Musculoskeletal Test Review

These questions are EXAMPLES of the material that will be covered on the test. Students should be prepared to know information related to a CONCEPT, not just a specific component of a concept; Example: Scolio = lateral curvature of the spine; students should be able to name other examples of spondylosis (lordosis/kyphosis)


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. A craniotomy is the sugical repair of the skull.

____ 2. The suffix -CLASIS means breakdown.

____ 3. Lordosis is an exaggerated anterior curvature of the lumbar spine.

____ 4. The prefix ORTHO- means straight.

____ 5. With aging, decreased bone density results in osteoporosis.

____ 6. The abbreviation TMJ stands for temporomaxilary joint.

____ 7. Myalgia refers to any muscular disease.

____ 8. Rhabdomyoma is a malignant tumor of striated muscle tissue.

____ 9. Myoclonus means no muscle strength.

____ 10. Dystonia is an abnormal muscle tone or tension.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 11. Bone is created by

a. / osteoclasts / c. / osteocytes
b. / osteoblasts

____ 12. There are how many thoracic vertebrae?

a. / 7 / c. / 5
b. / 12 / d. / 4 to 5 fused bones

____ 13. A joint is the union between two

a. / ligaments / c. / bones
b. / cartilage / d. / capsules

____ 14. An inflammation of bone and bone marrow is called

a. / myeloma / c. / osteomyelitis
b. / osteitis / d. / osteochondritis

____ 15. The root word MANDIBUL/O means

a. / lower jaw / c. / cartilage cell
b. / upper jaw / d. / rib

____ 16. The root word THORAC/O means

a. / vertebrae / c. / collarbone
b. / chest

____ 17. Which of the following root words would most likely be used to identify the location of pain in a patient who complains of pain in the hip joint?

a. / PELV/I / d. / ULN/O
b. / ILI/O / e. / ILE/O

____ 18. Infrapatellar is pertaining to

a. / below the kneecap
b. / above the kneecap
c. / surgical fixation of the kneecap
d. / the joint between the tibia and fibula

____ 19. Skeletal muscles are

a. / voluntary muscles / c. / visceral muscles
b. / involuntary muscles

____ 20. The root word SUPINATI/O means

a. / bend / c. / facing forward
b. / facing backward / d. / stretch

____ 21. Adductor means

a. / muscles that move a part toward the midline
b. / a muscle that has no tone or tension
c. / muscles that move a part away from the midline
d. / inability of the muscle to relax after increased muscular contraction

____ 22. Kinesiology is

a. / an instrument used to measure movement
b. / the study of movement
c. / suturing the fascia
d. / pertaining to the muscle and skeleton

____ 23. The root word for bend is

a. / TENS/O / c. / PRONATI/O
b. / FLEX/O / d. / SUPINATI/O

____ 24. Dyskinesia means

a. / no muscle strength / c. / impairment of muscle movement
b. / slow movement / d. / excessive movement

____ 25. When describing muscle action, which of these terms describe the process of rotating the foot in a circular motion?

a. / plantar flexion / c. / dorsiflexion
b. / circumduction / d. / abduction

____ 26. Wasting away of the muscle is

a. / dystrophy / c. / atrophy
b. / hypertrophy

____ 27. A strain or pulled muscle can be from

a. / tearing muscles and tendons
b. / twisting muscles and tendons
c. / overstretching muscles and tendons
d. / overextending muscles and tendons
e. / all options can cause strains

____ 28. The abbreviation EMG stands for

a. / electromyography / c. / electromycograph
b. / electromyelogram

____ 29. A patient with a diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis would have which of these processes occurring in his body?

a. / break down of muscle tissue
b. / decreasing size and strength of tendons
c. / excessive buildup of calcium deposits


Complete each statement.

30. The root SCOLI/O means ______.

31. The suffix that means porous is ______.

32. The root word MY/O means ______, and MYEL/O means ______or ______.

33. Joint pain is called ______.

34. The prefix DORSI- means ______.

35. Pain in fibrous tissues such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments is ______.

36. The most common treatment for a strain is RICE. What does this stand for? R ______, I ______, C ______, E ______.

37. The root word LEI/O means ______.

38. The root word MYOS/O means ______.

Musculoskeletal Test Review

Answer Section


1. ANS: F

A cranioplasty is the surgical repair of the skull. A craniotomy is an incision into the skull.

