There are two parts to our prequalification process.

Part A Your Confidential Financials are reviewed

Part B Reviews the other strengths & qualifications of your company for Estimating


In order to expedite this process, please submit the following to:

Lisa Tomerlin at or private fax (210) 521-8378

1.  Financial Data for Prequalification sheet (see next page)

2.  Income Statement (most recent year-end or current)

3.  Current Balance Sheet

Swinerton Builders Inc. implemented a Subcontractor Prequalification program across our company. This allows us to understand your company’s strength and qualifications to better match our project opportunities to your company’s capabilities. Swinerton Builders Inc. will limit bid invitations to prequalified subcontractors.

The prequalification process involves annually reviewing your company’s financial information and other factors, such as experience and references, to gain a complete understanding of your company’s background and specialty expertise.

Swinerton Builders understands the sensitive nature of your financial data; therefore, this information will be kept confidential and only accessible by a limited number of personnel in Swinerton’s Finance Department.

General Information
Legal Company Name
/ /
Company Address
/ /
/ /
/ /
Phone/Fax Number
/ /
Email Address
Principal Contact Name, Title
/ /
Federal Tax ID #
Financial Contact Name
/ /
Parent and/or Affiliate Companies (Name and Relationship)
Financial Information
Lender’s Name/ Address
Lending Officer’s Name/Phone #
Total Amount Of Line Of Credit $
/ / Unused Portion Of Line Of Credit $ /
Line of Credit Expiration Date
/ /
CPA Firm That Prepared Your Financial Statements /
CPA Firm Telephone #
/ /

Month of Fiscal Year End

2011 Year end Revenue / / 2010 Year end Revenue /

Largest Single Contract Value 2011

/ /

Name GC for Contract


Largest Single Contract Value 2010

/ /

Name GC for Contract


Largest Single Contract Value 2009

/ /

Name GC for Contract


Please provide a current Financial Statement

Signature Name/Title Date

Subcontractor Prequalification

Part B – Prequalification Background Data

In order to expedite this process please submit the following to: .

1.  General Information

2.  Experience

3.  Product/Service Segments

4.  MBE/WBE/DVE/DVBE Certifications

5.  Swinerton Work History

6.  Trade/Supplier/GC References

7.  Insurance/Bonding/Litigation & Safety Information

You may contact Mindy Brubaker, Preconstruction Services Administrator, at with any questions or concerns about the data information sheets. Swinerton Builders Inc. appreciates your interest in participating in this program.

Swinerton Builders Inc. implemented a Subcontractor Prequalification program across our company. This allows us to understand your company’s strength and qualifications to better match our project opportunities to your company’s capabilities. This will also ensure that your company will be bidding against comparable contractors. Swinerton Builders Inc. will limit bid invitations to prequalified subcontractors.

General Information

Legal Company Name

/ /



Company Type (Corporation, Partnership, etc)

/ /

Year Co. Founded


Company Address

/ /


/ /


/ /



Federal Tax ID #

/ /

D&B #


Phone/Fax Number

/ /

Email Address


Principal Contact Name, Title

/ /

Financial Contact Name

/ /

Parent and/or Affiliate Companies (Name and Relationship)



Union Affiliation(s) / List States With Active License(s)
License No.(s) / License Class(s) / # Employees
Has Ownership changed in the last three years? / If yes, explain
Primary Scopes/CSI Spec Sections Typically Performed
Percentage of Work Self Performed To Annual Revenue
Geographic Regions Where You Perform Work: California, Pacific Northwest, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico


List % of work performed last 3 years in the following:

Hospital/OSPOD / % / Residential/Condominium / % / Higher Education / %
K-12 / % / Hospitality / % / Tennant Improvement / %
Research/Bio Tech / % / Commercial Office Building / % / Other / %


Please attach a copy of certification

Is company certified?

Check all that apply:


Swinerton Work History

Name of Project / Location / Contract Amount / Project Manager


Company Name: / Phone #:
Contact Name: / Fax #:
Company Name: / Phone #:
Contact Name: / Fax #:
Company Name: / Phone #:
Contact Name: / Fax #:


Company Name: / Phone #:
Contact Name: / Fax #:
Company Name: / Phone #:
Contact Name: / Fax #:
Company Name: / Phone #:
Contact Name: / Fax #:


Insurance Carrier for General and Excess Liability
Contact Name(s): / Phone/Fax #:
Combined Coverage Limit of General and Excess Liability insurance


Are you able to bond projects? If yes, / Bonding Company
Agent Name: / Phone/Fax
Can your Broker furnish a letter of Bondability? / If yes, please attach sample copy
Bonding Rate / Single project limit / Aggregate limit / Available Capacity


Has your company ever defaulted, failed to complete or been terminated on a contract?
Is yes, describe
Has your company ever gone through a Bankruptcy or Reorganization?
If yes, describe


EMR for the last 3 years / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
Does company have a written drug test program? / Yes / No
Does company have a written safety program? / Yes / No
# Of serious OSHA Violations past 3 years / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
# Of general OSHA Violations past 3 years / 2011 / 2010 / 2009
Signature / Name/Title / Date

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