2018-2019Study Abroad/Away Program Proposal
These forms are to be completed by the Program Director for the 2018-2019 academic year.
(Additional pages will need to be attached to the proposal in order to submit a complete application)
Select One: ⃝ New Program ⃝ Existing Program
- Program Overview
Countries Included in Program: ______
Dates/Length of Program: ______Expected # of Students: ______
Name of Program Director: ______
Email: ______Phone: ______
Sponsoring College/Department: ______
Other Participating Faculty & Email(s):______
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Please list the course(s), credit hours offered, and professor(s) in the chart below:
Course Subject, Number & Name / Credit Hours / Professor / Prerequisites?What is the minimum number of hours a student can take on this program? ______
What is the maximum number of hours a student can take on this program? ______
Experiential Learning: Study Away/Abroad programs are based on the experiential learning model, which merges hands-on learning with reflection. Programs combine classroom learning with time spent in the field observing, interacting with local stakeholders, and learning from local experts. To meet the current EXL designation guidelines, courses must include a standard set of SLOs, as seen below. Please mark the SLOs your course will help students meet and please include them in your syllabus.
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Problem solving
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- Program Details
Please attach a separate sheet with answers to each question.
- Brief description (4-5 sentences) of the program. If this program is approved, this description will be used on promotional materials for the program.
- Purpose: Explain the academic benefit of the travel experience of this program. Why does this program need to take place in a different location?
- Program Director: Describe the Program Director’s experience with this Study Abroad/Away location.
- Recruiting: (address each area below)
- Explain planned recruitment and marketing efforts.
- Will there be a selection process or first come first serve for this program?
- Also, if this proposal involves more than 1 faculty member, you must explain how it will be handled if you are unable to recruit enough students for all faculty members to participate.
- Learning Outcomes: Identify at least one Student Learning Outcome from your academic unit, department, and/or college that is directly related to the travel/study abroad experience of this program. This also needs to be included in your syllabus.
- Cross- Cultural Learning: Describe how students’ cross-cultural learning will be facilitated (e.g. Interaction with locals; cultural “debriefing” sessions on site, reflective essays, etc.).
- Any additional explanation of courses, credit hours, or other course related information? Study Abroad typically allows 3 credit hours for a 1-2 week program, 6 credit hours for a 3-5 week program. If you are offering more hours (or fewer), please explain.
- Health and Safety: Include a brief description of the program environment and logistical arrangements, which specifically address the following issues:
- Safety and security- Check the department of State Travel Advisories for the countries you are proposing. Address any issues mentioned in the travel advisory for those countries.
- Health- Check the CDC website and list if there are any travel notices for that country and what concerns need to be addressed.
- Accessibility
- Any additional issues that the committee may need to know (housing, security, transportation, vaccinations, etc.)
- Additional Information: Include any additional narrative here that may help the committee make its decision.
The following items MUST be attached to the proposal to be considered complete:
Program Application, Pages 1-3
Attached the answers to questions on Page 2
Contact Hours Form for EACH course (followed by Syllabus)
Course Syllabi
Each syllabus must include the following information:
Course Title
Corresponding course numbers
Credit hours offered
Course description
Description of Course Assignments
Instructional arrangements (include any pre/post trip course meetings)
Include statement regarding access to academic accommodations
Detailed Trip Itinerary
Proposed days and timeline
Program Budget
Study Abroad Budget Template
The budget template developed by the Study Abroad Office must be attached to this proposal. This is not a final budget. The Study Abroad Office will meet with the Program Director to create the final advertised cost. Programs are typically budgeted for 10 students to one professor. If your trip is budgeted at a different ratio, please explain the rationale for this on the budget template.
Attach any relevant quotes from vendors
Department of State Travel Advisory for the countries you are proposing.
Go to this link, print and attach the Travel advisory for those countries.
CDC Travel Notice
Check the CDC website and list if there are any travel notices for that country, print and attach the notice.
Proposal is due to Maria Darley by April 1, 2018
- ACCEPTANCE SIGNATURES to be obtainedby the Program Director
Program Director:By signing this proposal, the Program Director agrees to fulfill the obligations outlined in the Program Director Agreement. You understand the responsibilities of a Program Director are vastly greater and much more demanding than those of a professor teaching on campus. Directors are often called upon to deal directly with student conflicts, medical and emotional issues, act of crime by or against students, drinking and other code of conduct issues.
Program Director SignatureDate
Department Chair: By signing below, you attest that the faculty member is SACS credentialed for this course and entered in the Banner system, and understand your department’s involvement with this program. You understand that the entire department should be involved in promoting the program to its students - it cannot rest solely on the shoulders of the faculty member leading and teaching in the program. The department must understand that it will be involved in any significant student- and/or faculty-related problems that arise abroad.
Also, you understand that any issues related to the salary of the faculty in association with teaching this program will be the responsibility of the department. (Travel expenses are covered by the Study Abroad Office)
1)Sponsoring College/ Department: ______
Department Chair SignatureDate
2)Additional Participating College/ Department:
A)Department/ Committee ______
Department/ Committee Chair SignatureDate
B)Department/ Committee ______
Department/ Committee Chair SignatureDate
3)Dean of College: ______
Dean of College SignatureDate
4)Institutional Study Abroad Committee Chair: ______
Signature/ Date
5)Vice President for Academic and Faculty Affairs: ______
Signature/ Date
6)Provost: ______
Signature/ Date
Course Contact Hours Form
(Complete 1 for each course)
Course Subject, Number & Name: ______Credit Hours: _____
Attach this form on top ofeach syllabus of the course being proposed for the Study Abroad/Away Program. If students can receive credit for more than one course on a program, it must be obvious that credit hours are not ‘double dipping’ for each course. There must be unique contact hours to each course in that case.
Date/ Location / Course Content Delivery / HoursStep 1 / List the portion of the course taught at the AU campus before the trip
Step 2 / List the portion of the course taught in the classroom while abroad
Step 3 / List the portion of the course taught during the excursions abroad/ outside of class (ex. Excursions, clinical hours, service learning)
Step 4 / List the portion of the course taught at the AU campus after the trip
For a 1-hour course you need: 12.8 contact hours (80% of 16 hours)
For a 2-hour course you need: 25.6 contact hours (80% of 32 hours)
For a 3-hour course you need: 38.4 contact hours (80% of 48 hours)
For a 4-hour course you need: 51.5 contact hours (80% of 64 hours)
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