Week Five Case Study
NRP/560 Version 3 / 1

University of Phoenix Material

Week Five Case Study




47 YO female


Premarin .625 mg 1 QD


Smoker 1 ppd X 20 years

ETOH/Drug use – neg

Married with 2 children

Husband self employed – without benefits

Housewife – no insurance


Complete hysterectomy at age 37 for persistent abnormal pap smears


Heart: Father MI age 51 – alive at age 68 (triple bypass)

DM: Mother DMII @ age 45 – oral meds currently

Sister: Breast cancer age 35. Relapse X 6 months ago – prognosis grim

First visit to your


Mrs. S is a 47 year old female who comes to your office because she has noticed a lump in her breast. She states she noticed the lump about a year ago – but she has no insurance, so has just been watching it. She comes to you today as she has noticed that it has gotten larger. She denies any other signs and symptoms, but is quite anxious and tearful. Her last mammogram was done over 5 years ago, and was negative.


HT: 5’8”

WT: 160 lbs

BP: 130/70

P: 80

HEENT: Normal

Neck: Thyroid non-palpable

Heart: RRR, S1 S2, without murmur

Lungs: Clear

Breasts: Pendulous, some bilateral nodularity noted

L breast – 2.5 cm, fixed, nontender nodule noted in the LUOQ. Some dimpling in

That area. Axillary nodes palpable. Infra and supraclavicular nodes non palpable

Abd: BS normal. Soft, no organomegally, no aortic bruit

EG: No lesions noted. Normal hair pattern, BUS normal

Vagina: Scant, clear d/c – no signs/symptoms

Cx/Uterus – Absent

Adnexa: No palpable masses

Rectal – No palpable masses, Neg occult blood


Gyn exam

L Breast nodule


Pap smear of vaginal cuff done

Referral for mammogram and US as needed.

Referral list of providers given

Explained the need for diagnostics ASAP to determine further follow up

Premarin .625 mg Sig: 1 PO QD

Pt. Tearful, but voiced understanding

RTC following mammogram for consultation and follow up plan

Follow up visit to your office 2 weeks later


Mrs. S, a 47 year old female returns to your office to discuss her mammogram and ultrasound results. The results reveal a solid, suspicious nodule. The impression on the mammogram report reads, “These findings are highly suspect for a malignant process and further evaluation is suggested with biopsy”. Mrs. S just falls apart in your office. She has to teenage sons and doesn’t want to die.

You are to write a SOAP note addressing Mrs. S’s health issues, further evaluation, referral, and treatment. Also discuss how you will manage her psychosocial, medical and preventative issues related to her potential diagnosis. This patient has no insurance, address how you will assist her in obtaining care.

Please keep in mind, you just did a complete exam less than a month ago.

You may use the same template you have used in prior classes with your plan and rationale being listed side by side. Please use references when applicable.