis and being able to see the bigger picture.

Furthermore I am currently the Chair of the Aspiring Solicitors Committee; an organisation which helps to promote social mobility on campus such as by providing the means to support disadvantaged students enter into traditionally underrepresented fields.

I believe my current experience has helped me develop a much greater appreciation for collaboration and working towards representing the interests of students at Nottingham University and similarly I would be grateful to do so on the Democratic Procedures Committee.

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As a final year languages student, I am all too aware that my time at the University of Nottingham is beginning to come to an end. For this reason, I am very interested in running for a position on the Democratic Procedures Committee to help shape the University and the Student Union for future generations to enjoy the same experiences I have been lucky enough to enjoy. I am keen to make sure that student voices are heard from all corners of the University’s campuses, and I will endeavour to find the best and fairest solutions as part of the committee to ensure that university life improves for all. My background in languages has also given me plenty of opportunities to communicate my own ideas and work with others in debates and presentations, as well as spending time abroad in customer service environments, spending time listening to others’ points of view to mutually be able to reach decisions and solutions together. If I were elected to this position, I would be committed to making sure that all students get the best deal possible, and I would be proud to serve the interests of students present and future.

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No manifesto submitted.

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