Solstice Program

Session 2

Course Title:Phun Physics: Industrious Engineering


Teaching Assistant:

Course Description

How would you create a high-flying projectile launcher or the farthest rolling mousetrap car? Put your ideas to the test in this hands-on introduction to physics and engineering! In individual and group build projects, explore physics concepts such as force, acceleration, potential and kinetic energy, and torque and apply them to the creation of cars, bridges, catapults and more. This class is a great preparatory experience for students interested in Science Olympiad events.

Essential Questions

  • What affects the motion of objects?
  • How are the laws of physics applied to real-world designs?
  • What are the consequences of physics in my daily life?


Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  • Model simple physics principles using the Phun Physics sandbox program.
  • Understand basic mechanics principles including Newton’s Laws, momentum, work, and energy.
  • Demonstrate and explain physics concepts using the Algodoo program and hands on demonstrations.

Instructional Strategies

Students are permitted to choose their own work groups and are encouraged to use group members for ideas and support. Students will spend the majority of their morning exploring the physics concepts by experimenting with the simulation program in order to draw their own conclusions. In the afternoon, students will participate in either hands-on labs or project based challenges. During the course of the program, students will be keeping a log which will be assessed during the week.

Resources and Materials

  • Books
  • Excerpts from Conceptual Physics (10th Ed) Paul Hewitt (2006) will be used by the instructor.
  • Web sites
  • Phun Physics Simulation program. Students may download Algodoo free at
  • It is also available as an iPad app for $4.99.
  • Materials
  • Students should come prepared each day with a notebook, pen and pencil, and a calculator.

Student Assessment

  • Pre-Assessment – Students will receive a pre-test the first day of class to assess their current math skills and background knowledge of topics in mechanics. This will help set the pace and depth of the course.
  • Documentation of Learning – The lab journal will be one of the primary means of assessment. Students can also anticipate a quiz at the end of each week.
  • Post-Assessment – The culminating project for this course is the assembly of a mousetrap car with the very strict regulations on the materials available. Students will create the car and then be required to write a description which incorporates all of the physics they have learned. Students will also present their various projects and challenges as part of the expo.

Daily Schedule

Date / Topics / In-class Activities / Assignments/Assessments
1 / Introductions
Algodoo program
Refraction/Reflection / Ice Breakers
What is science?
What is physics?
Intro to Phun Physics?
Light, Lab #1: Refraction Lab / Journal Entry #1
Lab Presentation Results
2 / Lenses & Color
Inertia / Lab #2: Lenses Lab
Lab #3: Inertia Lab / Journal Entries #2 & #3
Homework #1
Lab Presentation Results
3 / Newton’s Laws - Equilibrium / Lab #4: Building a bridge project / Journal Entry #4
Homework #2
4 / Linear Motion – Velocity and Acceleration / Lab #5 Race Results – Graphing
Lab #6: Free Fall - Ramp / Journal Entries #5 & #6
Homework #3
5 / Projectile Motion / Quiz #1
Lab #7: Projectile Launcher Challenge / Journal Entry #7
Homework #4
6 / Impulse & Momentum / Lab #8: Egg Drop Lab / Journal Entry #8
Homework #5
7 / Work & Energy / Lab #9: Power Lab
Lab #10: Domino Lab / Journal Entries #9 & #10
Homework #6
8 / Rotational Motion & Torque / Quiz #2
Lab #11 – Create a mobile
Intro to Mousetrap Cars
Begin Mousetrap Cars / Journal Entry #11
Homework #7
9 / Force, Energy, and Rotation; Discuss Presentation Expectations / Mousetrap Car results and presentations / Journal Entry #12
10 / Wrap-up and Expo / Expo Day
Post-Assessment & Presentation / Have a great summer!

Instructor Biography

Contact Information

CTD Statement on Third-Party Web Sites

Instructors are required to thoroughly review any third-party web sites they intend to use in their courses for inappropriate content. However, because web content continuously changes, CTD disclaims any responsibility for any of the content contained on third-party web sites used in course materials. If you become aware of anything that may be inappropriate, please notify CTD staff immediately.

CTD Summer Program | 617 Dartmouth St. Evanston, IL 60208 | 847/491.8257 |

Center for Talent Development is accredited by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI)