JUNE12-13, 2015

SPONSOR: MagicValleyMarlins

SANCTION: This meet is held undersanction ofUSA Swimmingand Snake RiverSwimming,Inc., Sanction # 15-14. Ingrantingthis sanction, it is understood and agreed that USA Swimmingshall be freeand held harmless from anyliabilities or claims fordamages arisingbyreason ofinjuryto anyoneduringthe conduct ofthe event.


756Locust StreetNorth Twin Falls,ID83301(208)734-2336

FACILITY:8Lane, 50 meterx21yard outdoorpool. Theminimum water depth, measured in accordancewith Article103.2.3 is 10.5 ftat the start end and 3.5ft at theturn end. Equipped withKeifer-McNeil lanelines, Paragon startingblocks, backstrokeflags. Thereareno blocks at theshallow endofthepool (3.5’). Thecompetition pool has not been certified inaccordancewith USA Swimmingrule104.2.2C(4)

TIMING: Colorado Timing System with electronic scoreboard and two (2) manual stop watches per lane, Hy-Tek Meet Manager for Windows software with Timing Console interface. Three manual stop watches will be used for events of 50 Meters. Each team will be required to provide timers during the entire course of the meet.


430 West 538Ln.S. Heyburn,ID 83336 (208)678-4574

MEET DIRECTOR: Jennifer Cluff

2713 SuncrestCir.,Twin Falls, ID 83301

(208) 404-1693

OFFICIALS: We expect and appreciate the help of certified USA Swimming officials from each participating team.

MEET FORMAT: All events will be swum as timed finals and begin from the diving block end of the pool, except 2nd and 4th 200 Meter relay swimmers who will start in the water. Swimmers will swim inpre-seeded heats as designated in theheatsheets posted at themeet and will be swum as mixed ages for all events.

SCHEDULE: Friday General Warm-ups: 4:30-5:00 pm

Meet Begins: 5:15 pm

At the meet referee’s discretion there may be an additional 15 minute warmup before the 800 and 1500 freestyle.

Saturday Warm-ups: 9:15-9:45 a.m.

9:45-10:15 a.m.

MeetBegins: 10:30 am

MEETINGS: Coaches- Therewill be amandatory meeting 15 minutes prior to the start of warm-ups both days. Friday 4:15pm and Saturday 9:00am

Officials- There will be a mandatory meeting 45 minutes prior to the start of the meet, Friday 4:30 pm and Saturday 9:45 am.

CONDUCT: Current USA Swimming Rules will govern this meet. Protests will be handled in the manner described in Section 102.11 of the USA Swimming Rules and Regulations.

Current Snake River Swimming safety guidelines and warm-up procedures will be followed, and are included with this invitation. No diving off the starting blocks or deck during warm-ups except at the direction of a meet official. Racing starts will be allowed in the designated sprint lanes during the last 10 minutes of each warm-up period.

Any swimmer entered in the meet, unaccompanied by a USA Swimming coach, must be certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or must start each race from within the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement. If we do not receive verification signed by the swimmer’s coach with the entries, the swimmer/s will be required to start from in the water

Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone is not permitted in changing areas, restrooms or locker rooms.

Changing into or out of swimsuits outside designated locker room areas by athletes at any level of competition is prohibited at USA Swimming sanctioned meets. Prohibited areas include, but are not limited to, team and spectator seating sections, as well as warm-up and competition pool decks.

Coaches should report scratches to themeet refereebeforethe meet begins.

This is a no card meet except for distance and relay events. All other swimmers should be on deck at the designated heat and lane for their events. Relay cards will be given to coaches in their packets Friday night at the Coaches’ Meeting. All relay cards must have the first and last names and ages of the swimmers, in relay order, written on the back of the card.

Relay cards will be given to coaches in their meet packets. All relay cards must have the first and last names, in the proper order, written on the back of the card

Events 400 m and longer may be deck seeded, at the discretion of the meet referee, and swum fastest to slowest, regardless of gender.

There will be a sign-in for events 400 meters and longer; participants must sign in by 5:00 p.m. on Friday night.

ELIGIBILITY: All swimmers must hold current USA registration cards. The swimmer

must be USA Swimming registered by the entry deadline of June 1st.

Age of the swimmer on the first day of the meet will determine swimmer’s age group. Any swimmer entered in the meet who is not USA swimming registered will be subject to a $50.00 fine.

DEADLINE: Entriesmustbereceived by June 1, 2015, 8:00 pm.


ENTRIES: Swimmersmayenter one (1) event on Friday and four (4) individual events and 1 relay on Saturday.

Submit fastest converted LCM times.No Timeswill beAccepted.

Entries, entry report, and fee report should besubmitted as an attached file via e-mail to: bythoseteams usingtheHy-TekCommlink


Entries must includethe followinginformation: swimmer’s name, age, team, team code,USA Swimmingregistrationnumber, event name and number.

ENTRY FEES: $2.25 per event; $20.00 surcharge/swimmer($5.75 pool, $3.25 hospitality, $9.00SRS Fees, $2.00 SRS timing system fee). Make checks payableto Magic Valley Marlins. Onecheck perteam please. Fees must be

received no later than June 4, 2015.

