********Ancient Egypt Projects********
Now that you have become familiar with some facts about ancient Egypt, It is up to you to construct your final project. Remember, you will need parent approval for your selection.
1.MAKE YOUR OWN MUMMY: Create a mummy using whatever materials (newspapers, etc.) to create the LOOK of a mummy. Be sure that the mummy is also in a SARCOPHAGUS that is appropriately painted. Next, create astoryabout the person who is mummified. Include who he/she was, where he/she lived, the people he/she knew, and the life he/she lived. Make this is story HISTORICAL FICTION loaded with FACTS thrown in with some FICTION. This story needs to be TYPED in final draft quality.
2.*A VIDEOTAPED INTERVIEW WITH EACH OF THESE LEADERS: QUEEN HATSHEPSUT, THUTMOSE III, AND RAMSES II. The interview must demonstrate that you have learned 10 or more important facts about each ruler. The rulersmust be in proper attire! Remember to submit a TYPED script in FINAL DRAFT FORM on the day you present.
3.CREATE AN EGYPTIAN MUMMY MASK: First, find and examine pictures of Egyptian mummy masks. Make special note of how Egyptians created stylized portraits of the faces, and notice the color schemes and patterns used. Now, create a mummy mask of your face using this website as a guide:http://www.art-rageous.net/MummyMask-LP.html. Be sure to include a pictorial guide of the steps you took to make this mask. Pictures should be of every step of the process! They can be on a board or in a booklet. In either case, mount the mummy mask on a board. Finally, include a TYPED historical, if not hysterical, story about you becoming so famous in ancient Egypt that a tomb and mask were created for you!
4.CREATE A REALLY SPECTACULAR PYRAMID: Decorate the pyramid, and show the actual tomb inside the pyramid. Create a written explanation of the pharaoh who was buried in this particular tomb. This can be a fictional or real-life pharaoh, but be sure to include information on his life, his accomplishments, and his good or bad deeds. This TYPED explanation will need to be submitted in FINAL DRAFT FORM on the day you present your pyramid. Remember, we must be able to see both inside and outside of the pyramid!
5.*A DAY IN THE LIFE OF 3 ANCIENT EGYPTIAN CHILDREN: Create a story or three stories following three different Egyptian children: one whose family fits into the lowest part of ancient Egypt’s social pyramid, one whose family fits in the middle part of the social hierarchy, and one whose family fits on the top of the social hierarchy. Follow a day in their lives from they wake in the morning to when they go to sleep at night. You may do a puppet show, a skit, a storybook, or a video of this “Day in the Life.” This project must have a script or a written story that is TYPED.
6.A THREE DIMENSIONAL CHART THAT COMPARES 3 THINGS FROM THE OLD, MIDDLE, AND NEW KINGDOMS OF ANCIENT EGYPT: Create a chart that has texture comparing burials, rulers, daily life, achievements, etc. of the different kingdoms. In addition to the chart, you will need to teachfivethings to our class about what is on this chart. A TYPED copy of your lesson will accompany this chart and lesson. This can be videotaped and presented to the class.
7.CREATE A THREE DIMENSIONAL MAP TOUR OF ANCIENT EGYPT: This map must show the following: Mediterranean Sea, Nile Delta, Red Sea, Valley of the Kings, Giza, Thebes, Sinai Peninsula, Nile River, Memphis, Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt, Abu Simbel, Karnak, Deir-el-Bahri, Luxor, and any other sites you want to include. Create a tour of this map that includesthe importanceof what you are guiding us through (perhaps a brochure). This tour must be TYPED and presented to the class along with your map.
8.Create a THREE DIMENSIONAL timeline of ancient Egypt. On this timeline, place important events, rulers, achievements, invasions, kingdoms, and dynasties. Include a TYPED explanation of each item andWHY this item is includedon the timeline (importance). This explanation should read like an informative report and flow smoothly from one item to the next.
9.Create a collage of ancient Egyptian food and drink. Include pictures of fruits, vegetables, beverages, breads, and meats consumed at the time. Attached TYPED descriptions of the foodsand include recipes, as well as explanations of WHY the Egyptians consumed these types of foods. You can even prepare a dish to display (or feed) the class!
10.*Demonstrate MUMMIFICATION ON VIDEO. Become an expert and explain all of the steps of mummification using props and costume. You will need to submit a script of this demonstration in final draft form on the day you present.
11. *Create a WALL RELIEF using Egyptian artwork. Remember that the ancient Egyptians CARVED or PAINTED their art into the walls and pillars . There must be a minimum of 6 carvings on each wall. Styrofoam works great for this! Look at examples of this artwork, particularly the images of people. This should include prayers, cartouches, a pharoah’s bragging of a victorious battle, etc. Your written portion (in final draft form) should take us on a tour of this relief explaining everything carved into the wall.
12.Create of project of your choice, but you must get Mrs. Fleming’s priorapproval. Submit your ideain writingand have your parent’s permission noted on the proposal. Remember that this project must have some significant writing involved with it. This project must NOT BE LIKE ANY OF THE PROJECTS LISTED ABOVE.
· Partners acceptable
Students will be assigned a day during the week to present their project to the class.
My student, ______, has shown me the project list and we have discussed project choices for the study of Ancient Egypt. We have agreed that he/she will be doing project #______as a first choice, #____ as a second choice, and #____ as a third choice. I am aware that the sooner my student turns in this agreement, the better chance he/she has of getting the first choice. Only 3 students per class will be allowed to do any one project.
Signed ______(P/G)