Chapter 12 Notes

· Knights of labor were found in 1869

· their leader was Terence powderly

· They opposed strikes and prefer boycotts

· supported arbitration

· arbitration means a third party comes to help the workers and employees reach an agreement

· they supported equal pay for women

· the knights welcomed women and African Americans as members

· they convinced Jay Gould's railroads to reverse wage cuts

· in less than 1 year, the knights grew from 100,000 members to 700,000 members

· The railroad- transcontinental-crosses the entire country

· union pacific- greenville dodge- built/crossed more miles

· central pacific-leland stanford- get through the rockies, used china for labor

· connecting point- promontory summit, utah

· -Big accomplishment

· -makes U.S more profit

· faster transportation

· spins growth-business- supplied- new market

· Railroads Created time zones in 1883

· -congress approves them in 1918

· Robber Barons- railroad tycoons- loot industries and give nothing back, made their wealth by stealing private investors and govt especially the railroad ones

· Credit mobilier-a construction company that over builds and overestimates the railroad

· owned by union pacific. After the bill comes they pay the construction of the railroad and pocketing the overages

· greater northern railroads- James Hill- owner and operator

· set the standard in proper railroad

· growth of big business- pre civil war- small business have high departing costs but low fixed costs

· 1830:craft workers started forming trade unions. By 1873 there were 32 trade unions. The largest/most successful Iron holders

· problems: employees had to negotiate with trade unions.

· -people who tried to join were fired and put on the Blacklist

· -no other companies would hire them

· The Great Railroad Strike

· due to wages being cut again.

· railroad workers quit jobs- 80,000 block workers/others destroy property

· President Hayes sent federal