Mail to: MagicValley Marlins

c/o Lori Hoard

901 E. 17th St.

Burley, ID 83318

SCORING: Events will be swum mixed ages, but will be scored separately as 6 and under, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14,15-18 by individual event.

AWARDS: Ribbons will be awarded 1st-8th place for each age group as specified under the scoring section. Relay ribbons 1- 4th place. Prizes will be award for heat winners.

TIME TRIALS: Will beoffered at theconclusion ofSaturday’sevents at the discretion of

the meet referee. Entries must beturned into the administrative tablewith a$3.00 feeone-halfhour beforeprojectedend oftheday’s events. Time trials will belimited to oneperswimmer, and will count against event total for theday.

MISC: Friday 800 and 1500 Freestyle swimmers MUST provide their own timers counters.

In accord with TwinFallsCityordinance, NO dogs allowed on

pool premises.

Heat sheets will be posted and available for sale. Results will be posted at the entrance to the bathrooms. Results may or may not be available through the Meet Mobile application.

Hospitality will be provided for coaches and officials.

Concessions will be available.

Meetappareland limited aquatic supplies will be available for purchase.

This is an outdoor meet. Please check the weather forecast and prepare


LODGING: Comfort Inn and Suites is offering discounted rates to those attending.

See accompanying flyer for details.

2015 Summer Heat Invitational

Schedule of Events


General Warmups: 4:30-5:00 pm

At the meet referee’s discretion there may be an additional

15 minute warmup before the 800 and 1500 freestyle.

Meet Begins: 5:15 pm

Girls / Event / Boys
1 / 400 Meter Freestyle / 2
3 / 400 Meter IM / 4
5 / 800 Meter Freestyle / 6
7 / 1500 Meter Freestyle / 8

Each swimmer may swim 1 event

800 & 1500 Freestyle swimmers must provide their own counters and timers


Warm-ups: 9:15-9:45 a.m.

9:45-10:15 a.m.

Meet Begins: 10:30 am

Girls / Event / Boys
9 / 50 Meter Freestyle / 10
11 / 100 Meter Breaststroke / 12
13 / 200 Meter Butterfly / 14
15 / 12 & Under 200 Meter Medley Relay / 16
17 / 13 & Over 400 Meter Medley Relay / 18
19 / 50 Meter Backstroke / 20
21 / 100 Meter Freestyle / 22
23 / 200 Meter Breaststroke / 24
25 / 50 Meter Butterfly / 26
27 / 100 Meter Backstroke / 28
29 / 200 Meter Freestyle / 30
31 / 50 Meter Breaststroke / 32
33 / 100 Meter Butterfly / 34
35 / 200 Meter Backstroke / 36
37 / 200 Meter IM / 38

Each Swimmer may swim 4 individual events and 1 relay




1.NODIVING or BACKSTROKESTARTSallowedfromtheblocks oredgeof pool. Swimmersmustenter thepoolfeetfirstinacautiousmanner,withat leastonehandincontactwiththepool deckor gutter.

2.Nosprintingallowedduring general warm-upsession

3.All lanesaretobeusedfor general warm-up.



1.Push/PaceLanes- Pushoff oneor twolengthsfromthestartingend. Circle swimmingonly. Nodivingor backstrokestarts.

2.RacingStarts- Onlydesignatedlanesfor racingstartsfrom theblocks orfor backstrokestartsatspecifiedtimes.




1.Coachesshall instructtheir swimmersregardingsafetyguidelines and


2.Coachesshall activelysupervisetheir swimmersthroughoutthewarm-up sessionsatmeetsandat all practices.


1. Marshaling:

a. Aminimum offour (4)marshals,whoreportto,andreceiveinstructions fromtheMeetRefereeand/or MeetDirector,shall beondeckduringthe entirewarm-upsessionandanywarm-upbreakstoenforcetheseSafety GuidelinesandWarm-upProcedures.

b. Marshalsshall havetheauthoritytoremovefromthepool,for remainder ofthewarm-upsession,anyswimmer whoisinviolationofsafety guidelines or warm-upprocedures.

c . For continuouswarm-uppools,lifeguardsfromthehostfacilitymay serveasmarshals,if:

(1) TheyarecurrentlycertifiedbyRedCrossinAdvancedLifesaving, andagreetoenforcethewarm-upprocedureasinstructedbythe


(2) Thehostclubmustprovidea marshal tosupervisetheworkofthe lifeguards.

2.Hostteamsshall postsigns at eachlaneatbothendsof pool,whichindicate thedesignateduseduringwarm-up.

3. Warm-uptimesandlaneassignmentsshall bepublishedinthemeet

informationandpostedatseveral locationsaroundthepool area.

4.Thefollowingstatementshall appear inthemeetinformation: "SnakeRiver Swimming,Inc.SafetyGuidelinesandWarm-upProcedureswill beineffect atthismeet."

5.Anannouncer shall beondutyfor theentirewarm-upsessiontoannounce laneand/or timechanges andtoassistwiththeconduct ofthewarm-up.

6.Hazardsinlocker rooms,onthedeckarea,or inareas usedbycoaches, swimmers,spectators,or officialsshall be removedor clearlymarked.