March 2008 Academy Page 1

Incident Command and Emergency Operations Track: Three elements… Command & Fireground Operations, Vehicle Extrication, and Emergency Medical Services.

Lead Instructors: Battalion Chief Mike Carr California Fire Department (CAL FIRE)

Fire Captain Ron Lindroth Poudre Fire Authority (PFA) Colorado

Flight Paramedic Erin Cox B.S. American Med Flight Nevada

·  The command and fireground operations element of this years Academy will focus on building fireground company officer and command officer skills. Students will learn Emergency Incident Management skills, Utilization of the Incident Command System, and will participate in intense training evolutions designed to increase the company officers and incident commanders abilities to manage fire and rescue emergencies.

Subjects Covered will include:

Emergency Incident Management

Incident Command System

Leadership Skills

Fireground Operations and Management

High Rise Firefighting and Multiple Occupancy Incidents


Firefighter Rescue and Self Rescue

·  The vehicle extrication element of this years Academy will focus on improving the student’s abilities to safely and effectively manage and mitigate emergencies involving vehicle traffic collisions. The students will be able to apply the fundamentals learned in the Command and Control element in order to safely rescue victims who have become entrapped due to traffic collisions.

Subject covered will include:

Vehicle Anatomy

Newer Vehicle Safety Systems

Traffic Collision Rescue and Victim Removal Techniques

Vehicle Stablization

Large Vehicle "Truck" rescue and stabilization

Emergency Incident Scene Safety

March 2008 Academy Page 2

·  The emergency medical services element of this years Academy will focus on improving the student’s ability to manage and treat victims of various types of medical and other emergencies. Students will participate in various skills evolutions and classroom instruction designed to improve the life saving capabilities of emergency responders.

Subjects Covered will include:

Incident Scene Safety and Management

Patient and victim evaluation

Injury and illness treatment for victims

Patient Packaging techniques

Spine Immobilization and injury prevention

Airway management

Basic First Aid

Victim and Patient transportation

Mass Casualty Incident management

Triage of Victims

Treatment of Victims

Transportation of Victims