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2. ANS: F

-CLASIS means surgical fracture or refracture; -CLAST means breakdown.

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3. ANS: T PTS: 1

4. ANS: T PTS: 1

5. ANS: T PTS: 1

6. ANS: F

TMJ is temporomandibular joint.

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7. ANS: F

Myopathy is refers to any muscular disease and Myalgia refers to muscle pain.

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8. ANS: F

Rhabdomyoma is a benign tumor of striated muscle; rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor of striated muscle tissue.

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9. ANS: F

Myoclonus means alterations between muscular relaxation and contraction in rapid succession; myasthenia means no muscle strength.

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10. ANS: T PTS: 1


11. ANS: B

A / Osteoclasts reabsorb bone.
B / Correct!
C / Osteocytes are mature bone cells

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12. ANS: B

A / There are 7 cervical vertebrae.
B / Correct!
C / There are 5 lumbar vertebrae.
D / There are 5 fused bones in the sacrum and 4 fused bones in the coccyx.

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13. ANS: C

A / Ligaments attach bone to bone.
B / Cartilage covers the end of bones.
C / Correct!
D / A capsule encases a joint.

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14. ANS: C

A / Myeloma is a benign tumor of the bone marrow.
B / Osteitis is inflammation of the bone.
C / Correct!
D / Osteochondritis is inflammation of the bone and cartilage.

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15. ANS: A

A / Correct!
B / Upper jaw is MAXILL/O.
C / Cartilage cell is CHONDR/O.
D / Rib is COST/O.

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16. ANS: A

A / Vertebrae is VERTIBR/O.
B / Correct!
C / Collarbone is CLAVICUL/O.

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17. ANS: C

A / PELV/O pertains to the pelvis.
B / Close but not correct! ILI/O is the joint between the hip and sacrum, not the hip joint itself.
C / Correct!
D / ULN/O pertains to a bone in the lower arm.
E / ILE/O means intestine.

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18. ANS: A

A / Correct!
B / Above the kneecap is suprapatellar.
C / Surgical fixation of the kneecap is patellapexy.
D / The joint between the tibia and fibula is tibiofibular joint.

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19. ANS: A

A / Correct!
B / Involuntary muscles are cardiac and visceral.
C / Visceral muscles are involved in breathing, digestion, and other movements involving internal organs.

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20. ANS: C

A / Bend is FLEX/O.
B / Facing backward is PRONATI/O.
C / Correct!
D / Stretch is TENS/O.

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21. ANS: C

A / Muscles that move a part toward the midline are abductors.
B / A condition of the muscle that has no tone or tension is dystonia.
C / Correct!
D / The inability of the muscle to relax after increased muscular contraction is myotonia.

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22. ANS: B

A / An instrument used to measure movement is a kinesiometer.
B / Correct!
C / Suturing the fascia is fasciorrhaphy.
D / Pertaining to the muscle and skeleton is musculoskeletal.

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23. ANS: B

A / TENS/O is to stretch.
B / Correct!
C / PRONATI/O is facing backward.
D / SUPINATI/O is facing forward.

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24. ANS: C

A / No muscle strength is myasthenia.
B / Slow movement is bradykinesia.
C / Correct!
D / Excessive movement is hyperkinesia.

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25. ANS: B

A / Plantar flexion is bending the ankle joint so that the foot bends toward the sole of the foot.
B / Correct!
C / Dorsiflexion is bending the ankle joint so that the foot bends backward (upwards).
D / Abduction is the process of drawing away from.

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26. ANS: C

A / Dystrophy is abnormal development.
B / Hypertrophy is enlargement of an organ due to an increase in the size of cells.
C / Correct!

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27. ANS: E

A / All are possible causes.
B / All are possible causes.
C / All are possible causes.
D / All are possible causes.
E / Correct!

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28. ANS: A

A / Correct!
B / Try again.
C / Try again.

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29. ANS: A

A / Correct!
B / Try again.
C / Try again.

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30. ANS: curved

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32. ANS: muscle, bone marrow, spinal cord

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33. ANS: arthralgia

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34. ANS: back

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35. ANS: fibromyalgia

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36. ANS: rest, ice, compression, elevation

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37. ANS: smooth

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38. ANS: muscle

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